// I've been sitting quietly (more or less so) in the Padorn Inn
// I thought to leave soon again, but it turned out different.

A blond-haired blue-eyed male elf dances in.
You look up to the blond-haired blue-eyed male elf.
Blond-haired blue-eyed male elf.
He is normal and skinny for an elf.
He looks attractive.
He is in good shape.
He is somewhat exhausted.
He is wearing an elven ringmail, a golden ring, a metal target shield, a
money belt and a pair of leg plates.
You guess he is wearing an emerald ring, a golden ring and a warm wool
shirt additionally.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, the blond-haired blue-eyed male elf, tid you
knoow schaat sse casshedal of Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
The blond-haired blue-eyed male elf smiles and greets you!
You already know someone of that name.
The blond-haired blue-eyed male elf nods solemnly.
You already know someone of that name.
Ganryu nods solemnly to the blond-haired blue-eyed male elf.

You hear the Cathedral Bells chime for 10 o'clock.

The cuckoo comes out of his clock:

// cursed be that blasted clock :)

Elfc sings in xyllic: greeting's
You say in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockheart, Shinu of Koranishaxx.
Elfc greets Elfb.
Wishbone dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Elfc looks at Elfb.
It gets lighter.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Wishbone, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
Elfb tilts her head, peering at you with interest
Wishbone smiles and greets you!
You greet Wishbone.  How friendly!
Elfc sings in xyllic: hi cake
Elfc nods solemnly.
Batboy dances in.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Batboy, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
You greet Batboy.  How friendly!
Wishbone greets Batboy.
Elfc sings in xyllic: hi batboy
Batboy sings in xyllic: Re.
Elfb asks you in xyllic: Then perhaps you could tell me more about your Lady?

//nearly did I miss that, with all this greeting goind on. Would have been a boring
//day then - only fighting and killing...

You smile at Elfb.
Wishbone asks Batboy in xyllic: have you seen Spirou lately?
You say to Elfb in xyllic: I'd be please to.
You stand up and leave the table.
Batboy sadly shakes his head at Wishbone.
You sit down at the massive wooden table in the center of the room.
You ask Elfb in xyllic: Might I know yer name first?
Wishbone raises her arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Elfb's expression brightens
Batboy is suddenly surrounded with a dark indigo aura.
Elfc whispers something to Batboy.
Batboy smiles.
Elfb sings to you in xyllic: Oh..of course..i am Lyneth
Batboy goes hmmmm.
You changed your memory to Lyneth.
Wishbone says to Batboy in xyllic: first time it worked!
Elfc nods solemnly to Batboy.
Wishbone smiles to herself.
Lyneth looks at you.
 Talonara: Who's that male elf, blond hairs, that came in?
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Batboy asks Elfc in xyllic: Did you write applications to the Warlords and
the Shogun yet?
Tanari seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
You look at Lyneth.
Lyneth is a slant-eyed slender female elf, presenting herself as:
Lyneth, female elf.
She is short and lean for an elf.
She looks hideous.
She is in good shape.
She is extremely alert.
She is wearing a battle-helmet, an elven ringmail, an emerald ring, a
greenish metal medallion and a sash.
Wishbone looks at Elfc.
Elfc sings in xyllic: yes i did. i talked with them long time ago.
Wishbone smiles at Elfc.
 Ganryu: Racster a bard
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, what do yer wanna know?
Elfc smiles at Wishbone.
 Ganryu: who wants to be a satai
You changed your memory to Racster.
Racster sings in xyllic: how are you cake?
Ganryu looks at Racster.
Racster nods solemnly.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Ok, I will handle it, Racster.
 Talonara: Thanks.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Everything?

// At least she's not demanding ;)

Racster sings in xyllic: thankyou very much batboy.
You smile amusedly.
Lyneth grins
Racster smiles friendly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Got lots of time?
You grin slightly.
Racster looks at you.
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: What do you know already?
Racster looks at Lyneth.
Racster nods solemnly.
A falcon swoops down on you.
It lands at your feet and transforms into a fierce warrior.
He starts to speak with a thundering voice:
I shall tell you from Worf:

        thank you for your concern for Muerk safty, I would have understood
        if you had stepped in on his behalf..

after delivering his message he transforms again into a falcon and flies away.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Hmmm...well...i have heard the tale of
her coming to be..short about her ways..but i would like to know more..so far
i got one persons view..
Wishbone looks at the dark indigo disc.
Wishbone ponders the situation.
Wishbone starts moving south.
Wishbone skips out south.
A disc hovers out.
Racster sits down to rest a while.
It gets darker.
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
Ganryu sings in xyllic: I shall return shortly
Ganryu bows sharply.
Batboy concentrates on his emerald ring.  The ring flashes brightly, then
returns to its normal colour.
Ganryu starts moving east.
Ganryu skips out east.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Particulary i would like to know more
about the old ones..and your guild
You get a mystical necklace.
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Worf: Well, I didn't wanna start a fight with yer, but I saw him as bein'
        heavily outclassed. Might be that it would have been a bit rash, but so
        what, I am rash..
You put a mystical necklace into the backpack.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well..
Racster says to Batboy in xyllic: i talked to griffin time ago. but i didn't
hear nothing from him, yet
You mumble in xyllic: Where to start...
Batboy nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Yer know about our five gods, I guess.
Batboy sings in xyllic: I will force a decision.
A falcon swoops down on you.
It lands at your feet and transforms into a fierce warrior.
He starts to speak with a thundering voice:
I shall tell you from Worf:

        yes that was the point I was trying to teach the idiot, You do not
        make insults unless you have the muscle to back them up

after delivering his message he transforms again into a falcon and flies away.
Racster nods solemnly.
Racster smiles understandingly.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Ok, I will move on then.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Take care all!
Batboy waves happily.
Racster waves happily.
Batboy starts moving south.
Batboy skips out south.
Racster sings in xyllic: take care
At your table, you say in xyllic: Akai-Kurushi stumbled upon da Old Ones by
accident, like, an' gathered four other gods 'round Him to help Him defeat da
Old Ones.
At your table, you say in xyllic: So far, 'em banished 'em from this here
realms once, but I fear 'em might come back any moment.
Lyneth listens carefully
Racster listens.
Racster nods solemnly.
Racster sings in xyllic: lyneth, what's up? *nod*
At your table, you say in xyllic: There's certain signs about 'em comin', and
when yer look closely, ye'll see 'em all around yer.
Lyneth furrows her brow, peering at you
At your table, you say in xyllic: Koranishaxx is the one in da Alliance that
negates da undead aspect of da Old Ones, fer 'em controll undead, and I think
'em might be undead 'emselves.
Racster looks at Lyneth.
Lyneth says to Racster in xyllic: Interested in knowledge i am..listening..
Racster smiles at Lyneth.
Ganryu dances in.
You ask Racster in xyllic: Wanna listen to me too, sit with us.
Racster sings in xyllic: hi ganryu
Racster nods solemnly.
Ganryu nods solemnly to Racster.
Ganryu looks at the tables.
Ganryu sits down at the bar.
Racster stretches his legs and stands up gracefully.
Racster sits down at your table.
Ganryu stands up and leaves the bar.
Ganryu sits down at your table.
Ganryu grins slightly.
You smile at Ganryu.
Racster nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Someone said..that it might all be a
ruse...that there's no signs of these old ones..
At your table, you say in xyllic: Where was I..
You smile slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Da touch of da Old Ones on our world
At your table, Racster says in xyllic: sorry....about what are you talking? i
just arrived...:-)
Racster nods solemnly to you.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Da Split was in fact forced by da Old Ones
to weaken us.
Lyneth blinks
You say to Racster in xyllic: About da Order of Warshrikes, and their reasons
to exist.
Racster nods solemnly.
Lyneth asks in xyllic: The split?
At your table, you say in xyllic: Ye surely have heard of da so-called
Warriors of Asgoth.
Lyneth nods solemnly.
Racster smiles understandingly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Marcais was a shrike once, followin' Asgoth.
Racster listens.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..
At your table, you say in xyllic: A demon appeared to him, claimin' to be his
god, and that He don't wanna be part of da Alliance anymore.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Thus Marcais bewitched an' enchanted other
shrikes to follow him an' form a new "guild".
You say in xyllic: Da Asgoth 'em worship is but a demon, not a god.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I've heard about the demon..that i
have...but they dont think it to be a demon..right?
At your table, you say in xyllic: And Marcais himself was led astray by da
Old Ones.
You shake your head in disagreement.
At your table, you say in xyllic: 'em are blind that 'em don't see it.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Who knows, perhaps it's an Old One in
Lyneth arches a brow
At your table, you say in xyllic: 'em are mightily powerful, an' noone
unnerstood 'em so far.
Racster nods slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: That's why we've been at war with da AW
time an' again.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: It seems to be as a worthy goal..to
fight something terrible as the old ones..IF they excist..i am having trouble
to be really sure...
You smile sadly.
You hear the Cathedral Bells chime for 11 o'clock.

// I'll cut the cuckoo from here on..

At your table, you say in xyllic: That's true fer most people.
Tanari seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Yet, their presence is to be felt all
around us, and most in a undeads.
Racster asks in xyllic: blue-haired dark-skinned male elf may i know your
Lyneth wrinkles her nose
Racster nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: When their touch on da world tightens, war,
struggle an' strife will become more common.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Havnt seen any undeads...either theyre
alive..or very dead
Lyneth nods slowly.

