We are very excited to report that along with the entire Judaic faculty, we are building a Standard Based curriculum for Chumash.  What does this mean for us?  Well, as a faculty, we have chosen to learn and teach Torah based on particular standards and benchmarks. Using these as springboards, each teacher then builds units are specific "Big Ideas".  
In Kittah Gimel, we approach our text with the following "Big Ideas" in mind:
When God interacts with Biblical characters, their lives are changed.
These interactions still reverberate within us today.
3. Throughout Breishit, God endeavors to perfect the world through human interaction and partnership.
The Land of Israel is central to God's Brit (covenant) with the Jewish people.
We have just begun our studies in Parashat Breishit. It is amazing to us how quickly the children are learning to use the "keys" necessary to unlock the treasure chest that is Torah.  This week, they have learned to look for repeating words as well as certain grammatical structures that recur throughout the Torah.  Each day brings new insight into how God turned tohu vavohu (chaos) into our beautifully ordered world.  We'll keep you posted on our progress!