Life Group of Richmond, Missouri

Discovering Your Love Language

This is a questionaire adapted for the web from The Five Love Languages workbook by Gary Chapman. We would highly recommend reading the book to better understand the results of this profile.

  1. I like to receive notes of affirmation from you.
    I like it when you hug me.

  2. I like to spend one-on-one time with you.
    I feel loved when you give practical help to me.

  3. I like it when you give me gifts.
    I like taking long walks with you.

  4. I feel loved when you do things to help me.
    I feel loved when you touch me.

  5. I feel loved when you hold me in your arms.
    I feel loved when I receive a gift from you.

  6. I like to go places with you.
    I like to hold hands with you.

  7. Visible symbols of love (like gifts) are very important to me.
    I feel loved when you affirm me.

  8. I like to sit close to you.
    I like for you to tell me I'm attractive/handsome.

  9. I like spending time with you.
    I like receiving little gifts from you.

  10. Your words of acceptance are important to me.
    I know you love me when you help me.

  11. I like to be together when we do things.
    I like the kind words you say to me.

  12. What you do affects me more than what you say.
    I feel whole when we hug.

  13. I value your praise and am affected deeply by your criticism.
    Several inexpensive gifts from you mean more to me than one large gift.

  14. I feel close when we are talking or doing something together.
    I feel closer to you when you touch me often.

  15. I like it when you compliment me for my achievements.
    I know you love me when you do things for me that you do not enjoy doing.

  16. I like for you to touch me when you walk by.
    I like it when you listen to me sympathetically.

  17. I feel loved when you help me with my jobs around the house.
    I really enjoy receiving gifts from you.

  18. I like it when you compliment my appearance.
    I feel loved when you take time to understand my feelings.

  19. I feel secure when you are touching me.
    Your acts of service make me feel loved.

  20. I appreciate the many things that you do for me.
    I like receiving gifts that you make for me.

  21. I really enjoy the feeling I get when you give me your undivided attention.
    I really enjoy the feeling I get when you do some act of service for me.

  22. I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with a gift.
    I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with meaningful words (either written or spoken).

  23. I know you are thinking of me when you give me a gift.
    I feel loved when you help me with my chores.

  24. I appreciate it when you listen patiently without interrupting me.
    I appreciate it when you remember special days with a gift.

  25. I like to know you are concerned enough to help with my daily tasks.
    I enjoy extended trips with you.

  26. Kissing or hugging me unexpectedly excites me.
    Giving me a gift for no special occassion excites me.

  27. I like to be told that you appreciate me.
    I like for you to look at me when we are talking.

  28. Your gifts are always special to me.
    I feel good when you are touching me.

  29. I feel loved when you enthusiastically do some task I have requested.
    I feel loved when you tell me how much you appreciate me.

  30. I need to be touched every day.
    I need your words of affirmation every day.