

It's a Musical Free for all!

<Manneh> tell me more tell me more..did you get very far?
<Manneh> heehee
* Quasadu throws a copy of the script form grease at manneh's head

<Stevepalmer> yotz, seen MOOMKISSED
<yotz> I haven't seen 'MOOMKISSED', Stevepalme
<Mote> MOOM river... wider than a mile.... I'm crossing you in style....

<Eric> I'm gonna start a boy band. I'l, the ugly skinny guy!

<Liz-Parker-Evans> BSB DOES in fact, play their instruments, write their own music, they've been nominated for Grammies, won American Music Awards, World Music Awards, and many others, based on their talent, and as far as looks go, millions upon millions of screaming girls and women worldwide can't be wrong! ;-)
<kenshi2> ....whatever liz...

* Mote tried to sit thru Transformer movie a while back... almost had a seizure when the JunkBots started singing

* ChiDoll snaps her whip
<Mote> Crack that whip!
<Mote> Break your mamas back!
<Spiral5> go forward!
<Spiral5> move ahead!
<HyperKinetic> Move ahead
<Spiral5> try to detect it!
<Spiral5> it's not too late!
<HyperKinetic> It's not to late
<HyperKinetic> To whip it
<Mote> To WHIP IT
<Spiral5> and whip it good!
<HyperKinetic> WHIP IT GOOD
<falkin42> into shape
<falkin42> shape it up
<Mote> I think we're done.
<falkin42> fine
<ChiDoll> LOL

* Dalequan 15plays 14( 15Various Artists - Soul Patrol - 05 - Sexual Healing 14) 15 - 14( 113.65 15M 15B 0/ 113 15m 11 59 15s 0/ 11128 15kbps 14) 15 - eł
*** Added *!* to ignore list
<Mote> Sexual healing. *Shudder*
*** Removed *!* from ignore list
<Mote> Well- at least I can't hear it. Thank God

<Mote> I said WAR HUNH... good god yall!
<Mote> What is it good for?
<Dainichi1> *eg*
<AerynScully> absolutely NOTHING
<noone> absoluely NOTHIN!
<racerx11> gawd mote..that song is sooooo old
<Mote> Say it again!
<AerynScully> WAR!
<AerynScully> HUH
<noone> I SAID>>>>WAR!
<Bloodwynd> Yeah!
<AerynScully> what is it good for?
<JIC-snerk> vous is a good substitute for y'all
<Mote> War, hunh... good god vous?
<Mote> Nahh doesnt work
<JIC-snerk> vous
<racerx11> i even here?
<JIC-snerk> sounds like vu
<JIC-snerk> it's french

<Manneh> tonight must be karaoke night or something.

<Manneh> the circle..the circle of LIFE!

<Ash42> whatchoo know I got it....all I'm for a little respect when you get more...hey baby, when ya get more...

<Bloodwynd> AS has an insatiable hunger.
<AerynScully> why not
<AerynScully> LOL! for everything
<Mote> Hungry Like the Wolf?
<codeaddict> roflmao Blood
<Corgano> LOL!
<Mortaneous> for flame broiled meat apparently
<Teefa> I like that word.. insatiable
<Spiral5> Hungry Eyes?
<HyperKinetic> I'm on the hunt I'm after youuuu
<trekkittie> aaaaaaaaa ja smuuuuuuutsong!
<SirenStar> do you know the mileage Ash ?
<racerx11> duran duran does rock
<codeaddict> AS are you naughty or Nice?
<Mote> heh
<AerynScully> LOL! everyone's singing my songs!

<Liz-Parker-Evans> like to break into song, don't you?
