/as usuall, i logged it a bit late, my bad/
/logged by matthew/po clovis/caveshrats/

> Your skin suddenly feels less solid.
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars points at Jerole and an enormous windblow hits him!
Jerole gets entangled in his blood-red cape.
Better wield the proper weapon!
> Aloen tried to charge Jerole, but failed miserably.
Jerole snickers.
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

Aloen guards the southwest exit.
You hit the torso of Aloen with your right hand, but Aloen's armour absorbs
all the damage.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

Jerole's wounds stopped bleeding.
Kaspars looks at dog, silently asking for help. aloen
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Aloen shouts a fierce battle cry and charges into battle with Jerole!
Jerole shudders.
Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You hit the abdomen of Aloen with your left hand, but Aloen's armour absorbs
all the damage.

Zordia is suddenly surrounded with a glowing red aura.
Aloen readies his dragon spear...
@say j is afk btw
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

Aloen runs towards Jerole and crunches his left arm with his dragon spear and
*SMASHES* the maquahuitl out of his hands!
Jerole wields a spear in his left hand.
Aloen gets a maquahuitl.
: j is afk btw
> Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Zordia points at Aloen and an enormous windblow hits him!
Kaspars points at Zordia and an enormous windblow hits him!
Zordia gets entangled in his deep black cloak.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

: Aloen: ack
Jerole's wounds stopped bleeding.
Aloen sings in xyllic: Wait
Zordia's eyes narrow and focus onto some point in midair.
You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

You aim at elf with your right hand, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your left hand, but he parries.

You changed your fighting mood.
> nod sli
Aloen skips out southwest.
Kaspars leaves southwest.
A disc hovers out.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves southwest.
You nod slightly.
> It gets darker.
@say i defend
: i defend
> l

/well at least Aloen is fair.....sometimes/
/some bs ooc talk happend with shouting at this time, Aloen said he would wait
till J was back/

> : Jerole: back

/erm, i am scarred now/

Zordia shouts in xyllic: when you attack us i will.
stand up
You sit up and clamber to your feet.
> ad
Zordia's eyebrows rise slightly, as he weaves some symbols with his hands in
the air.
With a quick fluid motion, almost too fast to watch, you skillfully draw
your simple katana and simple wakizashi.
> You changed your fighting mood.
> From the southwest you hear a male voice shouting in xyllic: I did not attack
you, but Jerole. This is a matter between his guild and me.
Jerole sings in xyllic: oha
Zordia traces a rune of fire into the air. It flares up briefly, then flames
begin to dance around Jerole.
From the southwest you hear a male voice shouting in xyllic: Stay out of it.
Jerole closes his eyes and starts to mutter an ancient sentence in a long
forgotten language.
Zordia takes a deep breath and looks concentrated, while he performs some
gestures with his hands.
Suddenly tiny sparks of lightning start to dance all over Jeroles skin and
slowly melt into it. Jerole opens his eyes again, staring with a mad glance.
Zordia traces a rune of fire into the air. It flares up briefly, then flames
begin to dance around you.

_______________________________/ XYLLOMER \____________________________________
 You are physically feeling very well and mentally in full vigour.
 You are alert.
 You are totally fed up and you are totally soaked.
 You are sober.
 You are capable of carrying 85% more than your current inventory.
> armourstats

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ XYLLOMER /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 You will fight till the enemy is stunned.

 Hit location | ______________________protective value________________________
torso         |                     excellent protection
head          |                          some protection
right leg     |                     excellent protection
left leg      |                     excellent protection
right arm     |                     excellent protection
left arm      |                     excellent protection
abdomen       |                     excellent protection
> vitals

_______________________________/ XYLLOMER \____________________________________
 You are physically feeling very well and mentally in full vigour.
 You are alert.
 You are totally fed up and you are totally soaked.
 You are sober.

 You reached ultimate Strength.
 You reached ultimate Dexterity.
 You reached ultimate Constitution.
/the rest is edited, not to good, but not to shabby either,
but you still dont wanna know *g*/

> progress

--------------------------------|SKILL PROGRESS|-------------------------------

You are currently training kata with Nanaki.
You are unpractised and can train to average mastery  with that trainer.
You made no progress since last you checked.
You need to practice this skill before you can learn more about it.You could need a little practice with this skill.