At your table, you say in xyllic: What, never been on CB graveyard at night?
You grin slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Beware, don't do.
Racster grins slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Souls abound.
Lyneth shudders
Tanari sings in xyllic: I am Tanari
At your table, you say in xyllic: 'em are hard to defeat, an' go beyond me
abilities, I admit.
Racster nods solemnly to Tanari.
Racster looks at Tanari.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: No..i wouldnt go there..i mean..not that i think
there are..but still..
At your table, you say in xyllic: But even at day you'll meet walkin'
skeletons there, an' vampires.
Lyneth's eyes widens
You ask in xyllic: What, yer don't believe in undead?
At your table, Racster says in xyllic: i was there....but with some
other...enki you know her? *nod*
You ask in xyllic: Shall I introduce ye to some?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I thought..i thought..
You nod solemnly to Racster.
Lyneth blushes, looking embarased
Racster nods solemnly.
You smile at Lyneth.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: thought someone had some fun with
me..trying to scare me
At your table, you say in xyllic: No, da undead are a real danger. Not only a
Racster nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: We shrikes used to be able to feel da touch
of da Old Ones on 'em.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: Not so now..?
At your table, you say in xyllic: We can't anymore.
You shake your head in disagreement.
At your table, you say in xyllic: An' that's not because 'em left.
You smile grimly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Why not then...?
Lyneth glancers over at Tanari
At your table, you say in xyllic: I suspect that da Old Ones try to weaken
our link to our gods.
At your table, you say in xyllic: So we aren't able to pull on Their strength
A lean green-eyed female elf dances in.
You look up to the lean green-eyed female elf.
Lean green-eyed female elf.
You notice a scar on her left cheek.
She is tall and skinny for an elf.
She looks beautiful.
She is in good shape.
She is very alert.
She is wearing a golden ring, a greenish metal medallion, a large backpack,
a long coat of mail and a pair of leather bracers.
You guess she is wearing a black leather suit, a golden ring and a snake
suit additionally.
Ganryu looks up to the lean green-eyed female elf.
Racster looks at Tanari.
Ganryu nods solemnly to Elfb.
Elfb smiles softly.
Elfb starts moving south.
Elfb skips out south.
 Talonara: Who was that?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I...might i ask a personal
question...how come you ended up with the shrikes..what made you believe?
 Ganryu: Shira thief
You changed your memory to Shira.
Racster nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, I have to admit I started to believe
only after I joined.
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's been many a year since then, an'
things have changed a great deal.
At your table, you say in xyllic: If I'd ask someone da questions I've been
asked on my first promotion test, I'd be laughed at.
You smile.
Ganryu looks at you.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Mostly I joined because da military order
appealed to me, an' da goddess too.
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
You smile softly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: How come?
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, da one who asked me da promotion
tests was in love with me.
You smile.
Lyneth grins amusedly
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's hard to keep private and business
apart, when yer deal with yer love in da same guild.
You emote: Talonara stares into space a moment, a shadow crossing her face.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I know little about that...but it
might be, yes
At your table, you say in xyllic: I won't go further into that.
You smile sadly.
Lyneth tilts her head, glancing at you
At your table, you say in xyllic: You might get ta know it too soon anyway.
Lyneth looks curious and about to ask, after a moment she nods slowly,
clearly thinking better of it than to ask
Racster smiles softly.
Tanari seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
You emote: Talonara looks quite thoughtful for a moment.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: I might tell you, in a quiet moment.
You smile slightly at Lyneth.
 Kors: greetings.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, that more..
At your table, you say in xyllic: More questions?
Lyneth blushes, smiling a little foolishly
 Ganryu: Greetings Korsario
 Talonara: Greetings, o Shinu.
 Kors: *bops talonara*
 Talonara: What do yer think of her, Ganryu?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I..well..what if i find it to my
liking...would i be able to join...?
At your table, Racster says in xyllic: i have to leave you. take care lyneth,
ganryu and talonara
Racster nods solemnly.
 Kors: her?
Racster waves happily.
Racster stands up and leaves your table.
At your table, you say in xyllic: You'd have to approach a Shinu..
You grin slightly.
Lyneth blinks
At your table, you say in xyllic: An' proove that you're earnest.
 Ganryu: have you asked her what god she is interested in?
Lyneth sings in xyllic: A what..?
Racster waves happily.
Racster starts moving south.
Racster skips out south.
Lyneth looks worried
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Its not some kind of monster, is it?
At your table, you say in xyllic: You'll have to have faith in all of our
four gods, and believe most in one  of them.
At your table, you say in xyllic: A Shinu, highest rank below Jitsua.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Jitsua is guildleader, and Akai-Kurushi in
 Ganryu: ive spoken to her a bit before, i have questions as to
her warrior spirit
A red-haired green-eyed female human arrives.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Shinu ye get one fer each other god, so we
got four, all in all.
 Talonara: Yes, that's my impression too.
The red-haired green-eyed female human smiles and greets you!
 Kors: who are you talking about?
 Kors: jerome please open door
The red-haired green-eyed female human looks at the tables.
Ganryu nods solemnly to the red-haired green-eyed female human.
 Talonara: But after all, if she doesn't pass KiAme test, she
can be persuaded to leave again.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh...i..i must believe in *all* of
them..approve of...everything?
 Talonara: Alya left on her own again too.
The red-haired green-eyed female human sits down at the bar.
Lyneth grimaces, looking troubled
 Ganryu: *nod*
You smile slightly.
Kulan stomps in.
It gets lighter.
The red-haired green-eyed female human looks at the cuckooclock.
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's hard to approve of _everthing_,
Kulan stands to attention and puts fist to heart in a salute.
Kulan sits down at the bar.
Tanari looks at the red-haired green-eyed female human.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I had many an argue with Griz about da
Kulan starts to breathe deeply.
The red-haired green-eyed female human greets Kulan.
Lyneth nods politely to the red-haired green-eyed female human.
 Ganryu: Kors, we are speaking with a female elf who is
interested in the Shrikes
Tanari raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
Kulan says in xyllic: Hello, everyone.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Da only argument we had, in fact.
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
 Kors: her name?
You greet Kulan.  How friendly!
 Talonara: Lyneth
 Talonara: And she's mine!
 Talonara: You got yours yesterday.
 Kors: btw, talo, how did dragorn do his start on the guild?
 Kors: *smirks*
 Kors: all yours...
You look at the red-haired green-eyed female human.
Red-haired green-eyed female human is sitting at the bar.
You notice a scar on her left cheek.
She is tall and skinny for a human.
She looks fine.
She is in good shape.
She is somewhat tired.
She is wielding a wooden lute.
She is wearing an elven ringmail, a golden amulet, a golden ring, a large
backpack, a lyre shaped silver earring, a pair of leather leggings, a
scabbard belt (with a bards rapier and a main-gauche sheathed inside) and a
soft cloak.
You guess she is wearing nothing additionally.
Lyneth asks Ganryu in xyllic: How about you...?
You say in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockheart, Shinu of Koranishaxx.
Ganryu asks Lyneth in xyllic: yes?
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh
 Talonara: Very well.
Tanari sings in xyllic: I am Tanari
Kulan says in xyllic: I'm Kulan Do'Urden, Warlord of the Satai, Apprentice
Smith, Member of the Padorn Merchants, Judge of Stone Mountains, and
Worshipper of Rokoon.
Arnal says in xyllic: I'm Arnal.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: I'm Gordon.
Lyneth glares a little accusingly at you
You raise your eyebrow at Lyneth.
The red-haired green-eyed female human says in xyllic: I'm Gwynnedd.
 Kors: btw, the robe I had isnt a custom robe talo ;)
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I almost called you a monster
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: What?
 Talonara: So what.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: *You* are a shinu
 Kors: just a commentary
You grin slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: So I am.
 Kors: but you were right in your note
You ask in xyllic: Why monster?
You emote: Talonara looks confused.
Kulan takes five platinum coins from the backpack.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I didnt know what a Shinu was..
Shigure arrives.
It gets lighter.
You grin slightly.
Kulan buys a ration.
Kulan eats a ration.
Shigure smiles at Lyneth.
Kulan buys a ration.
Kulan eats a ration.
Kulan buys a ration.
Kulan drops a ration.
You look at Kulan.
Kulan is a black-eyed dark-skinned male dwarf, presenting himself as:
Kulan, male dwarf.
You see a short, stocky and quite muscular dwarf. His cheeks seem slightly
ruddy. His eyes shine like the finest coal. His skin is of a deep dark tan. 
His black hair hangs down to his waist, supported by a headband.
You notice his well groomed mustache and long beard.
You notice a scar on his right cheek.
He is normal and fat for a dwarf.
He looks like the image of perfection.
He is in good shape.
He is extremely alert.
He is wearing a black cloak with silver trim, a blackish silver bracelet, a
dwarven helmet, two golden rings, a large scabbard (with a black tschekal
sheathed inside), a medium backpack, an official judge badge, a pair of
black leather boots, a pair of gloves, a sash and a shiny black earring
with a pearl.
You guess he is wearing nothing additionally.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Hungry dwarf.
You grin slightly.
Ganryu asks Lyneth in xyllic: whom did you call a monster?
Kulan looks at you.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: You said, meet a shinu, prove my
worth...i..sometimes got a vivid imagination..and..
 Talonara: Huh. He looks good.
Gwynnedd looks at the trashbin.
Ganryu sings in xyllic: oh
Kulan says to you in xyllic: Ma'am.
You guffaw loudly, like a badass warrior should!
A little green monster lurks out of the trashbin.
The little green monster grumbles: Feed me with glass!

// Erh.. if I'm a monster, what is that one??

Kulan nods politely to you.
Ganryu grins slightly.
You laugh wildly.
Kulan drops a brass key, four platinum coins and three gold coins into the
You grin broadly at Lyneth.
Kulan wrinkles his forehead.
Lyneth sings to Ganryu in xyllic: I didn't really..
Ganryu nods solemnly to Lyneth.
Lyneth blushes but can't help but laugh too
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: No need to proove yer fightin' prowess, you'll
get much better when ye was made shrike.
Ganryu nods solemnly.
Wishbone dances in.
A disc hovers in.
It gets lighter.
Lyneth sighs
Shigure blinks.
Kulan looks at Lyneth.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: But ye needa proove yerself in yer earnestness.
Ganryu sings in xyllic: Faith is much more important
Kulan wrinkles his forehead.
Kulan asks Lyneth in xyllic: shrike?
Gwynnedd looks at Kulan.
Wishbone looks at Lyneth.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I sure hope so...i've paid a fortune
to that lousy trainer..and i will start to scream robbery soon
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: In yer willingness to suffer, and sacrifice.
You smile at Lyneth.
Wishbone raises her arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Shigure whispers something to Lyneth.
Kulan stands up and leaves the bar.
Kulan stands to attention and puts fist to heart in a salute.
Kulan says in xyllic: Please excuse me.
Kulan starts moving south.
Kulan stomps south.
It gets darker.
Lyneth glances around ' I..yes..i've been thinking about it for a long time..'
Wishbone looks at the medium backpack.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Our reason to exist is to do all possible
to defeat da Old Ones.
Shigure ponders the situation.
At your table, you say in xyllic: And sometimes da impossible.
Wishbone takes a long, wooden staff from the backpack.
Shigure nods thoughtfully.
Wishbone looks at the long, wooden staff.
At your table, you say in xyllic: As I like to say, life as KiDoo, lowest
rank, ain't easy.
Gwynnedd looks at you.
At your table, you say in xyllic: But as compensation, it will get harder
when yer raise in ranks.
You smile.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I was a little put off at
first...since..i..first learned about your gods and guild..
Ganryu grins slightly.
You ask in xyllic: How that?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: From a friend..and i didnt know and
got a nasty surprise...
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
Lyneth bites her lower lip
Shigure puts two silver estocs into the backpack.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Would yer explain yerself a bit more
Tanari looks at Lyneth.
Ganryu looks at Lyneth.
You emote: Talonara looks confused.
Wishbone's facial features become tense for a moment.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I'm but an old dwarf.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I even need a notepad ta write down me
Osbourne stomps in.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Osbourne, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: She said..turn around..and i did..all
the time..then someone told me..
 Kors: where ar eyou talo?
Osbourne smiles and greets you!
You greet Osbourne.  How friendly!
 Talonara: Padorn Inn.
Gwynnedd greets Osbourne.
 Kors: interviewing?
Ganryu looks up to Osbourne.
Lyneth frowns, smirking at her own foolish ways
 Talonara: Hmm, more like informin'.
Ganryu nods solemnly to Osbourne.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Forgive me..i'm not making sense, am i?
Wishbone smiles at Osbourne.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Ye have ta stop turnin' some day.
You grin slightly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I did...and the friend i am talking
about..she's following Xogina..
You smile amusedly.
You ask in xyllic: Who is it?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Ce'nedra
At your table, you say in xyllic: Our Xogina ones are really special.
You nod understandingly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, I didn't see Ce'nedra fer a long time
Lyneth smiles wryly
At your table, you say in xyllic: I guess lots have changed for her.
At your table, you say in xyllic: We even accept male Xoginas now.
Osbourne starts moving south.
Osbourne stomps south.
At your table, you say in xyllic: That shocked her!
You grin slightly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I talked with her just the other day..
Lyneth laughs
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Else i thought she likes males
Tanari's facial features become tense for a moment.
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Oh, all Xoginas like males, da female ones
at least.
You smile.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: If you will excuse me..i have an
errand to run..
Lyneth stands up and leaves your table.
Lyneth curtseys gracefully.
You nod solemnly.
Lyneth starts moving south.
Lyneth skips out south.
Shigure says in xyllic: Er...
You get a mystical necklace.
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Lyneth: Come back soon, I wanna continue our talk.
You put a mystical necklace into the backpack.
You look up to Shigure.
Shigure is a young male human with lavender hair, presenting himself as:
Shigure, male human.
He has sharp, finely-crafted facial features, but curiously spiked-back
lavender hair and eyes of the same weird hue.  His body looks as lean
as his face, thin as whipcord and modestly muscled from combat.
You notice scars on his nose, left hand, right hand and left cheek.
He is normal and lean for a human.
He looks unpleasant.
He is in good shape.
He is extremely alert.
He is wearing a badge, a black leather boots, a dragon-shaped curved
earpiece with a pearl, a flowing lavender robe, a large backpack and a sash.
You guess he is wearing nothing additionally.
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
You ponder the situation.
 You hear something that sounds like SCREETCH... from the south.
You ask Shigure in xyllic: What guild are ye, by da way?
Ganryu looks up to Shigure.
Ganryu pokes Shigure in the ribs.
Shigure says in xyllic: ...I would have thought that she would have been
anything, but seeing her ask to be a Warshrike was absolutely the last thing
on my list...
Wishbone eats a cream cake.
Shigure says in xyllic: Ow...sorry.
Shigure says to you in xyllic: Nothing worth mentioning, miss.

