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to Ms. Byerly's Apple Unit Page
Who in the world was Johnny Appleseed?  Parents, click here to familiarize yourself with Johnny Appleseed!
The harvest season is one of my favorite times of the year.  Throughout the month of September, we will participate in  several activities that relate to the apple theme.  Following are just a few ideas.

Johnny Appleseed
The Giving Tree
Read The Apple Thief
Make an apple booklet
Learn about the seasons of a tree
Johnny's Journey (Retrace Johnny's steps on a map)
Have an apple tasting party:  dried apples, applesauce, apple juice, fresh apple, apple pie--decide which one(s) we each like the best!
Practice apple math skills:  fractions
                                                                 apple story problems

Here is a simple recipe for Applesauce.

For each quart of peeled and sliced apples, use the following:
1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
pinch of salt

Cook all ingredients until tender.  Mash the apples with a potato masher or electric mixer, adding more sugar if desired.  Serve cold.
Holland, Rachel, Whitney & Jocelyn!  2000
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