GUILD                        COINS PAID
'exp skills'                  170706    
Alchemists                    6958      
Fighting school of Garrathlon 126       
Razza Warriors                3209      
Rebeth, the Scout             27598     
Smiths                        18069     
Warriors of Asgoth            8767      

> hp
You are physically feeling very well and mentally in full vigour.
You are alert.
> who
26 people are in the world, of these you know:
Acra, female elf
Tur'umbar, male dwarf
Irion, male elf
Scarron, male wildelf
Kaspars, male human
Cj, male elf
Xanthe, female elf
Siva, female elf
Tabricolon, male human
Zordia, male elf
Dru, female elf
Governor Akys is cleaning houses, female maid
Draven, male elf
Dorlan, male dwarf
Mohegia, female fairy
More:  -- Stop: 'q' -- 
Tannis, male elf
Ebbstone, male elf
Clovis, male human
> Zordia seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
Jerole sings in xyllic: ready?
You gulp nervously.
> nod
You nod solemnly.
> Zordia nods solemnly.
You are physically feeling very well and mentally in full vigour.
You are alert.
> Jerole skips out southwest.
It's Night.
You are walking through a hilly country. To the north and east, the
mountains are getting higher. To the south a small canyon is running in
northeast direction. There are growing several kind of bushes and some
cacti. There is a stoney path leading northeast and a more comfortable
road starting in the southwest.
There are two obvious exits: northeast, southwest.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), an one-legged
old male indian and a slender black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a
shimmering barrier).
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Zordia seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
Kaspars touches Aloen's light blue aura.
Kaspars whispers something to the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog seems to be slightly unaware of its
surroundings for a moment.
Kaspars seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.
The one-legged old male indian says in xyllic: Be greeted, noble traveler.
Jerole sings in xyllic: leave this place
assist jerole
Aloen shouts a pathetic battle cry and lumbers into battle with Jerole!
Jerole smirks.
Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
Jerole slows down his attack a bit.
> Aloen readies his dragon spear...
Jerole's wounds stopped bleeding.
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.
You graze the torso of Aloen with the blunt side of your katana.

/ok, see we stun, we stun/

Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Jerole hits the air close to Aloen with his maquahuitl.
Kaspars gazes at Jerole. Suddenly the air around Jerole starts to flicker and
he looks as if he experiences pain!
Aloen lunges at Jerole but stumbles and crashes into his spear.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
The one-legged old male indian says in xyllic: Greetings traveler!
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
The slender black-fured neuter dog whispers something to Kaspars.
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.

You try to smash the handle of your simple katana into the face of your
enemy, but he evades your attack.
> Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Jerole fumbles the attack.
The slender black-fured neuter dog seems to be slightly unaware of its
surroundings for a moment.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Kaspars points at Jerole and an enormous windblow hits him!
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
The windblow makes Kaspars tumble and fall.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Aloen shouts a fierce battle cry and charges into battle with Jerole!
Jerole shudders.

/see, he doesnt he doesnt/
/right now I could give some other comments on that, but no/

Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
Jerole suddenly loses his balance and falls down!
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.
You graze the left arm of Aloen with the blunt side of your katana.

Jerole rotates quickly, pressing his body on the haft of his weapon, and
hurls himself into an upright position.
asmash kaspars
Aloen readies his dragon spear...
Kaspars comes up with the body.
You cannot attack from your position.
> Jerole hurls some blood in the direction of Aloen.
Aloen rushes towards Jerole but stumbles and only hits the air near his spear.
Aloen looks rather foolish like this.
Kaspars stands up again.
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your katana, but he parries.

Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
The slender black-fured neuter dog whispers something to Kaspars.
Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
The slender black-fured neuter dog takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
Aloen looks at you.
You notice that the air seems to be drawn towards Kaspars.
Kaspars points at Jerole and an enormous windblow hits him!
You hit the abdomen of Aloen with your wakizashi, but Aloen's armour absorbs
all the damage.
You aim at elf with your katana, but he parries.

asmash dog
Aloen sings in xyllic: You.

