Welcome to the MrsMyth links page!

Check out some of these interesting sites
and pages ...
My former place of study, adventure, and fun (and my   home) from February 1989 till December 1991.
Mitchell College, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW.
My old workplace (and virtually my home) from January 1992 - November 1999.
Yeoval Central School, NSW, Australia.
My old workplace (and home) from
November 1999 - January 2003.
The Sydney Academy of Sport and
Recreation, at Narrabeen, NSW.
A wonderful organisation I discovered in 2002 is "Toastmasters". It is an educational organisation of volunteers that improves communication through public speaking, listening skills, and leadership. It has been heaps of fun too!
One of my current places of work (and a part time
home) ...
The Cottage by the Sea, at Queenscliffe, Victoria.
Rovers are the senior section of the Scout association for men and women between the ages of 18 to 26. Lots of fun and challenges for those involved ...
A former workplace, and my home for six weeks in 1994.
EF Language Services, Blackrock College, Blackrock, Ireland.
My home and place of learning for 5 months in 1997.
University of Lethbridge, Southern Alberta, Canada.
The Rover Crew I belonged to was 1st Turramurra Rover Crew.
TROTS is the acronym for an unofficial group that have finished being Rover aged, but refuse to let go of the great friendships and experiences that we share.
My place of study, and next to my home, for 6 months in 1997.
Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia.
Email here
Here are some pictures to look at ... !!
Broome 2003