

#farscape Quotes


Farscape- The Bad Guys... Captain Braca

The Actors

The Good Guys

The Bad Guys

Unusual Edits

Mote's Thoughts

Captain Braca (David Franklin) is, as Crais put it, "a consummate PeaceKeeper." While at initial glance he appears to be little more than a lapdog to his superiors, the honest truth is he is extremely ambitious. He curries favor with those he thinks can advance his career and is smart enough to see their brilliance and respect it.

Captain Braca started out as a Lt. on Crais' command Carrier. Crais and Scorpius both saw potential in this officer and Crais had once said that he long ago predicted Braca's rise in the PeaceKeepers. When Scorpius took command of the PeaceKeepers Braca was never far behind and many referred to him as the Smithers to Scorpius' Mr. Burns.

Now that Grayza has effectively taken control of the PeaceKeepers in the Uncharted Territories, she has promoted him to Captain. She also has, in the past, used her heppel oil on him when she thought it advantageous and though Braca seems to be firmly in her grasp, it would not surprise me if he had something up his sleeve and was just waiting for the right time to make his next big career move.