

#farscape Quotes


Farscape- The Actors... Claudia Black

The Actors

The Good Guys

The Bad Guys

Unusual Edits

Mote's Thoughts

CLAUDIA BLACK plays Officer Aeryn Sun. Claudia was born on October 11th, in Sydney, Australia, though the year is a matter of some speculation, (She won't say... she admitted in OCT 2000 to being 28, though whether that was tongue in cheek or honest, I don't know.) She apparently likes Lucky Charms a great deal, similarly Mr. Browder apparently has some fondness for YUCK diet Mountain Dew.

Claudia's acting credit's are as long as my arm. Most notably film-wise as "Shazza" in the Sci-Fi bug movie PITCH BLACK. She also appeared in what was cut to apparently a one line role in QUEEN of the DAMNED. Unfortunately, Claudia and her one line - "But how?" - were about the most interesting part of QotD.

She has also appeared in several TV series including Australia's "City Life" as a primary character and in "A Country Practice" in a recurring role as a nurse.

As of yet there is no Official site for Claudia Black.