// That means pickpocket, usually. *grin*

You say in xyllic: Well, she didn't strike me quite like da warrior type
You say in xyllic: But I'm willing to try.
You smile.
Ganryu shrugs nonchalantly.
Shigure says in xyllic: Mmm...that wasn't what I meant...
Shigure looks thoughtful.
You say in xyllic: I'd take any KiDoo I get, we can throw 'em out later, if
'em aren't in da right guild.
You grin broadly.
Ganryu smiles slightly.
You nod understandingly.
Wishbone chuckles politely.
You say in xyllic: She doesn't seem to be da fighter type, much less a
religious fighter type.
Shigure says in xyllic: ...from talking with her in the past, I am
just...okay, shocked.
You say in xyllic: She's no fanatic.
Shigure nods quietly.
Ganryu asks Shigure in xyllic: why is that?
Shira dances in.
Shira sits down to rest a while.
You greet Shira.  How friendly!
Tanari looks at Shira.
Shira smiles softly.
Shigure yells to Ganryu in xyllic: She was a little...put off by the
sacrificing, let's say.
Wishbone lifts her hand and a sweet lemon appears.
Ganryu grins slightly.
Ganryu nods solemnly to Shigure.
Shigure says in xyllic: I support her fully...but I just wonder what she's
Wishbone puts a long, wooden staff into the backpack.
You say in xyllic: Well, she won't get accepted on da spur of a moment.
Shigure says to you in xyllic: But, it is as you say; you will see.
Shigure nods quietly.
You say in xyllic: But I'll give anyone a chance to proove herself worth a
 Kors: could you tell wishbone that I'm veggie?
Shigure nods quietly.
You say to Wishbone in xyllic: Kors' veggie.
 Talonara: Done.
Shigure says in xyllic: I just worry about her.
Wishbone nods sadly.
Shigure sits down at the small table near the entrance.
Shigure smiles at Shira.
You say to Shigure in xyllic: We'll do our best, all of us, that she doesn't
come to harm.
Wishbone asks you in xyllic: any idea where he is?
Shigure yells to Shira in xyllic: And I'm sorry I didn't say hello, earlier.
You say to Shigure in xyllic: And if she finds out that she made a mistake,
we won't hold no grudge against her.
 Talonara: Where are you, Kors?
 Kors: leading padorn now
Shira stretches her legs and stands up gracefully.
Shira starts moving south.
Shira skips out south.
Shigure nods thoughtfully.
Tanari stands up and leaves the small table near the entrance.
Tanari starts moving south.
Tanari skips out south.
You say in xyllic: Comin' to Padorn.
Shigure says in xyllic: I...think I understand, a little, actually.  Did she
ask you about Koranishaxx?
 Talonara: Come to Padorn Inn please.
 Kors: kay
You say in xyllic: Well, she didn't get as far.
You grin slightly.
Shigure goes hmmmm.
Shigure nods solemnly.
You say in xyllic: I jus' explained about da guild in general.
Shigure says in xyllic: Then maybe I do not.  ^_^  Well, it's her choice. 
Maybe we can talk later.
Wishbone offers a sweet orange to Gwynnedd.
You ask Shigure in xyllic: You do not - what, ask me about Koranishaxx?
Wishbone gives a sweet orange to Gwynnedd.
Lyneth dances in.
You look at Gwynnedd.
Gwynnedd is a red-haired green-eyed female human, presenting herself as:
Gwynnedd, female human.
You notice a scar on her left cheek.
She is tall and skinny for a human.
She looks fine.
She is in good shape.
She is extremely alert.
She is wielding a wooden lute.
She is wearing an elven ringmail, a golden amulet, a golden ring, a large
backpack, a lyre shaped silver earring, a pair of leather leggings, a
scabbard belt (with a bards rapier and a main-gauche sheathed inside) and a
soft cloak.
You guess she is wearing nothing additionally.
Gwynnedd thanks Wishbone.
Wishbone smiles at Gwynnedd.
Lyneth sits down at your table.
Shigure shakes his head at you.
Ganryu sings to you in xyllic: understand he means
Wishbone says to Gwynnedd in xyllic: you looked like you could use refreshment
Gwynnedd looks at a sweet orange.
Wishbone smiles at Gwynnedd.
You smile at Lyneth.
Wishbone looks at the cuckooclock.
Lyneth glances around
Lyneth smiles.
Shigure smiles at Lyneth.
Gwynnedd eats a sweet orange.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Forgive me..something came up
Wishbone waves happily in your direction.
Arnal waves happily in Wishbone's direction.
Shigure waves quietly.
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: What do yer wanna know further?
Wishbone starts moving south.
Wishbone skips out south.
A disc hovers out.
It gets darker.
You get a mystical necklace.
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Wishbone: Be well, Wishbone. Walk in the Light.
You put a mystical necklace into the backpack.
Kors arrives.
It gets lighter.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Kors, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
Kors says in xyllic: greetings.
Shigure greets Kors.
Kors bows silently.
Shigure looks up to Kors.
You say in xyllic: Ye missed her by seconds.
Gwynnedd looks at the wooden lute.
You jump up and slap hands in a cool high-five with Kors!
                        Cool man!!                     
Ganryu stands up and leaves your table.
Ganryu bows sharply.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh...you say it is difficult..to be in
your guild?
Kors jumps up and slaps hands in a cool hi-five with Ganryu!
Gwynnedd starts tuning her lute.
Kors jumps up and slaps hands with you in a cool high-five!
Ganryu jumps up and slaps hands in a cool hi-five with Kors!
Kors smiles at Shigure.
Ganryu sits down at your table.
At your table, you say in xyllic: To be honest, not more than in others I
~~ PLOING!! ~~
Kors goes hmmmm.
Kors shudders.
Lyneth nods slowly.
~~ PLOING!! ~~
Kors says in xyllic: err..
~~ PLOING!! ~~
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: So far i've learned ab..
~~ PLOING!! ~~
Shigure looks at Gwynnedd.
At your table, you say in xyllic: As in all guilds, ye have superiors to
obey, things to think of..
Kors closes his ears.
Kors says in xyllic: what the hell is that?
Gwynnedd stops tuning her instrument.
You look at Gwynnedd.
Gwynnedd is a red-haired green-eyed female human, presenting herself as:
Gwynnedd, female human.
You notice a scar on her left cheek.
She is tall and skinny for a human.
She looks fine.
She is in good shape.
She is extremely alert.
She is wielding a wooden lute.
She is wearing an elven ringmail, a golden amulet, a golden ring, a large
backpack, a lyre shaped silver earring, a pair of leather leggings, a
scabbard belt (with a bards rapier and a main-gauche sheathed inside) and a
soft cloak.
You guess she is wearing a nicely cut grey shirt additionally.
Shigure chuckles politely.
Kors smiles slightly.
Gwynnedd excuses herself for her rude behaviour.
Kors looks at Shigure.
Gwynnedd stands up and leaves the bar.
Gwynnedd starts moving up.
Gwynnedd leaves up.
Kors snickers.
You laugh silently.
Shigure gets a gem from the pouch.
Shigure concentrates on his gem.
Shigure puts a gem into the pouch.
Kors sits down at your table.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: horrible sound
You smile at Kors.
You ask in xyllic: Have ye met Korsario yet?
Kors looks at Lyneth.
At your table, you say in xyllic: He's Shinu of Asgoth.
Sinking, you are surrounded by the absolute darkness of a thousand
moonless nights. You see a silver-white star appear, curving light
over the horizon. As the world grows brighter, the soft voice of
Wishbone whispers:

        Thanks. :)