/ahhh, Aloen is just jealous i am an AW now, thats all/

With all his might Jerole smashes the flat side of his maquahuitl against the
knee of Aloen.
Aloen manages to hold his balance.
You try to smash the handle of your simple katana into the face of your
enemy, but it evades your attack.

/hey, i am new at this guild stuff, gimme a break!/

> Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Zordia's eyes narrow and focus onto some point in midair.
Aloen growls.
Kaspars is ready again.
Jerole steps between you and your enemies.
Aloen tried to charge Jerole, but failed miserably.
Jerole snickers.

/at this point, i didnt realize Aloen was trying to kill, or i woulda
hacked the puppy to bits/

You aim at dog with your wakizashi, but it defends itself.
You massacre the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with the blunt
side of your katana.

Zordia gazes at Aloen. Suddenly the air around Aloen starts to flicker and he
looks as if he experiences pain!
The slender black-fured neuter dog whispers something to Kaspars.
The one-legged old male indian says in xyllic: I need some cash, can you do
me a favour?
Jerole's wounds stopped bleeding.
Kaspars takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
You aim at dog with your wakizashi, but it defends itself.
You graze the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with the blunt
side of your katana.

Zordia gazes at Aloen. Suddenly the air around Aloen starts to flicker and he
looks as if he experiences pain!
Aloen skips out southwest.
Kaspars leaves southwest.
A disc hovers out.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves southwest.

/aha! the run they run!/

Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
assist elf
It gets darker.
But Zordia is not fighting.
> l
The one-legged old male indian smiles madly.
It's Night.
You are walking through a hilly country. To the north and east, the
mountains are getting higher. To the south a small canyon is running in
northeast direction. There are growing several kind of bushes and some
cacti. There is a stoney path leading northeast and a more comfortable
road starting in the southwest.
There are two obvious exits: northeast, southwest.
A glowing red disc.
Jerole (engulfed in a circle of blue flames), Zordia (surrounded by
circling winds) and an one-legged old male indian.
> Jerole sings in xyllic: kill
Jerole sings in xyllic: i have enough

/well you should, he trys to kill us/

You will now try to mercilessly kill your enemy.
> Jerole skips out southwest.
It's Night.
You are walking through a large deserted plain. To the east 
the landscape is getting more and more hilly and far to the northeast, 
great mountains almost touch the sky. There are growing lots of cactees 
here and large sandrocks cover the ground. 
There are two obvious exits: northeast, west.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier) and a slender
black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Jerole is fighting Aloen, Kaspars and the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog is fighting Jerole and you.
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Jerole hits the air close to Aloen with his maquahuitl.
The slender black-fured neuter dog tickles the head of Jerole with the blunt
side of its right claw.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
assist jerole
Kaspars touches Aloen and the wounds close.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Kaspars gets entangled in his  thick robe.
> Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Aloen readies his dragon spear...
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.
You aim at elf with your katana, but he parries.

Aloen shouts a fierce battle cry and charges into battle with Jerole!
Jerole shudders.
Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
Jerole tried, but failed to run away.
Jerole hurls some blood in the direction of Aloen.
The blood hits Aloen in the eyes.
Aloen holds his eyes in pain.
Aloen shivers.
Aloen lunges at Jerole but stumbles and crashes into his spear.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Jerole hits the air close to Aloen with his maquahuitl.
Zordia takes a deep breath and looks concentrated.
You aim at elf with your wakizashi, but he parries.

