Anne Frank Discussion Act II

After reading Act II, answer the following discussion questions and save them in your Anne Frank folder for me to check.


1. How much time passes between Act I and Act II? What alarming news does Mr. Kraler bring in Act II, Scene 1?

2. In Act II, Sc 1, what quality does Peter say he admires in Anne?

3. Describe Anne’s preparations for her visit to Peter in Sc 2. According to Peter, how has Anne changed in the past year?

4. What does Mr. Van Daan do to anger Mrs. Frank in Sc 3, and what does she demand? What does Mr. Frank say is destroying the group?

5. How does Anne explain to Peter the horrible events in the world? What does she ‘still believe, in spite of everything’?

6. Tell how and why the group leaves the attic.

7. What and where does Act II, Sc 5, take place? According to the stage directions, how has Mr. Frank changed from Act I, Sc 1?

8. What does Mr. Frank say about Anne’s attitude in the concentration camp? What hope had he clung to, and what does he ‘know now’?

9. Explain in your own words how Anne changes from Act I to Act II. Do you think she changes for the better? Explain.

10. What do you think Anne’s friendship with Peter means to her? What might she mean to him?

11. Use examples of human weakness from Act II to show how life among the group has grown worse. Nonetheless, what signs of humanity and      courage do you see?

12. Why might Mr. Frank be different in the play’s final scene from the way he was in Act I, Sc   1? Why might he say of Anne, “She puts me to             shame”?

13. Anne says that she wants to go on living even after her death. Has she? Explain.