Mrs. Jones' Kindergarten Class 2004 - 2005

Welcome! This is going to be an exciting 2004-2005 school year as we discover and learn new things together. Please continue to come by and visit us on the web as each month passes and we enter into our various themes! This website is the perfect way to display and share our accomplishments and goals. I would like to offer you different ideas on how to work with your child at home and also provide "fun" activities to do together as a family. Parents, please feel free to share any ideas that you have with me. I will be very careful not to display last names and/or photos without permission. 

Please take the time to look at all the pages on this website. Each page was created to help my students, as well as the parents.  Each month has a specific theme and guides you through all the monthly activities we are doing. 

Please Note: Some pages might take a minute or two to load because of the music and the graphics.  Your patience is appreciated, I truly hope you enjoy this website !



Our Kindergarten Curriculum  











September :  Briyanni

October : Olivia, Edward, Rebecca, Nicolas

November: Desiree, Ashley, Francesca


January : Armand, Carsten

February : Brianna, Valerie

March : Camille, Daniel, Brandon, Andrew

April : Alice

May :  Matthew, Skylar

June : Michelle


August : Sara, Aleena





Click on the Wizard of Oz for some GREAT links !!