Hands-On Learning

In Kindergarten it is very important to keep the attention of the students. Five and six year olds cannot be expected to sit and listen to teachers that teach at them! At this stage of development it is very important to provide an environment that is based on movement, involvement and interaction. Everything we do in kindergarten should involve the children actively learning! I like to believe that I am a Tour Guide helping my tourists experience wonderful new adventures in education!! As a guide and facilitator I can lead my students to learning by providing an environment that invites the children to use all their senses and learning styles.

I believe the classroom environment and your attitude make a huge difference in the ways your students learn!! If your classroom is organized so that every little thing is hidden in drawers and cabinets the children will not be as curious as they would if you had placed the manipulatives out in the open and gave the children time for free exploration in the mornings when they first come into the building.

There are many ways to incorporate hands-on child centered learning into the kindergarten program. When you begin your day include a song with movement instead of just singing, have a special time of the day for free choice or what I like to call Exploration Stations. When doing the calendar give the months of the year to twelve different children so they can organize them while the other children assist. During math and science time do not just tell them about how plants grow have them learn by experimentation (Do plants really need water?? Ask your little scientists and have them find out through experimentation!!) instead of giving all the secrets away!!! These are just a few ideas, and I am sure that anyone can come up with hundreds of ideas just by thinking like a child. What do I mean think like a child??? Well, I believe we reveal too many of the secrets of life to our students through talking instead of showing and doing!

When you were a child think about what you remember the most, was it the time your dad talked about going to Disney Land or was it actually going to Disney Land??? Well I remember going to Disney Land!! Think about that inservice you had last month where you just sat and listened for almost eight hours. If you are anything like me you were probably listening while you doodled or wrote down ideas for your next theme and about every five to ten minutes you could not help to look at the clock or the watch while you fidgeted in your chair. (We are not that much different from our students!!) During the meeting I was doing all of the things I ask my children not to do!! But I think that if the inservice had included several demonstrations and hands-on activities I would not have had time to think about if it was time for lunch because my mind would have been processing and constructing new knowledge!

I strongly believe that children and adults remember and retain knowledge better when they learn by doing! My class will not be spending a lot of time working on dittos or worksheets we will be experiencing and actively learning. So, do not be surprised if you walk into our room and you hear the children talking and see them moving around the room; the room might look like chaos but that is what I believe learning is all about!!! We will be learning and having great adventures along the way:)

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