

<TIL> Reality is crutch for people who can't handle Farscape.

<Dainichi1> God? I have a question. If you're god, is it possible for you to make a burrito so spicey, even you can't eat it?

<Chaoswar> waxed arse
<Greenie> hee hee
<Chaoswar> get that nasty bush growing between yer arse cheeks taken care off
<Chaoswar> off = of
<legalbeagle> thanks, chaos, but ... no
<Mote> Geeze Chaos- could you save the sweet talk till we are alone???

<Taron> yes, I want to beat your trout
<Taron> all night long
<codeaddict> I'm not beating MY trout ROFLMAO not THAT sonds WORSE
<AerynScully> woah .. you dont even take me to dinner Taron? straight to the fish blows ..
<Teefa> 'lo NeuralClone
<codeaddict> LOL
<racerx11> fish? blow?
<Dave-> lol AS... being direct as usual
* Mote almost read that as 'erect'
<codeaddict> lol Mote now we know where YOUR "head" is
<AerynScully> Mote.. im only your version of "direct" when it comes to you
<Mote> I have no idea what you all are talking about.
<Mote> heh
<AerynScully> lol
<Corgano> lol
<codeaddict> lol
<racerx11> bak
<AerynScully> sex, rock n roll, boob sweat .. the usual

* Ramses will never never marry
<Dave-> never??
<CACTUS-TEC-151> you say that now ..but later on ..when your lonely ...and all your friends are married`ll come looking for me

<charles> you think grayza and braca went all the way, ash?
<Ash42> the better question I care? survey says!

*** kenshi has joined #farscape
<Mortaneous> wb kenshi
<Ash42> wb kenshit
<Ash42> ACK!
<Ash42> kenshi rather!
<ShadowDancer> LMAO ASH!!!!
<ChiDoll> LMFAO
<HyperKinetic> OMG...
<falkin42> damn
<HyperKinetic> LOL
* ChiDoll gives Ash a typo award *snerk*

* Lyme bwahas as she remembers a 'Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten' graphic on someone's website
* Mote reminds himself to masturbate more often. Die Kittens, die!
<HyperKinetic> Well god does. You can't begin to imagine how many kittens are six feet under because of me
<Spiral5> that can't be true... if it were, i would've single-handedly (*groan*) made cats extinct
<Ash42> mass kitten graves
<HyperKinetic> hehehe
<DrSandor> *arrrgh* hee hee
<Spiral5> at least it was double pun :)
<DrSandor> let's see, there's 6 billion people on the planet, probably more cats...

<kenshi> lyme's a chick?
<Lyme> Yes

<Slic> normally? you do something normally?
<Mote> yes, I get on the short bus normally and attend my special classes normally
<Mote> ahh the stigma of the 'short bus'

* kenshi absently wonders what would happen if she replaced all the testosteron in the room with estrogen......
<Mortaneous> We'd turn into the ya Ya sisterhood
<DrSandor> LOL Mort
<DrSandor> I can't top that
<kenshi> lol

<Dainichi1> "Hi, I'm Bob Dole. Before I used viagra, I had problems getting it up. After watching this commerical, I'm sure you'll have problems getting it up, too."
<Lyme> "Hi, I'm a four-legged dickmonster, and I use viagra."
<PhantomStark> oh god
<Lyme> HEY, dickmonsters get old, too
<Dainichi1> Vegan four-legged dickmonsters eat viagra instead of other dicks.
<Mote> And with all this talk of 4 legged schlong gobblers, Im sure my dreams tonight wont be pleasent. thanks so much.
<Lyme> Hey, a fourlegged dickmonster is NOT a fourlegged schlonggobbler. They're two entirely different species.
<Mote> Tomatoe Tomato
<Lyme> DICKMONSTER, dammit!
<Mote> hehehe
<Dainichi1> It's a dickmonster. I've seen pictures.
<Rexisadog> and I thought we were juvenile Leo :)
* Spiral5 isn't following that one up
<Mote> Me either... you wont get me that easily Lyme! Muhuhahaha!
<Lyme> drat foiled again
* Tzun`s Regenerating Space Tree TOPIC #farscape: fourlegged schloggobbler's, menace to society?
<Tzun`s Regenerating Space Tree> discuss

<Mote> Man, theyre having like some kind of 'Antiques Roadshow' Marathon, and IM WATCHING IT. Someone please... HELP ME.

<Hoggle> pauly shore... uggg.
<Hoggle> he is to comedy... what jean claude van dam is to...... comedy..

<Mote> BreakfastBalls?
<AerynScully> Mote .. i love that movie!
<codeaddict> breakyourballs?
<AerynScully> The Breakfastballs .... *just when detention got NASTY*

* scaperbrandi peeks in, sees the word balls and wonders what depravity we have wondered into now

<Ash42> I've learned some very disturbing news
<Ash42> Jennifer Lopez is supposed to be in the next Kevin Smith movie.....*SHUDDER*
*** Spiral5 has joined #farscape
<Spiral5> ash, i now hate kevin smith

<codeaddict> why am I watching the Animal Planet?
<AerynScully> cause if you cant be doing it, you might as well be watching it

<codeaddict> LOL YEAH only in HERE I'm GAY
<racerx11> code is gay?
<trekkittie> whua?
<HyperKinetic> I'm gay too
<Spiral5> <--- positively FLAMING
<HyperKinetic> Codey's my homo-honey
<Taron> gay people shouldn't suck
<codeaddict> yes Hyper's GAY
<Corgano> LOL! Spi!
<racerx11> i'm gay online...but not in r/l
<Teefa> 'lo Odinn-Helmsley
<trekkittie> gay! yay!
<HyperKinetic> I'm thuper thankth for athking!

This is so sad it's funny.

<Jean> so asl beans
<Beans> Uh Im a Bean...
.... Later....
<Jean> where did beans go???
<Mote> No idea.
<Jean> not too tearibly bad... just broke up with my bf, so im livin it up!!!
<Captain-Me> lol, good attitude, best way to handle breakups
<Jean> ASL CM???
<Captain-Me> lol why you gonna try to pick up on me? ;)
<Mote> Oh Boy.
<Captain-Me> lol ok, 29/fem/calif
<Jean> OH... nevermind, thought u where a guy sorry
* codeaddict chuckles
* Mote gets interested
* Jean is VERY shy all of a sudden... and turning RED!!!
<Captain-Me> (besides, I bi, shhhhhh)
<Jean> oh... that's k...
<AerynScully> i think I'm internet bi. for some reason - these damn farscape girls really get me going. <hi there codey>
<Jean> okay who in this room is a girl and who is a guy???????????????????????????/
<Dave-> =] jean... whaddyawant?
