Loners :: Posse

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Here is the spot that you can adopt some wonderful little petties!! Woot! Haha, anyways, I just ask that you follow a couple little rules....well guidelines if you will, nobody likes the word rules! Bah certainly not me. Now here we go:

- One adoption per week
- Keep Morningstar show prefix if you show your pettie please
- Change whatever you want about your pet, its name, eyes etc. it IS your pet, just give me a little credit, don't claim to have bred it or whatever, gracias amigos :)
- Freebies, unless there is any other indication
-If any petz require breedfiles I will send it with them
- Smile, you're on candid camera! Come on, I had to try!

:: Adoption Form ::

Your Name:
Pet's Name:

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Send it to Me!