With a flash, the star bursts, the sky impossibly bright, and then
there is nothing left.
Kors says in xyllic: hi elf.
Kors says in xyllic: I'm Korsario, Khun-Matar. Shinu of Asgoth, Paladin of
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I dont know..
You get a mystical necklace.
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Wishbone: Btw, Kors is in Padorn Inn now.
You put a mystical necklace into the backpack.
Arnal says in xyllic: I'm Arnal.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: I'm Gordon.
Shigure says in xyllic: Ah, she just hasn't done it in a while, I imagine...
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..
Gordon nods solemnly.
Lyneth blushes
Ganryu grins slightly.
You ask Kors in xyllic: Paladin of Destruction?
You ask Kors in xyllic: What shall I call meself then?
Ganryu smiles slightly.
You ask Kors in xyllic: Paladin of resurrection?
You grin slightly.
Kors grins bloodthirsty.
Shigure says thoughtfully in xyllic: Talonara?
Shigure scratches his head.
You ask Shigure in xyllic: Yes?
Kors says in xyllic: you can call yourself as you wish.
Shigure says in xyllic: No, call yourself that.
Kors grins evilly at you.
Shigure stands up and leaves the small table near the entrance.
Kors says in xyllic: but I'd suggest not resurrection...
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: So far i've learned about your
Lady...and Xogina..but i know little of the other gods..
Shigure says in xyllic: Excuse me, while I negotiate some gintseng.
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: what is your name please?
Shigure starts moving south.
Shigure leaves south.
It gets darker.
You say in xyllic: Well, about Asgoth, best ask Kors.
Wishbone dances in.
A disc hovers in.
It gets lighter.
You smile at Kors.
Wishbone smiles at Kors.
Kors smiles at Wishbone.
Wishbone hugs Kors.
Kors yells to Wishbone in xyllic: hi lady
Lyneth looks at Kors.
You grin slightly.
Gwynnedd arrives.
The whirlwind dissolves.
The wind is gone.
Wishbone sings in xyllic: It's a warshrike convention!
You smile amusedly at Gwynnedd.
Kors snickers.
Wishbone sits down at the small table near the entrance.
You say in xyllic: We should hold our councils in Padorn Inn in da future.
You grin broadly.
Kors goes hmmmm.
Kors smiles at Lyneth.
Kors looks at Lyneth.
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: you wanna know about Him?
Lyneth asks Kors in xyllic: Would you be willing to tell me?
Kors nods thoughtfully.
Wishbone seems to be slightly unaware of her surroundings for a moment.
Wishbone tells you: especially if someone else buys the beers?
Smile at whom?
You smile broadly at Wishbone.
Wishbone looks at the cuckooclock.
You agree with Wishbone.
Kors peers intently.
Gwynnedd says in xyllic: Farewell!
Gwynnedd waves happily in your direction.
Arnal waves friendly in Gwynnedd's direction.
Wishbone takes a silver coin, four copper coins and ten platinum coins from
the sash.
 Kors: who was that elf?
Wishbone looks at the list.
Gwynnedd starts moving south.
Gwynnedd leaves south.
 Talonara: Gwynnedd, a bard. (obviously)
 Ganryu: Gwynnedd, a bard
You get a notepad.
Wishbone orders a round of dwarven beer for everyone !!
You get a dwarven beer.
Kors seems confused with so many female elves around.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: Thanxsch !
You examine the scribblings on your notepad.
Page: 1 - Jitsua
Gordon drinks from a bottle of dwarven beer.
You peer intently at Kors. Hmm...
You say to Kors in xyllic: Stick to yer job.
You grin broadly.
Wishbone puts five gold coins, nine platinum coins, nine silver coins and six
copper coins into the sash.
Kors looks at Lyneth.
Kors nods slightly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..thank you
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: what do you know so far about Asgoth? and the
others gods?
Wishbone drinks from a bottle of dwarven beer.
Wishbone coughs quietly.
Kors says in xyllic: I wonder if this is the right place for talking about
Gods, but...
Kors tickles Wishbone.
Wishbone sings to you in xyllic: strong
Kors looks at the bottle of dwarven beer.
You nod enthusiastically to Wishbone.
Ganryu puts a bottle of dwarven beer on the 1. table.
Wishbone drops a bottle into the bin.
Kors drinks from a bottle of dwarven beer.
There is a loud burping out of the bin.
You thank Wishbone.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: About Asgoth..only that you got a
false one..or the others does..or you both think the others does
Wishbone smiles at you.
Wishbone looks at the dark indigo disc.
You say in xyllic: On da donor.
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
You smile at Wishbone.
Kors says in xyllic: a FALSE one?
You drink from a bottle of dwarven beer.
You say in xyllic: We don't get no false one.
Lyneth blinks, ducking at the yell

// Hehe.. as long as it's only yell it's harmless.

Wishbone sings to you in xyllic: this is educational
Kors says in xyllic: with whom have you being _talking_?
Kors peers slightly at Lyneth.
You ask Wishbone in xyllic: What, Lyneth askin' or da beer?
You grin evilly at Wishbone.
Ganryu looks at you.
Wishbone sings to you in xyllic: both
Lyneth sings to you in xyllic: uuh?
You say to Wishbone in xyllic: Interested, come sit with us.
Kors unbearably shakes his head in disagreement.
Wishbone stands up and leaves the small table near the entrance.
Shigure arrives.
Kors unbelievingly shakes his head in disagreement.
Wishbone sits down at your table.
It gets lighter.
Kors smiles at Wishbone.
Wishbone smiles at you.
At your table, you say in xyllic: You ask question most people don't know da
answers of.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I didnt meant to offend..
Shigure says in xyllic: Phew.  Never mind *that*...
You smile at Lyneth.
You nod friendly to Shigure.
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: how do you dare even to question that our Asgoth
is false? there is just an Asgoth.
Wind arises.
The wind blows even more.
The wind circles around Shigure.
Shigure sighs slightly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: It is just it is difficult to know
what the truth is..
The whirlwind whispers something to Shigure.
The whirlwind dissolves.
The wind is gone.
Shigure sits down at the small table near the entrance.
Wishbone seems to be slightly unaware of her surroundings for a moment.
Wishbone tells you: KeOen is a follower of Koranishaxx, I believe. He was one of my mentors.

// I should make a law that only people who've introduced to the Shinu are allowed to
// worship our gods. I don't even know him!

You say in xyllic: Well, I explained it to you.
Shigure asks Wishbone in xyllic: Miss...I don't suppose you still feel like
practicing healing.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: For me, that is..you seem very sure
Wishbone looks at Shigure.
Lyneth looks at Shigure.
Wishbone goes eeks!
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Lyneth frowns
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Shigure seems to be healed in a magical way.

// Lots of healing now.

At your table, you say in xyllic: I am.
At your table, you say in xyllic: All those that aren't sure about that
matter, aren't warshrikes.
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: but your believes seems quite weak, am I wrong?
Shigure says to Wishbone in xyllic: It's all right, thank you...I plan not to
move for a while, anyway.
 Kors: wasnt her yours?
Wishbone smiles at Shigure.
Kors looks thoughful.
 Talonara: Well, she's a bit strange, I admit.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: You might say weak..i say healthy
doubt..so far i dont believe much in either way..as far as Asgoth is
concerned at least..i know little
Wishbone sings to Shigure in xyllic: I need the practice, unless you cannot
stand it
Shigure shakes his head in disagreement.
Shigure says in xyllic: If you want to practice, go ahead.
 Talonara: She seemed most interested in Koranishaxx, when I
started to talk with her.
Shigure says in xyllic: I'll even go back there and have another go at it if
you like.

// He wants her to touch him.. Men!

Wishbone touches Shigure and the wounds close.
Kors asks Lyneth in xyllic: which god of the alliance were you interested at?
Ganryu asks Shigure in xyllic: care for some help?

// Our li'le shrike got bored with all that talking?

Wishbone looks at Shigure.
At your table, you say in xyllic: That healthy doubt is what pushed so many
people into da arms of da demon.
Kors smiles slightly at Ganryu.
Kors nods thoughtfully to you.
Wishbone sings to Shigure in xyllic: Wow, I didn't think I would be so
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: In Koranishaxx actually...
Shigure yells to Ganryu in xyllic: I wouldn't mind...now that I have estocs
again suddenly it is hard again.  9_9
Shigure stands up and leaves the small table near the entrance.
Kors says in xyllic: doubt is an illness.
Wishbone asks Shigure in xyllic: who were you fighting?
Ganryu joins Shigure's team.
Ganryu stands up and leaves your table.
Wishbone nods thoughtfully to you.
Ganryu sings to Kors in xyllic: if you will excuse me
Ganryu bows sharply.
Kors nods solemnly to Ganryu.
Shigure says to Wishbone in xyllic: Just the black guard, with no armor and
bad luck on my side.  ^_^
Ganryu nods solemnly to Shigure.
Shigure pats Lyneth on the shoulder.
Wishbone nods solemnly to Shigure.
Shigure starts moving south.
Shigure leaves south.
Ganryu starts moving south.
Ganryu skips out south.
Kors says in xyllic: black guard?
It gets darker.
You say in xyllic: What, an' no "will you excuse me" to me?
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Once you believe maybe...before you
got the information to judge..
You emote: Talonara looks hurt.
Wishbone pats you on the shoulder.
You thank Wishbone.
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Wishbone tells you: little boys get too excited about handling their weapons sometimes

// *chuckle*

At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Would you rather i lied..said i was
very sure and a firm believer?
You grin slightly.
You shake your head in disagreement.
You say in xyllic: Not at all.
Kors yells to Lyneth in xyllic: Gods dont accept middle faith, doubts in your
heart. They ask for full faith. Full trust.
At your table, you say in xyllic: And the gods know yer heart very well, even
if yer should lie to us.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: But they dont expect me to be stupid,
do they?
Kors slowly shakes his head in disagreement.
Lyneth nods slowly.
Kors says in xyllic: of course, they dont.
Kors says in xyllic: and of course, you are ever free.
Wishbone ponders the situation.
Kors says in xyllic: of choice your way. Choice well...
At your table, you say in xyllic: We don't order people to believe this or
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: So..i admit i was goading you a little
with the comment about the false Asgoths..but i want to know you are sure at
least..and why
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I want you to convince me
Kors smiles at Lyneth.
At your table, you say in xyllic: But we can't have a shrike believin' that
Asgoth is false, or even thinkin' of it.
Kors says in xyllic: why?
You emote: Talonara shakes her head slowly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I fear we won't be able to convince yer.
Kors says in xyllic: why do you love? why do you feel hate? you cant say
why... but you feel it. As well as I feel there is just and Asgoth, and that
I love him.
At your table, you say in xyllic: This is somethin' ye have to be sure out of

// Lyneth, that was the wrong move. With Kors and me both talking to you,
// you'll have no chance ;)

Lyneth nods solemnly to you.
Wishbone takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Wishbone tells you: in other words, the gods of the Alliance do not accept
         neutral followers? (neutral in faith and commitment, not in their choice
         of sacrifices)
You nod solemnly to Wishbone.
Kors stands up and leaves your table.
Kors yells to Lyneth in xyllic: you are the unique that can solve your doubts.
Kors smiles evilly at Lyneth.
Lyneth tilts her head
You say to Wishbone in xyllic: I think that might be of interest what yer
say, perhaps speak to all?
You smile at Wishbone.
You agree with Kors.
At your table, Wishbone sings in xyllic: I asked Talonara: in other words,
the gods of the Alliance do not accept neutral followers? (neutral in faith
and commitment, not in their choice of sacrifices)
You say in xyllic: We can help yer, lend yer assistance, but we can't make
you believe.
Kors invites you to join his team.
 Kors: wanna team up?
Wishbone joins Kors's team.
You say in xyllic: Same as we couldn't make yer love.
Wishbone asks Kors in xyllic: we're going?
Lyneth nods thoughtfully.
Wishbone stands up and leaves your table.
 Ganryu: I have only a while before i must sleep
 Kors: nods. talo?
 Talonara: Hmm, I wanna talk with her a bit more.
Kors nods understandingly to you.
You say in xyllic: I'll stay.
Lyneth whispers to you in xyllic: I offended him, didnt i?
Wishbone raises her arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kors yells to Lyneth in xyllic: I leave you with talonara. take care.
Kors nods seriously.
Kors shrugs helplessly at Wishbone.
You smile at Lyneth.
Lyneth sighs deeply.
Kors waves slightly.
Wishbone takes a runic staff from the disc.
Kors nods understandingly to Lyneth.
Wishbone raises her arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kors smiles teasingly at you.
Wishbone goes ack!
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Might be that he disagrees with me if I accept
yer, but you can proove him that he's wrong.
Wishbone looks at the medium backpack.
You ask Wishbone in xyllic: What's up?
Wishbone looks at the dark indigo disc.
Kors asks Wishbone in xyllic: hmm?
Kors looks at the dark indigo disc.
Kors laughs.
Wishbone scratches her head.
Lyneth looks unsure
Kors asks Wishbone in xyllic: can we move?
You take a closer look at a medium backpack.
A medium backpack. There is a strange rune on it.
It is in prime condition.
You shrug helplessly.
Wishbone sings in xyllic: strange feeling, sorry
Kors puts a bottle into the bin.
Something grumbles out of the bin: A bit old.
You put a bottle into the bin.
Wishbone looks at the dark indigo disc.
You smile.
Wishbone looks at the medium backpack.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I would do my very best to do so,
yes..i do not do things lightly
You eat a ration.
Kors asks Wishbone in xyllic: so?
Wishbone takes a long, wooden staff from the backpack.
You nod solemnly.
Wishbone says to Kors in xyllic: so we go
Kors nods solemnly.
Kors starts moving south.
Kors leaves south.
Wishbone starts moving south.
Wishbone skips out south.
A disc hovers out.
It gets darker.
At your table, you say in xyllic: That's one of the best recommendations I
You grin slightly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I can't stand people who make light of a
decision like this.
At your table, you say in xyllic: If you are once a warshrike, you'll stay a
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's a lifelong occupation.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: And i've thought about this for a long
time..really..only my worst side made me tally..fear that things wont be as i
had hoped
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: But..i think i met a man no longer a
warshrike..or did i get that wrong..
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: He told me the tale of the birth of
You ask in xyllic: Whom did I meat?

