
Process Writing

Fix It




Bulletin Boards

Classroom Management


Social Studies









Poem of the Week


Home Learning Projects

Welcome to my classroom website for teachers. My name is Michael Moore and I am a graduate of Brock University (B.A. 1989, B.Ed. 1992) and the
University of Guelph (MA, Applied Child Development, 1992). I am an elementary teacher with the Toronto District School Board in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
I currently teach grade three. Over the past 12 years, I have taught Junior and Senior Kindergarten and grades 1 to 4, as well as Language Resource.

My classroom is divided into centres - areas where materials are stored for specific subjects and acitvities. There are centres for Math, Art, Writing, Reading, Listening, Science and Social Studies. There is also a computer station, book centre, as well as a large carpet in the centre of the room for class meetings and lessons. Students work at tables rather than desks. This type of seating is effective with both cooperative and independent work, and gives space for special activities which desks do not easily accomodate. Some students also choose to work on the carpet and there is a class set of clipboards. Students usually have free choice of where to sit and I encourage them to sit in different places and to work near different people. Of course talking is discouraged at times and students generally do not have difficulty working quietly (e.g. while I am doing a reading group on thecarpet) because we practise this at the beginning of the school year.

Writing supplies are stored at the writing centre and shared by students. Some students bring in their own supplies, but in general they use my materials (markers, pencils, crayons, glue sticks, paper, scissors, rulers, erasers etc.). This shared use of materials helps to build cooperation and responsibility in the classroom.

In order to keep our room organized, students are given jobs and throughout the day they must keep the room tidy. To keep papers and assignments etc. organized, students have three pocket folders - math, writing and daily plan. Students' math and writing work is stored in the math and writing folders, and incomplete work from other subjects is stored in the daily plan folders. The folders are stored in blue bins at the centres. I have my own math and writing files/portfolios for each child, in which their completed work is kept during the school year. I believe it is important to display students' work throughout the room as a CELEBRATION of their learning. When displayed work is taken down, I often make it into class books which can be borrowed by the students and shared with parents. Parents are able to write comments at the back of the books.

Our 2002 Open House Activities

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but I might not be able
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immediately or directly.


[Process Writing]

[Fix It]




[Bulletin Boards]

(Classroom Management)


(Social Studies)









Poem of the Week


Home Learning Projects

Copyright © 2001 Michael Moore