Cocker Spaniel Rescue of the Mid Plains:-)

UPDATED March 13, 2006
Cockers available from another rescue
Click here to see what is available

Over the years, there have been many many Cocker Rescue groups appear in the US and Canada, and many of them are National rescues.

          This means they can help the cockers nationwide and not just local to their area.

We have rescued and rehomed over 350 Cockers and several non-cockers in the past 2 and 1/2 years we were running.
This was accomplished by 2 people with  occasional
help from some wonderful fosters.

The co-founder, Beth has relocated to Texas and with her obligations can no longer help with the dogs in Missouri.
 The other co-founder, Connie is involved with other matters and cannot carry the load for both Kansas and Missouri.

      Because of all the rescue groups who are active now, we feel that most of them, when divided up as they do, can  help carry the load we have had.
And they have been for awhile now and doing a very successful job of it.

                We both feel that we need a long break from  rescue and therefore will no longer be actively taking in cockers into our Cocker Rescue. 
Although we will no longer be taking dogs into our our rescue, we will still be active behind the scenes.....

We also are listing dogs available from others we know who are needing to place dogs. Some are rescues and some are pets that need rehomed, or dogs available from breeders who need to place something that has been retired or getting out of dogs.

Click here to see what is available.

We will maintain the website and will list dogs available from other rescues and fosters and will continue to take applications and will send them on to the appropriate rescue.

                         We also will forward information about dogs who need rescued or placed.
 Information received from adopters looking for that wonderful cocker will also be forwarded on to our Rescue mailing list whose members are from cocker rescues in the US and Canada.

  We will also maintain our message board for people to list dogs they are looking for as well as rescues who would like to list dogs as well.
We also will maintain links to other rescue orgs, so if you are not listed, please contact Connie with your information, and it will be listed ASAP

We are sorry for any inconvience this may cause, but because the cocker network among rescuers is so large now, we still feel it will be a positive effort.

    We would like to thank all of our adopters, rescue people and kind souls who have helped give all these wonderful Cockers a second chance at life in a forever home.


RESCUE People..
  We have a lot of good forms
      if you are needing any..
    Please feel free to use what you want.
      Just click on the sign




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