Discussion To Kill A Mockingbird  Chapters 27-31 p. 247-281


Chapter Twenty-Seven  p. 247-254


“Thus began our longest journey together.”


1. Who does Bob Ewell blame for his loss of the WPA job?

2. What happened at Judge Taylor’s house?

3. What two services does Link Daes perform for Helen Robinson because he “felt right bad about the way things turned out”?

4. What event has been added to the fall social calendar in Maycomb?

5. What is Scout’s Halloween costume? What are its chief drawbacks?


Chapter Twenty-Eight  p.254-266


“Run, Scout! Run! Run!”


1. Who scares the Finch children on the way to the pageant?

2. How does Scout’s performance go?

3. What is the first clue that children have that they are not alone on their walk home?

4. Who are the “four people under the tree”?

5. How does Jem get home?

6. What questions does Scout ask again and again?

7. Who is the children’s attacker? How did he die?


Chapter Twenty-Nine  p. 267-270


“ ‘Hey, Boo,’ I said.”


1. What unexpected advantage did the ham outfit supply?

2. What does Boo really look like?


Chapter Thirty  p. 271-276


“Thank you for my children, Arthur.”


1. Who killed Bob Ewell? (Be careful with this one.)

2. What was the murder weapon?

3. What does the switchblade Heck Tate uses for demonstration have to do with all this?


Chapter Thirty-One  p. 277-281


“I had never seen our neighborhood from this angle.”


1. Describe the manner in which Scout walks Boo home?

2. What do you learn about the plot of The Gray Ghost?