// egocentrical though I am, I meant: Whom did you meat?

You smile sadly.
You say in xyllic: Insaniadhal.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: A good teller he was too..yes you knew
at once?
At your table, you say in xyllic: He was thrown out in disgrace, I have to
Lyneth laughs softly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: He was da one who taught me da story.
At your table, you say in xyllic: He was Shinu of Koranishaxx once, and even
You sigh deeply.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: He didnt want to talk about that
part..and it's none of my business..he ..oh i didnt know that..
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's a sad thing, with him.
At your table, you say in xyllic: He was, or is, one of da Children of Light.
At your table, you say in xyllic: And he nearly was da reason fer a second
Split in da guild.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: He seemed very..well..he knew a
lot..and told it beautifully..
At your table, you say in xyllic: But he's a splendid story teller, that's
At your table, you say in xyllic: He was da one who found the story, after
You smile slightly.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Really?
You nod slowly.
At your table, you quietly say in xyllic: Really.
Lyneth nods slowly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: In hindsight, my life in da guild seems to
be full of sad stories.
Osbourne stomps in.
You emote: Talonara looks thoughtful for a moment.
You greet Osbourne.  How friendly!
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: So i missed my chance to learn about
Asgoth..but there is one more, right..? And..life generally is..but also good
parts, yes?
Osbourne inquires about a room.
You smile slightly.
Arnal says in xyllic: That will be 11 gold coins, 11 silver coins and 9
copper coins, thank you very much, and enjoy your stay!
 Ganryu: have either of you fought the trees in Elohim dark
At your table, you say in xyllic: I can't tell ye much about either Asgoth or
Osbourne inquires about a room.
Arnal says in xyllic: I only let rooms for at most 90 days.
 Kors: I did...
Arnal says in xyllic: As you rented your room for 90 days already, you can't
extend your stay anylonger right now.
Spirou dances in.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I don't know their tale of birth.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Spirou, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
 Ganryu: any thing i should look out for?
Spirou nods slowly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Neith..
Spirou looks at the tables.
You gasp in astonishment.
You astonishedly greet Spirou.  How friendly!
Osbourne puts 15 platinum coins into the backpack.
Spirou bows slightly.
You look up to Spirou.
Spirou is a philosophical thick-armed male elf, presenting himself as:
Spirou, male elf.
His formerly dark-blonde hair is now pure white with some spare grey spots in it.
There is a sad expression around his eyes letting them look darker than their usual
light grey-blue colour. His skin is clean shaved. On his right arm there is a
big web of healed scars, where once has been a tatoo. Round his neck and around
his chest you can see some geometrical patterns of a big Maori-style tatoo. His
whole body of 6' 7" height shows the result of regular workout.
You notice scars on his nose, left hand, right hand, forehead, left cheek
and right cheek.
He is very tall and lean for an elf.
He looks nice.
He is not in a good shape.
He is extremely alert.
He is wearing a black cloak with silver trim, a delicate silver earring
with a gem, a golden ring, a green leaflike boots, two large scabbards, a
medium backpack, a sash, a small rainbow-coloured bracelet with a pearl, a
sparkling diamond necklace and a winged helmet.
You guess he is wearing a black  woolen trousers , a black headband with
six white stars, a comfortable silken shirt, a golden ring, a pair of
blacksilver leg plates, a red dragonmail, a shining small earring with a
gem, a silvery small bracelet with a crystal and a snake suit additionally.
You stand up and leave the table.
 Ganryu: do they do magic of some kind?
Spirou sits down at the small table near the entrance.
You emote: Talonara looks Spirou up and down.
Spirou smiles at you.
You ask Spirou in xyllic: How are you?
 Kors: I dont remember.
Spirou sings to you in xyllic: long time no see
Spirou sings in xyllic: so lala
Spirou winks slightly.
You smile at Spirou.
Lyneth sits back, smiling slightly while watching curiously
You hug Spirou warmly.
You say to Spirou in xyllic: Good to see yer once again.
Lyneth looks at Spirou.
Spirou hugs you.
Spirou looks at Lyneth.
Spirou stands up and leaves the small table near the entrance.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: I had me first drinkin' competion with him.
You grin broadly.
Spirou bows gracefully to Lyneth.
Spirou sings in xyllic: I'm Spirou de Nasale.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: He won.
Arnal says in xyllic: I'm Arnal.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: I'm Gordon.
Spirou sits down at the small table near the entrance.
You sit down at the massive wooden table in the center of the room.
Spirou sings in xyllic: me won ? .. what ?
Spirou asks you in xyllic: what was the prize ?
Spirou grins mischievously.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Excuse da interuption.
You say to Spirou in xyllic: I was too full to drink more.
Spirou sings in xyllic: ah okay
You say to Spirou in xyllic: No price.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Yes..what did he win?
Spirou chuckles politely.
You grin slightly.
Lyneth smiles.
Spirou sings in xyllic: i remember
Spirou sings in xyllic: sure .. there was one
Spirou sings in xyllic: that i remember also
Spirou grins mischievously.
Osbourne sits down at the small round table in the corner.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Nothin' beside da victory.
You smile at Spirou.
Spirou asks in xyllic: female elf and you may be ... ?
You ask Spirou in xyllic: Care to have one again?
Spirou smiles at Lyneth.
You grin broadly at Spirou.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: And a fierce headache i am sure
Spirou smirks.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh
You smile at Lyneth.
Spirou sings to you in xyllic: only if i am allowed some training in advance
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: Forgive me..i am Lyneth
You laugh softly.
You shake your head at Spirou.
Spirou snaps his fingers.
Spirou looks stronger than you.
Spirou looks much more agile than you.
You look healthier than Spirou.
You say to Spirou in xyllic: You're much bigger than me, no training.
Spirou laughs.
Lyneth smilingly listens to your friendly bantering
Spirou sings to you in xyllic: but you're practicing your drinking skills
more often .. i do have to stay sobr most of the time
You mumble in xyllic: Tarlon got me drunk yesterday..
 Ganryu: trees are no trouble
 Kors: I thought so
You emote: Talonara grumbles.
Spirou asks Lyneth in xyllic: may i ask for your name please ?
Spirou smiles at Lyneth.
Lyneth blinks
 Kors: I did themi when I were young
At your table, you say in xyllic: You been talking to me.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: eem..still Lyneth
You grin slightly.
 Kors: but its nice to attack soething when you dont know how
hard is ;)
 Ganryu: shigure was afraid of them, said they did magic

// Don't mind my li'le shrikes, I like the chatting o'er gline. Do it a lot meself.

Lyneth sings in xyllic: sorry..need to talk louder, i know
Shigure arrives.
Ganryu dances in.
 Talonara: So what.
It gets lighter.
Ganryu puts a dragon spear into the backpack.
There's no one here by that name.
You jump up and slap hands in a cool high-five with Ganryu!
                        Cool man!!                     
Shigure smiles at Lyneth.
Ganryu jumps up and slaps hands with you in a cool high-five!
Lyneth smiles at Shigure.
Shigure waves quietly.
Shigure sits down at the bar.
Spirou nods solemnly to Lyneth.
You say to Ganryu in xyllic: Hey, next time I want a "by your leave" too!
A very young red-haired male human arrives.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, the very young red-haired male human, tid you
knoow schaat sse casshedal of Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
Ganryu smiles slightly.
Spirou sings to Lyneth in xyllic: i am pleased to make your aquaintance mylady
Ganryu sings to you in xyllic: sorry
The very young red-haired male human smiles.
The very young red-haired male human smiles and greets you!
Arnal bows gracefully to the very young red-haired male human.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: Greetings noble Satai!
Arnal says in xyllic: Greetings noble Satai!
Gordon salutes.
Arnal salutes.
Spirou sings in xyllic: ho ganryu and pety
Ganryu nods solemnly to the very young red-haired male human.
Ganryu sings to Spirou in xyllic: hello
Lyneth smiles slightly, her eyes twinkle with amusement as she murmurs 'i am
You say in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockheart, Shinu of Koranishaxx.
Humanf smiles at Spirou.
Spirou concentrates on his necklace, it glows radiantly.
Ganryu leaves Shigure's team.
Spirou raises his eyebrow.
Spirou shrugs slightly.
You look up to Humanf.
Humanf is a very young red-haired male human, presenting himself as:
Humanf, male human.

