

#farscape Quotes


Farscape- The Good Guys... Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan

The Actors

The Good Guys

The Bad Guys

Mote's Thoughts

Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan, known as Zhaan, (Virginia Hey) is a Delvian Priestess of the tenth level over 800 cycles (years) old. . Imprisoned for murdering her lover by the PeaceKeepers, she is perhaps the only one of the three original prisoners guilty of a real crime. She actually did murder her lover. He had supported a PeaceKeeper backed faction that overthrew the government on Delvia and banished her father. she murdered him while performing unity -a sort of mind meld- which requires complete trust.

During her captivity she renounced violence and began the Delvian seek, the path of the priests. Zhaan was many things to the crew of Moya... at once a spiritual guide and conscious, she was also a healer and a friend. Though she rarely spoke of it, she had a strong desire to once again see her home-world, Delvia. Perhaps this desire stemmed from an urge to track down her father, it was never revealed why... but in the episode of DNA Mad Scientist, she went through extreme and violent measures (ripping off Pilots arm) to find a way home. She seldom spoke of her own desires though, and often went out of her way to support her friends and their plans.

If the crew on Moya could be called a family, then she was the mother who would eventually give up her own life to save her children. Though no longer a part of the show, Zhaan will always be remembered and revered for her almost ethereal nature and tender heart.