The Slug of Slugs (fragment)
Translated from the Sluggish
by Lee Burwasser
Rating -  R if you're a slug, otherwise G
Category -  V
Subcat -  H
Spoilers -  Roadrunners
Keywords -  S/O
Summary  -  Awesome is the Jebuslug
Archive    - anywhere, as long as the name stays with it
Feedback   - sure
Disclaimer - XF characters belong to CC, 1013 and Fox
Rise up, my Vessel, my fair one, and come to me.
Let me hear thy footsteps, let me caress thy back,
for strong are thy footsteps, and thy back is comely.
I sought, but I could not find her;
I called, but she gave me no answer.
Where is my Vessel?
Where is She of the Strong Spine?
Behold, she cometh even now.
Her little feet carry her over the desert.
Thou art fair, my Vessel,
Behold, thou art fair.
The column of thy back is as a limber bow
that wanteth not strength.
The disks thereof are resilient, and do not slip.
The array of thy spinous projections
is as an army with banners.
The articulations of thy ribs
is as the work of a master craftsman.
The flexing of thy vertibrae rejoyceth mine eyestalks.
The play of thy ligaments caresseth my mantle.
Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my Vessel;
Thou hast ravished my heart with one of thy vertibrae,
With one curve of thy column.
A garden enclosed is my sister, my Vessel,
Wherein no salt is laid along the slimetracks.
I am come into my garden, my sister, my Vessel;
The curves of thy column delighteth mine eyestalks,
My mantle caresseth thy vertibrae.
 . . . .
[The rest of the MS fragment is illegible.]
Glory to the JebuSlug : Glory to the Vessel
Yea, though I crawl through the Valley Encrusted With Salt
I fear not dissolution; for Thou art within me.