You notice scars on his right hand and forehead.
He is normal and lean for a human.
He looks nice.
He is in good shape.
He is slightly alert.
He is wearing a black cloak with silver trim, a black headband with one
white star, a golden ring, a large scabbard (with a bronze tschekal
sheathed inside) and a money belt.
You guess he is wearing an elven ringmail, a golden ring and a pair of leg
plates additionally.
Humanf looks at you.
Spirou turns a bit to examine something on his table.
Ganryu looks at the cuckooclock.
Humanf looks at Spirou.
Ganryu goes hmmmm.
You raise an eyebrow.
You ask Humanf in xyllic: Might I please know yer name?
Ganryu sings in xyllic: I should rest
Humanf says in xyllic: yes i am pety
Ganryu asks you in xyllic: if you'll excuse me
You changed your memory to Pety.
Ganryu bows sharply.
You smile at Ganryu.
Spirou nods solemnly to Ganryu.
Ganryu starts moving south.
Ganryu skips out south.
You grin slightly.
You say in xyllic: See.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: How about another question..
Pety greets Spirou.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Sure.
Spirou nods solemnly to Pety.
You smile at Lyneth.
At your table, you say in xyllic: I wanted to tell you about Asgoth and Ooama
in general.
Pety says in xyllic: i have do go bye
You nod solemnly to Pety.
Spirou lifts his head slightly and says to Pety: hi pal .. i see you have
Spirou smiles at Pety.
Pety starts moving south.
Pety leaves south.
Shigure snaps his fingers.
Osbourne looks at the list.
Shigure says in xyllic: Ah, they let him in?  That's good.
Spirou returns his attention toward the tablesurface again.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I would like that...yet the question i
meant is of more..practical nature..
Shigure gets a gem from the pouch.
Shigure concentrates on his gem.
You nod solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Ask.
Osbourne buys a bottle of dragonblood.
Osbourne drinks from a bottle of dragonblood.
Osbourne puts a bottle into the bin.
Spirou gets a torn black headband with three white stars from the backpack.
 Ganryu: I will rest
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: And..i dare to ask since you look
fairly neat...what *is* it with warshrikes when it comes to bathing and
change clothes..i hope its not a sign of bravery to walk around dirty?
 Kors: bye ganryu
Spirou examines the headband slow and carefully.
You guffaw loudly, like a badass warrior should!
Spirou smirks.
 Talonara: Sleep well, Ganryu.
You chuckle silently.
Spirou sings to you in xyllic: talo ... you're still the same
Spirou smirks.
You say to Spirou in xyllic: Well, thanks.
You grin evilly at Spirou.
Spirou smirks.
You emote: Talonara leans back on her chair.
Lyneth squirms where she sits, unsure about how to judge the reaction
You emote: Talonara grins broadly.
You say in xyllic: Well, I'm bathed, aren't I?
You say in xyllic: That's 'cuz I didn't get a heart since me last bath.
Spirou rubs slightly over the cloth of the headband .. his mind seeming to be
lost in thoughts.
You say in xyllic: Which was about ..
You ponder the situation.
You look at the cuckooclock.
A fine piece of gnomish workmanship is this clock.
It has arms to show you the time and there is a little door in the front
of the clock.
It's seven minutes to five in the morning.
You say in xyllic: Five hours past.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: So you are...yet a very easy way to
point out a warshrike is to follow the smell
You nod solemnly.
Spirou lifts his head.
Spirou sings in xyllic: nice talo .. .nice
Spirou lowers his head again.
You say in xyllic: Well, ye see. To honour yer god...
You smile at Spirou.
Shigure looks at Spirou.
You hear something that sounds like SCREETCH...SCREETCH... from the south.
You continue in xyllic: .. ye have to cut hearts outta da slain bodies of yer
Spirou asks you in xyllic: me god ?
Lyneth turns around, trying to peek through the door
You say to Spirou in xyllic: As shrike.
Spirou sings to you in xyllic: i thought you still do follow the shrike gods
Spirou smirks.
Lyneth grimaches
At your table, you say in xyllic: An' this process ain't verra neat, yer know.
At your table, Lyneth sings in xyllic: I must admit i..well..i got a *slight*
problem with just that..
Spirou sings to Lyneth in xyllic: just a pp too lazy to do proper maintanance
to his cart
At your table, you say in xyllic: An' we usually don't carry a fountain with
Lyneth nods solemnly.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Well, if yer wanna get prestige, yer gotta
cut hearts, so ye'll get spattered in gore.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Just as long as it's ok if i want to bathe
Spirou giggles happily.
Lyneth furrows her brow
You emote: Talonara shake her head confusedly.
You ask in xyllic: Why not?
Gwynnedd arrives.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Noone forced ye _not_ to bathe.
You emote: Talonara blinks.
Gwynnedd looks at the cuckooclock.
Spirou sings to Lyneth in xyllic: not many shrikes love to bathe on regular
Spirou smirks.
Gwynnedd starts moving south.
Gwynnedd leaves south.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..i was wondering..i had no way to know if its
part of your guild to be dirty..some groups DO odd things you know
You grin slightly.
Spirou smirks.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: And its not exactly something you approach someone to
ask about, is it?
Spirou mumbles silently: indeed ... indeed ...
At your table, you say in xyllic: It's kinda ..
At your table, you say in xyllic: You gotta risk gettin' dirty if yer do
dirty tasks.
You shrug helplessly.
Lyneth nods slowly.
You say in xyllic: It's da occupational hazard.
You grin silently.
Spirou smirks.
Spirou sings in xyllic: it's da occupational dirt i'd say
Spirou chuckles mischievously.
Spirou tickles you slightly.
You say in xyllic: Well.
At your table, you say in xyllic: To make a long story short, Asgoth is da
Lord of Death and Destruction.
At your table, you say in xyllic: Oosama is the Lord of Honour and Battle.
Spirou nods slowly.
Osbourne stands up and leaves the small round table in the corner.
Spirou still concentrates on the examination of the cloth in his hands.
Osbourne starts moving south.
Osbourne stomps south.

// He's very quiet, but looks like he got bored again. *shrug*

You get a mystical necklace.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: mmm..i wonder if i didnt met a very rude dwarf
once..he mustve been a follower of Oosama..he irritated me a good deal i must
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Spirou: You got problems? Yer seem so preoccupied.
You ponder the situation.
Spirou smirks.
You say in xyllic: Lemme think.
Spirou shakes his head at you.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Plus..he was dirty..
You say in xyllic: Vkandis is Koranishaxx.
The necklace fades back to normal.
Lyneth grins foolishly
Lyneth sings in xyllic: at least he spoke for hours about honour
Spirou concentrates on his necklace, it glows radiantly.
Spirou tells you: nah .. no prejudices .. just examination *grin*
Spirou smiles softly at you.
You smile at Spirou.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: ranted, rather
Spirou comforts Lyneth.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: But its a philosophical questions..is there one true
truths..or several?
Spirou sings in xyllic: several .. it always depends on the angle of view
Spirou smirks.
You say in xyllic: Brave, Cardinal, Clangeddin, Dralork, Garaliga (she's
female), Permethios, Shorwan, Vkandis.
You mumble in xyllic: Vkandis is Oosama?
You say in xyllic: That's all Oosama dwarves we got.
You say in xyllic: Well, perhaps each one got it's own truth.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh my poor head...well..and he claimed his view was
the right one..of course...and he was definately a male..might have been
Vkandis...sounds familiar...or...
You say in xyllic: An' we just agree on something.
You nod solemnly.
You say in xyllic: Sounds like Vkandis.
You say in xyllic: Rest asured, I haven't seen him fer more than a year.
You grin slightly.
Lyneth sings to you in xyllic: M'lady..i thank you deeply for your time and
effort..now i feel..my head is spinning...
An ageless blue-eyed male fairy flutters in.
Spirou sings to Lyneth in xyllic: well many peoples insist on their way of
looking at things .. and they cannot accept that others may have reason to
think diferent
The ageless blue-eyed male fairy smiles.
You say in xyllic: Same counts fer all Oosama shrikes, that is.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, the ageless blue-eyed male fairy, tid you knoow
schaat sse casshedal of Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
The ageless blue-eyed male fairy whispers in xyllic: Hi all!!
Spirou nods solemnly to the ageless blue-eyed male fairy.
The ageless blue-eyed male fairy smiles and greets you!
Spirou sings in xyllic: ho bookio
The ageless blue-eyed male fairy looks at you.
Shigure nods quietly.
Lyneth stands up and leaves your table.
Bookio whispers to you in xyllic: Greetings.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Anytime again.
You smile at Lyneth.
Spirou nods slightly to Lyneth.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Perhaps go and visit our sermons.
Bookio's facial features become tense for a moment.
Bookio tells you: I am Bookio.
You say in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockheart, Shinu of Koranishaxx.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: Might i ask if i can approach you later..should
Spirou puts a torn black headband with three white stars into the backpack.
Spirou looks at the black headband with six white stars.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Just send me a tell where ye are, I'll try to
get da time fer you.
You smile at Lyneth.
Spirou cleans the headband he waers.
Lyneth beams
Lyneth curtseys gracefully.
Bookio goes hmmmm.
Lyneth starts moving south.
Lyneth skips out south.

// Until Lyneth came back I chatted a bit with Spirou. I then asked him
// to assist a friend of mine in being made Satai, whereupon Lyneth...

Lyneth sings in xyllic: You seem to know a lot of people
Lyneth smiles.
You say in xyllic: Well.
You say in xyllic: I don't think so.
You say in xyllic: Sometimes I don't know half of all that are around.
You shrug slightly.
Tanari raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
The statue of Spirou crumbles to dust.
Lyneth looks at Tanari.
You say in xyllic: And those I do know, I mostly don't know well.
Lyneth tilts her head
You say in xyllic: Spirou was one of me first friends I had after I came here.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: How come..not that he was one of the first..but
that you dont know them well?
You shrug slightly.
Tanari smiles silently.
Tanari's facial features become tense for a moment.
You say in xyllic: Ye pass 'em by, you get to exchange names an' a greeting,
an' then ye are off again.
Tanari seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: Is it because you are...well..what you said?
You say in xyllic: Mostly people don't have time to sit an' talk.
You shake your head in disagreement.
You say in xyllic: No, I like to talk with people.
You say in xyllic: An' I don't be so busy that I don't have plenty of time
for meself.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: At least you are very patient..Ce'nedra isnt..
You say in xyllic: It's just that I seldom meet people who got time to talk
and wanna talkw tih me.
Wishbone dances in.
A disc hovers in.
You smile.
Wishbone looks at the cuckooclock.
You say in xyllic: No, Ce'nedra isn't very patient.
You say in xyllic: But she isn't Shinu either.
Wishbone smiles at you.
You smile at Wishbone.
Wishbone sings in xyllic: long interview
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Guess you are hiding somewhere then..no....or..well i
dont know what she is or not really
You say in xyllic: She's Senso.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..ma'm here is still here..i've been away and back
You say in xyllic: Da Senso are da backbone of our fighting force, da highest
rank ye can get normally.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Is that also some kind of title?
Wishbone smiles at Lyneth.
Wishbone waves happily in your direction.
Arnal waves happily in Wishbone's direction.
Wishbone starts moving south.
Wishbone skips out south.
A disc hovers out.
You say in xyllic: It means Warshrike Warleader.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Ah..
 Ellion: Greetings sisters and brothers :)
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..she is fierce, that's for sure
 Talonara: Greetings, Ellion!
 Talonara: Wanna chat, I'm in Padorn Inn.
 Ellion: i need to get zirp first
You ask in xyllic: I'm not?
Lyneth looks at you.
Lyneth studies you closely, humming softly to herself
You ask amusedly in xyllic: Yes or no?
Lyneth sings in xyllic: True..you might be...
You grin slightly.
You say in xyllic: That was a maybe.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: But she's so..so..oh i dont know..difficult to
You say in xyllic: Fanatic.
Lyneth blinks
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: Do yer think you would be happy as shrike?
You say quietly in xyllic: Shigure's worried about you.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..she says things..and...yes ma'am..i begin to
think i would be..i might say the wrong thing now..but i lack the sens of
Lyneth tilts her head
You emote: Talonara glares at the cuckooclock.
Lyneth asks in xyllic: He is..?
You shrug slightly.
You say in xyllic: Seemed to be, to me.
Lyneth furrows her brow
You say in xyllic: Well, I lacked a belonging too.
You say in xyllic: But after I was made shrike, I found a whole fam'ly
waitin' there fer me.
You smile softly.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Because of this wish of mine..or else you think? He
did pat me in an odd way..true..
You say in xyllic: An' with all fam'lies, yer got yer black sheeps.
Tanari raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
You say in xyllic: He seemed worried ye're not quite da shrike type.
You say in xyllic: But it's really a fam'ly.
You say in xyllic: E'en Kors called me sister lately.
You grin slightly.
You say in xyllic: Was a bit astonished, he's so cool sometimes.
Tanari takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: You know...Shigure might be right...what IS a
warshrike type..? That is what worries me..i wouldnt want to be...the black
You shrug helplessly.
You ask in xyllic: Am I a warsrike type?
You ask in xyllic: Is Ganryu?
Lyneth sings in xyllic: No..i wouldnt cause trouble on purpose..and no...
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Or i mean..yes
You ask in xyllic: Is Nibble a warshrike type?
Lyneth blushes, groaning softly
You say in xyllic: With black sheep I meant da troublemakers.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..you are far more pleasant than i had
expected...err..i mean..