Kaspars looks at dog, silently asking for help. aloen
Jerole looks at Aloen.
Zordia gazes at Aloen. Suddenly the air around Aloen starts to flicker and he
looks as if he experiences pain!
Aloen skips out west.
Kaspars leaves west.
A disc hovers out.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves west.
It gets darker.
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
You are walking through a large deserted plain. To the east 
the landscape is getting more hilly,and there are growing lots of cactees 
here. Large sandrocks cover the ground. You can see the large 
Lonar desert far to the west. 
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
Jerole (engulfed in a circle of blue flames).
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Jerole treats his bloodloss.
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
The sun is burning mercilessly, and there is no shady 
place to hide.Temperature averages some 65 degrees Celcius. 
Some skeletons are lying around. The desert begins here! 
There are some dusty, little huts to the west, trying to stand 
the hot desert winds, you wonder how one could live here. 
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
Jerole (engulfed in a circle of blue flames).
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
You are physically feeling very well and mentally somewhat degraded.
You are alert.
> team
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
You are standing at the entrance of a little village in the hills. It
reminds you of Villariba but it's a bit larger and more guys can be seen.
But all seems to be quiet ... noone moves. Here is always siesta time. A
small garrison is under construction to the south. You see a sign near the
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier) and a slender
black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Jerole is fighting Aloen, Kaspars and the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog is fighting Jerole and you.
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
You stand at the entrance of this cute little village called Villabajo. To
the north and south there are mountains. The village itself is situated in
a valley in the mountains. There's a little trail to the north and some
houses with straw roofs to the west.
There are four obvious exits: east, northwest, trail, west.
A wooden thumper.
Jerole (engulfed in a circle of blue flames).
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Your team order:
First row:
 Jerole (Leader)                He is not in a good shape                    
 Clovis                         He is in good shape                          
Second row:
 Zordia                          He is in good shape                         
> Jerole skips out east.
It's Night.
You are standing at the entrance of a little village in the hills. It
reminds you of Villariba but it's a bit larger and more guys can be seen.
But all seems to be quiet ... noone moves. Here is always siesta time. A
small garrison is under construction to the south. You see a sign near the
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier) and a slender
black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Jerole is fighting Aloen, Kaspars and the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog is fighting Jerole and you.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks Zordia.

/that puppy is dead/

Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Jerole steps between Zordia and his enemies.
Jerole hits the air close to Aloen with his maquahuitl.
Aloen chuckles politely.
Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
You notice that the air seems to be drawn towards Kaspars.
Kaspars points at Jerole and an enormous windblow hits him!
The windblow makes Jerole tumble and fall.
Aloen skips out east.
Kaspars leaves east.
A disc hovers out.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves east.
It gets darker.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Jerole skips out east.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks you!

/come on lassie, its on now!/

As the slender black-fured neuter dog approaches you Jerole tries to guard
you, but stumbles.

/screw it, let me have the mutt/

It's Night.
The sun is burning mercilessly, and there is no shady 
place to hide.Temperature averages some 65 degrees Celcius. 
Some skeletons are lying around. The desert begins here! 
There are some dusty, little huts to the west, trying to stand 
the hot desert winds, you wonder how one could live here. 
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier) and a slender
black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Jerole is fighting Aloen, Kaspars and the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog is fighting Jerole and you.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks Zordia.
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Jerole steps between Zordia and his enemies.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Kaspars draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Jerole hurts the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his spear.
The slender black-fured neuter dog's wounds start to bleed.
You graze the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your
You smash the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your katana.

Aloen skips out west.
Kaspars leaves west.
A disc hovers out.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves west.
It gets darker.
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
You are standing at the entrance of a little village in the hills. It
reminds you of Villariba but it's a bit larger and more guys can be seen.
But all seems to be quiet ... noone moves. Here is always siesta time. A
small garrison is under construction to the south. You see a sign near the
There are two obvious exits: east, west.
A disc.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames), Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier) and a slender
black-fured neuter dog (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Jerole is fighting Aloen, Kaspars and the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog is fighting Jerole and you.
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
Kaspars whispers something to the slender black-fured neuter dog.
With all his might Jerole smashes the flat side of his maquahuitl against the
knee of the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog looses its balance and falls to the ground.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
The windblow makes Kaspars tumble and fall.
Jerole massacres the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
The slender black-fured neuter dog's wounds start to bleed.
Jerole smashs the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Aloen skips out west.
The slender black-fured neuter dog leaves west.
There is no enemy here.
> Kaspars comes up with the body.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Aloen dances in.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks Zordia.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks you!
As the slender black-fured neuter dog approaches you Jerole tries to guard
you, but stumbles.
The slender black-fured neuter dog attacks Jerole.
A slender black-fured neuter dog arrives.
Jerole steps between Zordia and his enemies.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Kaspars stands up again.
With all his might Jerole smashes the flat side of his maquahuitl against the
knee of the slender black-fured neuter dog.
The slender black-fured neuter dog looses its balance and falls to the ground.
You massacre the left claw of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your
You massacre the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your

The slender black-fured neuter dog falls unconscious.
Aloen tickles the right arm of Jerole with his dragon spear.
Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
kill kapars
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
You find no such living creature.
> Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars is ready again.
Jerole's wounds stopped bleeding.
Jerole smashs the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
Jerole massacres the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
You notice that the air seems to be drawn towards Zordia.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
The windblow makes Kaspars tumble and fall.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Aloen skips out west.
You smash the body of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your wakizashi.

