


Quotes of other Quotes and other stuff.

quotes of other quotes

<Spiral5> "sirs, when are you going to learn that when you kill each other, you're only hurting yourselves?" - joel, MST3K

<Mote> "He's My Mentor really, he taught me how to truely love a woman... from across the street, through a telescope." -Joel, MST3K

<DrSandor> "What's the difference between your mother and an ill mallard? One's a sick duck, and the other...I forget, but your mother's a whore."

<Mote> "Dont EVER call me FRANCIS! The names PSYCHO!"
<Spiral5> "oh, to be a loufa..."

<Mote> I live in a dinky city that has 1 24 hour restaraunt, and its on the other end of town
<Corgano> Well, Mote.... order some Fud...
<Spiral5> mote, that sucks
<Mote> "but theres always the Motari Nebula"
<DrSandor> I met a vocalist from the Tubes while I was in the front seat of coach, tho! ;)
<Mote> Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik
<ShadowDancer> Motari what?
<Mote> <--- delirious
<Corgano> Wait wait... if you live in a town with one 24 hr place......
<Spiral5> mote, you're going to use the genesis device just to make a snack?!?!

<Durandal> ich bin ein berliner to you too buster\\

<HyperKinetic> We are Bjorn of Borg, your tennis racquets will be assimilated

<Dainichi1> "Spidey senses...tingling..." "You don't have superpowers, dood, your hair is on fire."

other stuff

<CodeBreaker> Does anyone else think that Judd Nelson could play a Nebari?
<Beans> Please dont use 'Judd Nelson' and anything Farscape related in the same breath

<Taron> now, I have a questoin. I'm sure it's been answered a million times. But is the purpose of this seasons farscape to get harder and harder to understand as is progresses?

<HyperKinetic> What I hate is rugrats banging on the back of my seat
* Spiral5 has learned that THE worst place to sit is the front row of coach
<Corgano> rugrats are fun to play with though...
<Mote> HyperK, I just close my eyes and imagine its a built in lower back massage
<HyperKinetic> hehehe
<Spiral5> HK, was his name "jeffrey"
<Corgano> hehe
<Rexisadog> Rugrat bowling down the
<Spiral5> "i fowah yee-uhs owd!"

<bobolama> where are the girls tonight?
<Mote> Anywhere Im not bobolama
<Mote> Seems thats my life story

<AerynScully> *stops the gun with her foot - like the coin thing in dog with two bones*
* codeaddict giggles at the word bones
<racerx11> she said " bone"
* racerx11 has a beavis and butthead moment
<AerynScully> I've decided to name my gun Frell.
<codeaddict> LOL racerx11 you TOO huh?
<Teefa> she said "two bones", which I find more exciting
<racerx11> gmta
<codeaddict> AS and the other is called ME?
* codeaddict giggles
<codeaddict> LOL Teefa
<AerynScully> teefa .. why have one when you can have more? I've always been a 2 for 1 kinda gal ;)
<Bloodwynd> lol
<Teefa> amen sista amen
<codeaddict> that got blood's attention

* Tzun`s Regenerating Space Tree has her still wet hair in a pony tail and whips Mote with it
* Mote is suddenly turned on
<ShadowDancer> lol
<Corgano> LOL!
<Rexisadog> oh no somebody found the switch
<Mote> hehehe
* Mote thinks of something to say that will get Tzunshine to whip him with her wet hair some more
<Spiral5> psst! mote! reverse psychology!
<Mote> Dont whip me with your wet hair?
<Tzun`s Regenerating Space Tree> fweak Motey
<Mote> And this is news Tzunshine? ;)

<Taron> you all like that funky kindof action don't ya
<Spiral5> ACK!
<Taron> you're all a bunch of funk a holics
* Ash42 gets funky
<Teefa> we want the funk.. hey .. gotta have that funk aaa WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
<AerynScully> I'd like to see ash get funky. somehow .. i imagine, a hat, and something of a chicken dance type thing
<Ash42> <---related to Dr. Funkenstein

<HyperKinetic> Mhmm, stall
<Dainichi1> Hyper is eating Stalin?

* Mote still reading his TWISTAPLOTS
<Mote> "If you think Wayne Knight should go through the Red Door, turn to page 37. If you think he should go thru the GREEN door, turn to page 42."
<Hoggle> ooh.. is that like "choose your own adventure" mote?
<Mote> Pg. 42. Wayne Knight Falls into the bottomless Pitt and dies! WAY to GO MORON!

* crashbarrier would have had a photographic memory if it ever developed

<C h a n s e r v> ;p
<C h a n s e r v> I own you all
<C h a n s e r v> heh
*** C h a n s e r v was kicked by Barbarella © (no you don't own us but I OWN you )
<farx> S C O R E !!!!!!

<Vampsteroonie> an engineer, chemist and mathematician are washed up on a desert island
<Vampsteroonie> there is a spring, so they have water, but no food
<Vampsteroonie> one day, a huge can of beans is washed up, but they have no way to open it
<Vampsteroonie> the engineer thinks and says 'we can use a rock to make a hole in it, then use a stick as a lever and open it like that
<Vampsteroonie> the chemist says 'we can leave it in the shallow sea water, the can would corrode away then'
<Vampsteroonie> the mathematician says 'well, we can just assume the can is open'
<Quasadu> that is pretty funny
<Vampsteroonie> thanks quas

* Gibby wants to show everyone his abs.. for some wierd reason
* Mote doesnt want to see Gibbys Abs. For some strange reason.
<SpiderVixen> will one of ya'll work on my abs so I won't have to?
* Gibby sits on Spiders abs and makes his but vibrate so they tone
<Mote> SV, I can order you one of those Electric Shock things... you can just sit around getting Zapped and build muscle like they do!
<SpiderVixen> yeah.....right, that will work ;)
<Gibby> my butt's doing it for her Mote
<Mote> I'll take yer word for it Gibby ... 'Vibrating Gibby Butt' is another thing - oddly- that I have no desire to see.