// *cackle* She doesn't know me yet.

You say in xyllic: Those who don't fit in won't stay long I found out.
You laugh softly.
    This will happen in 30 seconds.
You say in xyllic: I learned patience before I was made Senso.
You say in xyllic: Kors isn't quite as patient as I am.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I must admit i am not so very patient..
You say in xyllic: You'll learn.
You smile at Lyneth.
You say in xyllic: Noone's perfect.
Lyneth smiles shyly, nodding
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I remember Ce'nedra trying to teach me how to defend
You chuckle quietly.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I was patient then..i was..
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Until she had me running that is
Lyneth grins at the memory
You say in xyllic: When I meet yer next time, an' yer still bend on becomin'
shrike, I'll ask ye about yer faith in Koranishaxx.
Lyneth nods slowly.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Fair enough..
You emote: Talonara shakes her head.
You mutter in xyllic: Satai..
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I had trouble seeing the forgiving coming in the
wrong order..but then i got it explained...and i felt..well..
You emote: Talonara blinks.
You ask in xyllic: Forgiving?
You feel the ground shake. Then a gigantic massive neuter
Teddy stomps in. He lifts you up into the sky and cuddles
you. Then he thunders:

// "Beam me up Scotty!" -- erh.. wrong film

"I shall tell you from Timber :

        Hmm sorry, do you perhaps have a little time to do me a favour ?

He smiles and sets you onto the ground again. Then the vision
fades away.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: He talked about that..what was his name..?
You get a mystical necklace.
You concentrate on your necklace, it begins to glow brightly.
You tell Timber: I'll go and take the time. What is it?
You put a mystical necklace into the backpack.
You raise an eyebrow.
You ask in xyllic: What you talking about?
Lyneth sings in xyllic: the storyteller
You say in xyllic: Insania
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Yes..he did..about her ways..
You feel the ground shake. Then a gigantic massive neuter
Teddy stomps in. He lifts you up into the sky and cuddles
you. Then he thunders:
"I shall tell you from Timber :

        Well do you know the kobolds in ghanwyll ? There is an iron
        trapdoor... well i am not strong i can't smash it but i thought
        perhaps you could ? I can bring you here ... if you have the

He smiles and sets you onto the ground again. Then the vision
fades away.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Only briefly though..
You smirk.
You say in xyllic: Timber asks for a moment of my time.
You say in xyllic: I'll be back really fast.
You will now run.
You stand up and leave the table.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh...of course

// I think that was my fastest trip ever to the kopze :)

The Padorn Inn.
This is the tap-room of the Padorn Inn, you can have a drink here, eat
something or just enjoy yourself talking with others. To the south you can
leave the Inn to the main road and a door to the east leads on the market
place. At the bar there is a price list set. Upstairs are the rooms for
visitors of the Inn. You can get a key from the bar keeper. (Just look at
the guestbook).
There are three obvious exits: east, south, up.
A ration, a cuckooclock and a trashbin.
Gordon is sitting at the small round table in the corner.
Lyneth is sitting at the massive wooden table in the center of the room.
Tanari is sitting at the small table near the entrance.
You sigh exhaustedly.
You fail to concentrate on your warchant again yet.
You fail to concentrate on your warchant again yet.
You sit down at the massive wooden table in the center of the room.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: I hope things went to your liking?
You say in xyllic: Da trapdoors are smashed, so..
You grin slightly.
You look at the dragon spear.
This is a long, steel shafted spear with a broad, flat blade. The blade is
made from some sort of greenish metal that you are unfamiliar with. Along
the shaft of the spear is the name "Dregoth". The weapon is quite
dangerous in the right hands.
It is in a fine condition.
You mumble in xyllic: Poor spear.
Lyneth laughs.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: You sound pleased..good
You say in xyllic: Well.
You say in xyllic: What was I talkin' 'bout?
Your skin suddenly feels less solid.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: More about your Lady i believe..i am not quite sure
what you planned to say..
Lyneth sings in xyllic: You seemed surprised what i said about forgiving..
You say in xyllic: Well, as yer know Her story already..
You say in xyllic: I didn't unnerstand what yer was talkin' about.
Tanari raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Well..he talked about forgivness, revenge and
crying....or the like..

// write on pad: Lyneth: Tell story of Kora.
// btw, here starts the reason for the whole log. You'd never think that
// I made it up on the spot ;)

Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
You say in xyllic: Koranishaxx isn't as gentle as most picture her to be.
You say in xyllic: Most see only a good goddess and think "oh, fine, she's no
You say in xyllic: That's wrong.
You say in xyllic: Your campfire is tamed, and useful and nearly without
You say in xyllic: You underestimate it and it turns to a raging wood-fire.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I should hope so...people might think me to be far
too gentle and...well..what did they say..a wimp....but never would i choose
to have faith in a weak god..or goddess..
You say in xyllic: Burnin' all that stands in it's way.
Lyneth nods slowly.
You say in xyllic: Thus is Koranishaxx.
Tanari's eyes narrow and focus onto some point in midair.
You say in xyllic: She seems gentle and weak, but if needs arises, She's
strong and powerful and unable to stop.
You say in xyllic: But nonetheless She isn't heartless. 
You say in xyllic: If you repent, She'll forgive you.
Your magic resistance is gone.
You say in xyllic: She burns Her enemies to ashes, and when they regretted
their doings She grants them a new life.
You say in xyllic: She is life itself, like a circle, without end.
You emote: Talonara looks thoughtful.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: That is what caught my attention..
You say in xyllic: In some ways She's the complement of Asgoth.
You say in xyllic: One without da other would be nothing.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh?
You say in xyllic: No life without death, but no death without life.
You say in xyllic: Asgoth, and death, is just a part of the circle of life.
You say in xyllic: Well, if you want to go metamophorically, you can see all
da Alliance as a circle of life.

// Hey, yes, Talo _does_ know such words - but don't ask her to explain them ;)

You say in xyllic: Koranishaxx stands at the beginning, with life itself.
Lyneth tilts her head, her interest rising
You say in xyllic: Xogina brings blood into your veins, and rage to your soul.
You say in xyllic: Oosama is the honour you should lead your life by, and the
battles you have to fight.
You say in xyllic: Asgoth is the destrcution you wreak in your battles, and
death itself, turning back to Koranishaxx, who starts the circle all over
You say in xyllic: And Akai-Kurushi binds them together, and keeps balance in
it, so nothing goes awry.
Lyneth sucks on her lower lip, looking throughtful for a moment, done
thinking she smiles brilliantly, her eyes light
You say in xyllic: He is the one who oversees it.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Now you said it...
Lyneth sings in xyllic: I've had trouble..to see all of them in favorable
light..so...dead dead dead..blood blood blood...not balanced...
You smile.
You nod understandingly.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: But now...yes...a part of the whole..
You say in xyllic: I had had problems with that at da start too.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Each a part of it..
You say in xyllic: You can't pull da pieces of da Alliance apart.
You say in xyllic: Without another we are nothing, and da same counts fer da
Alliance itself.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Trouble was i saw the pieces..not the whole..
You nod solemnly.
You say in xyllic: For being a part in the whole, you have to be a piece,
however, so you can't devote yourself to the Alliance as such, but through
one of our gods.
Lyneth nods solemnly.
You say in xyllic: Well..
You emote: Talonara looks like she ran out of words.
 Talonara: We might have a new follower of Her soon.
Batboy dances in.
Batboy nods solemnly.
You greet Batboy.  How friendly!
Batboy looks at the tables.
Batboy sits down at the bar.
You ask Batboy in xyllic: Hungry again?
You grin slightly.
Batboy smirks.
 Ellion: that is graet ... whom ?
Lyneth sighs with content, looking very pleased for some reason
 Talonara: Lyneth, she thinks about becoming a shrike under Her.
Batboy hungrily looks at your shanks.
You emote: Talonara watches Lyneth, smiling amusedly.
Eeks!  Oh my gosh!
Batboy giggles happily.
Lyneth looks at Batboy.
You emote: Talonara looks at the gore that spatters her all over.
You ask Batboy in xyllic: Ye really wanna try that?
You grin broadly.
Batboy licks his lips.
You state in xyllic: Satai.
You grin slightly.
Batboy grins evilly.
Flar arrives.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Flar, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
Flar bows friendly.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Hi, Flar.
You greet Flar.  How friendly!
Flar gets a platinum coin from the backpack.
Flar greets Batboy.
Flar smiles and greets you!
Flar looks at Batboy.
A dark-skinned white-haired male gnome slips in.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, the dark-skinned white-haired male gnome, tid
you knoow schaat sse casshedal of Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil
Batboy sings in xyllic: Hello.
Batboy looks at the dark-skinned white-haired male gnome.
Gnomea smiles shyly at Batboy.
You say in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockheart, Shinu of Koranishaxx.
Gnomea philosophizes in xyllic: I'm Gorhan mia Gowen, Satai Swordsman,
student of Asmodion and follower of Rokoon.
Tanari looks at Gnomea.
Arnal says in xyllic: I'm Arnal.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: I'm Gordon.
Gordon nods solemnly.
You ask in xyllic: Gnome satai?
Gnomea nods seriously.
You changed your memory to Gorhan.
Tanari sings in xyllic: I am Tanari
Gorhan looks at you.
Batboy smiles.
Osbourne stomps in.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Not the only one, Talo.
Tanari asks you in xyllic: Did you ever meet Diz and Sniz?
Batboy smiles.
Gorhan looks at Osbourne.
Osbourne smiles and greets you!
Lyneth looks up to Osbourne.
Batboy sings in xyllic: We have all races among us.
Gorhan looks at Lyneth.
You greet Osbourne.  How friendly!
Tanari looks up to Osbourne.
Gorhan buys a ration.
You say in xyllic: Well, we got two gnomes, and one fairy recently.
Tanari sings in xyllic: Greetings
Gorhan eats a ration.
Lyneth smiles.
Batboy nods solemnly.
You say in xyllic: Ye should have heard da arguments wether a fairy's fit to
be warrior.
You grin slightly.
Tanari draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Though I still wonder how it is possible that Ellwood
is able to use a sword that is twice his size...
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
Gorhan alludes in xyllic: EllwoodIs Unusal...
Tanari sings in xyllic: Never underestimate a fairy...
You say in xyllic: Hey, Batboy, how am _I_ able to use an axe which's hilt is
as long as I am?
You grin slightly.
You say in xyllic: Not ta count me spear.

