
by Remma (morennab@yahoo.co.uk)

"Oh, it's you. Was I expecting you? Why are you here? Is there a problem?"

"Hello, Daniel. Good to see you too."

"Oh, right. Hello Jack...sorry, I'm a bit...uhm..."

"Yes, I can see that."

"Right...a little trouble sleeping."

"O-kay, that would explain the manic glint in the eyes. And in answer to your questions: No, you weren't expecting me; I'm here just because; no, there's no problem."

"Oh. Good."




"What? Oh, right, yes...yes, of course...come on in. It's not like you to stand on ceremony. In fact, I seem to remember that the last time you dropped in on me, you picked the lock."

"I was checking your security."

"Sure you were. Well, you have only yourself to blame for..."

"A black eye."

"If you will go breaking in..."

"Six stitches."

"How was I to know you'd do something stupid like..."

"Over eight hundred dollars worth of dental work."

"I thought you were a burglar..."


"It wasn't my fault, Jack. You're the one who taught me self-defense."

"I never taught you that thing with the frying pan."

"Ah...that was Sam."

"Did Carter teach you that funky stuff you did with the sword, too?"

"Uhm, no. That was Teal'c."

"Of course it was. Anyone else been giving you handy little fighting tips?"



"General Hammond."



"Janet? Geez, no wonder I lost."

"You should be glad."

"Glad you beat me to a pulp?"


"Any reason why you think being knocked senseless should fill me with joy?"

"It proves my security is adequate...so...no need for you to worry."


"You're the one who claimed to be checking my security. If you weren't, maybe you'd like to explain exactly what you were doing breaking into my apartment at midnight. Well?"


"I thought so. Coffee?"

"Damn, you're pissy tonight. And from the state of you, I'd say you'd already had more than enough coffee."

"I am not pissy. I am never pissy. What state? What are you doing here anyway...or did you just come here to aggravate me?"

"I came to check you were okay."

"What? Why? I'm fine."


"I'm fine, Jack. If that's all you came for, you can go on home."

"You don't look fine...you look like hell."

"Thanks, Jack. That makes me feel so much better."

"Look, Daniel, after what happened on P4f 729..."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You never do."

"Please, Jack...just leave it."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"Did you put Sam and Teal'c through the third degree too? No? Just me then. What a surprise."


"What? Worried that the poor, feeble civilian is about to fall apart?"

"Hell, no. You're one of the strongest people I know. You have a core of steel in your soul that makes you unbreakable."

"Oh. Jack...I...thank-you, I guess. If you really think that, then why the concern?"

"Because I care. I don't like to see you hurting...and that doesn't mean I don't think you can cope."

"Oh, okay. I'm...grateful that you care, but really..."

"Daniel, it wasn't your fault."

"Yes, I know that...but..."

"It wasn't your fault."



"But, if I'd only..."

"What, Daniel? What could you possibly have done to make things different?"

"I don't know...something...there had to have been something..."

"No, there wasn't. There was nothing you could have done. Sometimes there isn't."

"I can't accept that, Jack. God...even the children."

"I know."

"It was so..."

"I know. It happens."

"Well, it shouldn't."

"I know."

"I used to think that hate and prejudice were learned responses, but now...I don't know...maybe they're inbred...a part of human nature. These people were transported millions of light years away from the Earth, and still..."

"People need someone to blame when things go wrong...anyone who's different will do."

"Oh, I know all about being different."


"I grew up in a series of foster homes, and a series of new schools. I was smart, geeky, and generally regarded as weird. So, yes...I know all about the concept of 'different is dead.'"

"I'm sorry. Is that why you're so upset about..."

"Oh, please, Jack. I hardly think that me being bullied in school compares to the evil that was done on that planet yesterday. And are you seriously telling me that you're not upset too."

"Of course I'm upset. But I see no point in rehashing all the could haves and maybe ifs. We did what we could for the survivors. Now we have to move on."

"Yes, I know that. But...I can't stop thinking that I should have been able to convince them, to make them understand."

"You did everything in your power to make them see sense. There never was any hope, Daniel, and I think you know that."

"I guess I do. I'm sorry...I'm just so tired."

"You need to sleep, Daniel."

"I know, but..."



"Why don't I stay here...chase away the bogeymen?"

"Ja-ack, I'm not a baby."

"I'd noticed that."

"Oh, really?"

"Uhm...ah...I just meant..."

"It's okay, Jack. I know...and if you really don't mind staying..."

"Of course I don't mind. I can sleep on the couch."

"Well, if that's what you want, but I do have a rather large bed...plenty of room for two."

"You asking me to sleep with you?"

"Just to keep the nightmares away."

"Yes, right, sure. Why else."




"Oh...oh, right. Yes."



"Yes, what?"

"What? Ah, sorry. Yes, Daniel, I would like to sleep with you tonight."

"Oh, okay. Good."

"And Daniel?"


"I promise you, I will always be here to chase away your nightmares."

"Ja-ack. I promise to do the same for you too, now and forever."

"Well, damn. Sweet."

***The End***

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