Outstanding Work : An outstanding essay uses at least three portions of the WebQuest and incorporates material that was not covered in the quest but is related.  Has very few grammatical errors (less than 3 per page).  Has an organizing idea/ strong thesis that is clearly stated.  The first sentence of each paragraph declares the main idea of that paragraph and is then supported with specific evidence from the text i.e. quotations.  The quotations are not used for plot summary.  Demonstrates the ability to compare and contrast or synthesize material i.e. can articulate how the different elements relate within the work.  Lastly, has a conclusion paragraph that does not repeat the introduction paragraph and attempts to answer the question “so what?” to everything argued in the paper.

Solid Work: A solid essay incorporates fewer than three portions of the WebQuest and rarely if ever brings in material besides what was offered by me.  Grammatical errors are fairly frequent but do not interfere with comprehension in a drastic way.  Has an organizing idea but it is slightly vague or too general to be argued.  The first sentences of each paragraph often convey the main idea but not always.  Specific evidence such as quotations are used somewhat sparingly.  The quotes may need more explanation than given, but were strong selections.  Has a conclusion that is a good summation but offers nothing new.

Needs Work Work: Only one aspect of the quest is talked about and no other material is incorporated.  Grammatical errors are sever enough that meaning becomes completely unclear at least once in the paper.  Doesn’t really have an organizing idea and paragraphs do not show a logic break or organization.  No specific evidence is used, or the quotation is used without explanation or as plot summary.  Conclusion simply repeats the introduction.