Malibu's Most Wanted
"I wasn't hattin' this!"
          Basically, the son of a governor candidate (who live in Malibu) acts like he’s from the hood. His friends act like they’re from the hood and he thinks he’s a rapper. (He’s the schizniz) The campaign planner then decides they have to keep away from the campaign so they try “get the black out of him”. They hire 2 guys who were in a TV promo. They buy some close, get the help from their female cousin, and fake guns. They get the female cousin to get B-Rad (aka Brad) to take her home to Compton. Then the 2 actors carjack him. They have him steal some beer from a 7-11 if he has to rob the place, This is a pretty funny scene. He goes to a free style place. He finds out the kidnapping is a fake. He joins a gang. The kidnappers discover he really acts the way he does because that’s who he is and they can’t change him. Some funny stuff. The dad comes  to rescue him and his friends from Malibu come with their own weapons. One has a harpoon gun, another a musket, and a Middle Eastern guy has a rocket launcher (a present from one of his uncles)
             This had a lot of laughs. It proves once again, white guys acting like black people is funny. (ex. Bringing down the house) Jamie Kennedy sometimes looks like he’s 27 and too old. Many good laughs with the kidnappers and B-Rads friends. This is a lot like Derek Zoolanders friends/roommates in Zoolander. It works thou. After he shoots with 2 uzi's  witht some people doing a drive by, a guy asks whered he learn to do that. He says Grand Theft Auto 3. The the guys ays he has DreamCube in a funny conversation. Very good for a good laugh.

Grade:  B+

Should you see it?  Yes