Kaspars comes up with the body.
Aloen dances in.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Jerole massacres the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
Jerole smashs the right claw of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Kaspars gets entangled in his  thick robe.
Aloen sings in xyllic: Stop this!

/stop, you attacked us , time to die/

Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars stands up again.
You hurt the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your
You hurt the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your katana.

You hesitate to smash someone who's defenceless.
> Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Kaspars is ready again.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Jerole massacres the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with his
Aloen skips out west.
Kaspars leaves west.
A disc hovers out.
You massacre the abdomen of the slender black-fured neuter dog with your
The slender black-fured neuter dog died.
You killed the slender black-fured neuter dog.

/wow, my first kill as an AW actually/

It gets darker.
kill kaspars
You find no such living creature.

/man, i wanted to hurt him so badly, after Aloen said
for Zordia to stay out of it, it was guild business, he 
brink Kaspars along, hell, I would turn him into a friendly
ghost if I could get ahold of him/

> The slender black-fured neuter dog ghost leaves away.
Jerole skips out west.
It's Night.
You stand at the entrance of this cute little village called Villabajo. To
the north and south there are mountains. The village itself is situated in
a valley in the mountains. There's a little trail to the north and some
houses with straw roofs to the west.
There are four obvious exits: east, northwest, trail, west.
A disc and a wooden thumper.
Aloen (surrounded by a shimmering barrier), Jerole (engulfed in a circle of
blue flames) and Kaspars (surrounded by a shimmering barrier).
Zordia dances in.
A disc hovers in.
With all his might Jerole smashes the flat side of his maquahuitl against the
knee of Aloen.
Aloen manages to hold his balance.
Jerole tickles the left leg of Aloen with his maquahuitl.
Aloen's wounds start to bleed.
Kaspars draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Aloen shouts a fierce battle cry and charges into battle with Jerole!
Jerole shudders.
Jerole's wounds start to bleed.
Zordia draws a circle into the air with his hands, while he begins to mumble
some arcane words.
Aloen readies his dragon spear...
Aloen's wounds stopped bleeding.
asmash kaspars
Aloen rushes towards Jerole but stumbles and only hits the air near his spear.
Aloen looks rather foolish like this.
Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars points at Jerole and an enormous windblow hits him!
You cannot attack from your position.
> Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Kaspars gets entangled in his  thick robe.
Zordia raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
Kaspars raises his arms and mumbles some arcane syllables.
With a quick swift Jerole cuts his flesh.
Jerole hurls some blood in the direction of Aloen.
The blood hits Aloen in the eyes.
Aloen holds his eyes in pain.
Aloen shivers.
With all his might Jerole smashes the flat side of his maquahuitl against the
knee of Aloen.
Aloen's wounds start to bleed.
Aloen looses his balance and falls to the ground.
You notice that the air seems to be drawn towards Zordia.
Zordia points at Kaspars and an enormous windblow hits him!
Jerole tickles the left arm of Aloen with his maquahuitl.
Jerole grazes the abdomen of Aloen with his spear.
assist jerole
> Jerole looks at Aloen.
Aloen comes up with the body.
You hurt the left leg of Aloen with your wakizashi.
You tickle the right arm of Aloen with your katana.

Zordia looks at Aloen.
Aloen is bleeding.
Aloen stands up again.
Jerole tickles the torso of Aloen with his spear.
Aloen is ready again.
Aloen skips out west.
Kaspars leaves west.
A disc hovers out.
Zordia seems to be slightly unaware of his surroundings for a moment.

/well, that was it for that.....later they caught up to us
at the harbour, and well, kicked the shit outta us, i got that logg
somewhere let me find it, and then it will be posted, all
and all, this started the war between myself and Aloen, he is much
bigger, but hey, I got brains....and alot more friends!/

    Source: geocities.com/mr_dod/logs

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