Writing Assignment


Anne Frank Remembered


            It is common for many young girls to keep diaries during this very important time in their lives. (Haven’t you kept a diary or a journal of your feelings and experiences?? Over the summer you read about Anne Frank and how Miep observed her growth and maturity while hiding in the Annex during the Nazi occupation. For this assignment, you are going to put yourself in the shoes of the heroine of this novel, Anne Frank.

            You will write one diary entry as if you were Anne (See topic below). The requirements are listed below. In addition to expressing in your writing the appropriate feelings you believe Anne would have, you must also include enough detail from the book about events, other characters, setting, etc., which will show me you have read the book.

REQUIREMENTS: Correct heading format.

                                    Use first person (YOU ARE ANNE).

                                    Use present tense.

                                    Do not use contractions.

                                    Word process your entry.

                                    Double space your writing.

                                    Length should be one-page.

                                    On the due date, place your writing in the correct basket in Rm 214

                                                by the end of break.


TOPIC:                      Imagine that the events in Anne’s life had turned out differently and that the family had not been arrested and taken to a concentration camp. What would Anne’s life have been like, do you think? Write a diary entry assuming the personality of Anne at some point later in her life. What might she be doing and where might she be? Bring in some details from the book which shows what she might like to do.


REMEMBER: Stay in character. Think like Anne from what you have learned about her after reading the book. Also, keep in mind the time period in which Anne lived. In your writing, make it clear how many years have passed since the Nazi occupation. Above all, BE CREATIVE!!! Have fun with this assignment and let yourself get lost in the character of Anne, just like you use to do when you would pretend to be a ballerina as a child (or whatever it was you pretended to be!!! For me, it was a musical actress!!!) HAVE FUN!!!!