You study the dragon spear carefully.
This is a long, steel shafted spear with a broad, flat blade. The blade is
made from some sort of greenish metal that you are unfamiliar with. Along
the shaft of the spear is the name "Dregoth". The weapon is quite
dangerous in the right hands.
It is in a fine condition.

You appraise that the weight is six pounds and nine ounces.
You estimate its worth to fiftyfour platinum coins, eleven gold coins,
eight silver coins and eight copper coins.

The weapon seems to be of spear type.
This item seems to made of steel.
Lyneth grins amusedly
Lyneth sings in xyllic: now is not the time to come with a funny reply to
that question, i guess?
You say in xyllic: It's six pounds, least, so heavy.
Batboy shrugs helplessly.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Tell?
You smile curiously.
Lyneth giggles, taking a deep breath to calm herself before speaking
Batboy sings in xyllic: hehe...
Tanari seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: eem..well..one could say its about balance..the
counterpoint to the weight so to speak
Gorhan smiles.
Lyneth leans to the side, peering under the table, coming up again she grins
You raise your eyebrow at Lyneth.
Batboy concentrates on his emerald ring.  The ring flashes brightly, then
returns to its normal colour.
Lyneth tries to straighten her features, seeing the lack of response
Osbourne looks at the list.
You laugh softly.
You ruffle Lyneth's hair playfully.
Batboy smirks.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Thats what one could say..not that i did
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Keep up like that an' you'll fit in nicely.
You grin broadly.
 Talonara: Got Zirp an' time to have a look?
Lyneth grins, shaking her head slightly
 Ellion: soon ... i get some herbs
Osbourne buys a bottle of dragonblood.
Osbourne drinks from a bottle of dragonblood.
Batboy looks up to Osbourne.
Osbourne puts a bottle into the bin.
Something grumbles out of the bin: More!
Batboy chuckles politely.
You grin slightly.
You order a round of 'beer'.
You pay the 1040 copper coins for the round.
You get a beer.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: Thanxsch !
Gorhan looks at the large backpack.
Gordon drinks from a bottle of beer.
Gorhan looks at the bottle of beer.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: uuuh
Batboy goes hmmmm.
You grin broadly.
Batboy sings in xyllic: No milk for the babies?
Batboy points at himself.
Lyneth sniffs at the content of her bottle suspiciously
You say in xyllic: I like those enthusiastic responses I get.
You shake your head at Batboy.
You say to Batboy in xyllic: Milk makes yer weak.
Osbourne thanks you.
Batboy looks a bit stronger than you.

// Uhm.. I should stop drinking milk??

Batboy looks much more agile than you.
Batboy looks healthier than you.
Batboy ponders the situation.
You gulp nervously.
You mumble in xyllic: Hope you drink lots of milk then.
Gorhan giggles happily.
Gorhan offers you a bottle of beer.
Lyneth sneezes before thanking you, her expression showing doubt as she peers
at her bottle
You say in xyllic: Cheers!
You drink from a bottle of beer.
You accept a bottle of beer from Gorhan.
Gorhan alludes in xyllic: YouWillNeed MoreBeer,Talonara.
Batboy asks you in xyllic: Does that look weak?
Batboy shows you the play of his muscles.
Osbourne drinks from a bottle of beer.
You emote: Talonara turns up her nose on Batboy.
You say to Batboy in xyllic: I won't comment on that.
You stretch your tired body out.
Ahh, that feels good.
You then flex and your warrior's muscles ripple underneath your snake suit.
You grin egocentrically.
Batboy laughs.
You thank Gorhan.
You look much stronger than Gorhan.
Gorhan looks more agile than you.
You look much healthier than Gorhan.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Oh, I hope I never have to destroy your illusion,
Batboy grins happily.
You smile at Batboy.
Gorhan goes hmmmm.
Lyneth grins happily
Batboy gets ten chalymbaxes from the herbbag.
You emote: Talonara mutters.
You drink from a bottle of beer.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: uuh..greenery
Alhana dances in.
Alhana gives Batboy a deep and passionate kiss.
It seems to take forever...Sexy, eh?
You put two bottles into the bin.
Something grumbles out of the bin: A bit old.
Something grumbles out of the bin: More!
You greet Alhana.  How friendly!
Batboy smiles at Alhana.
You smile at Alhana.
Batboy offers ten chalymbaxes to Alhana.
Alhana sings in xyllic: Greetings you all :-)
Gorhan greets Alhana.
Lyneth blinks
Batboy gives ten chalymbaxes to Alhana.
At your table, you say in xyllic: 'em are married.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..
Batboy snuggles up to Alhana.
Alhana embraces Batboy gently.
Osbourne puts a bottle into the bin.
Something grumbles out of the bin: A bit old.
You grin evilly at Osbourne.
You say in xyllic: Well..
Batboy goes hmmmm.
Alhana puts ten chalymbaxes into the herbbag.
Alhana runs her hand over the back of the falcon sitting on her glove,
caressing it gently.
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: What more ye wanna know?
Alhana looks at Batboy.
Alhana smiles at Batboy.
Alhana looks at Lyneth.
Alhana sings in xyllic: I'm Alhana FalconArm, Councilmember of the Priests of
Rokoon, Mistress of Meditations of the Order of FalconArms, Ally of Satais,
and wife of Batboy, great Satai Warlord and also the sweetest man on
Xyllomer. .
Arnal says in xyllic: I'm Arnal.
Gordon slurs in xyllic: I'm Gordon.
Gordon nods solemnly.
Alhana asks Lyneth in xyllic: May I know your name?
You ask Alhana in xyllic: Can't think of something more to introduce with?
You grin slightly.
Lyneth asks you in xyllic: Yes..most important question...can i become one of
Alhana smiles at you.
Lyneth tilts her head
Gorhan looks at Lyneth.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Of course..Lyneth
Gorhan asks Lyneth in xyllic: WhoAreYou ?
Oops, Gorhan seems to have made a mistake.
You say to Alhana in xyllic: I'm Talonara Rockhear, Shinu of Koranishaxx,
keeper of the memberlist, the one to build a temple, friend of nearly all
people in xyllomer...
You emote: Talonara runs out of breath.
Alhana giggles happily.
Batboy whispers something to Alhana.
Gorhan alludes in xyllic: Rock hear ?
You smile at Lyneth.
Alhana tickles you.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: There's still hope.
Gorhan philosophizes to you in xyllic: RockHere!
Gorhan smiles at you.
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: You been at our chapels?
Tanari raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Tanari is suddenly surrounded with a pulsating black aura.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Of course..
: rockheart, btw, but who cares :)
You ask Lyneth in xyllic: Whom do you most worship?
Alhana nudges Batboy.
You smile at Gorhan.
Lyneth sings to you in xyllic: That would be Koranishaxx which seems closest
to my heart
You stick out your tongue at Gorhan.
Gorhan pouts.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: I mean right now.
Batboy comforts Gorhan.
Gorhan thanks Batboy.
Gorhan alludes in xyllic: IMust beONmy way...
Gorhan waves wildly.
Gorhan starts moving south.
Gorhan slips south.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: Oh..noone...i went to a cermon of Rokoon once..i
think..i fell asleep..
Alhana smiles gently at Lyneth.
Lyneth blushes profusely.
You guffaw loudly, like a badass warrior should!
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: When you worship Her most of all gods, come back
to me.
Ellion flutters in.
A disc hovers in.
Gordon slurs: Hey yuu schere, Ellion, tid you knoow schaat sse casshedal of
Palorn will suuun be a plasche of te defiil ?
Ellion whispers in xyllic: hi :)
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: We'll bring ye one step further then.
You smile at Ellion.
Alhana smiles at Ellion.
You stand up and leave the table.
You hug Ellion carefully.
Ellion nods solemnly to you.
Lyneth nods slowly.
You sit down at the massive wooden table in the center of the room.
Ellion sits down at your table.
You smile at Ellion.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Hi, Ellion,.
Osbourne greets Ellion.
Ellion nods slowly.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: May I introduce our ally, Ellion?
Ellion stretches his tired body.
Ellion smiles like a small child and you suddenly know that he is absolutely
You smile at Ellion.
Shiraii dances in.
Batboy looks up to Shiraii.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: ally?
You whisper to Ellion in xyllic: I missed your company.
You nod solemnly.
Shiraii nods solemnly to Batboy.
You say in xyllic: He's allowed to enter our chapterhouse.
Ellion looks up to Shiraii.
You say in xyllic: Among other things.
You smile.
Lyneth sings in xyllic: allowed..i am not sure i understand..
Ellion whispers in xyllic: Hi ... I am Ellion
You say in xyllic: I wonder, do yer get spattered in gore too?
Lyneth looks confused
Ellion asks in xyllic: red-haired green-eyed female elf you are ... ?
You say in xyllic: Da chaperhouse is guarded, of course.
Shiraii starts moving south.
Shiraii skips out south.
Lyneth nods solemnly.
Alhana hums a mystic melody.
Batboy says to Ellion in xyllic: I bet my bank account that she was disguised
Batboy smiles at Alhana.
Ellion says to Batboy in xyllic: sure ... i know
Osbourne waves happily.
Someone glows.
Osbourne starts moving up.
Osbourne stomps up.
Ellion's eyebrows rise slightly, as he weaves some symbols with his hands in
the air.
You grin broadly.
Batboy stands up and leaves the bar.
Batboy starts to search.
 Talonara: Zirp glows when someone waves?
Ellion nods solemnly to you.
You say in xyllic: I been spending all me day in here now.
You groan inwardly.
Batboy stops searching.
Alhana hums a mystic melody.
Alhana nods solemnly.
The improvement of your dragon spear is gone.
You say in xyllic: I needa go an' get some sleep.
Alhana points at someone.
Alhana points at someone.
Alhana sings in xyllic: The mage is having fun with elementals, wolves etc.
Ellion ruffles someone's hair playfully.
 Talonara: Perhaps you bring Lyneth to a sermon of Koranishaxx?
Batboy nods understandingly.
You say in xyllic: I know.
Batboy sings in xyllic: Nevermind then. But I always get nervous when I get
the feeling that something invisible is around...
Alhana nods solemnly to Batboy.
Ellion says to Alhana in xyllic: you have the satais :)
Ellion takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Tanari's eyes narrow and focus onto some point in midair.
Batboy chuckles politely.
Ellion grins evilly.
Alhana smiles at Ellion.
Tanari pats someone on the head.
Batboy sings in xyllic: For heaven's sake we have our own tschk... errr...
You grin slightly.
You stand up and leave the table.
Tanari chuckles quietly.
Batboy grins amusedly.
You say to Lyneth in xyllic: Walk under Her light.
You smile at Lyneth.
You say in xyllic: Be well, all of you.
Ellion waves happily in your direction.
Someone glows.
Batboy waves happily in your direction.
Someone glows.
You wave friendly.
Padorn Main Road.
The Main Road runs west and east, through the central marketplace. To the
north, you see the Padorn Inn Hotel , where you surely can get room or a drink
or two. Puddles dot the street, and rain drips down, making everything look
shiny with wetness.
There are three obvious exits: east, north, west.
A wild raven-black male horse.

    Source: geocities.com/mr_dod/logs

               ( geocities.com/mr_dod)