Infinite Possibilities

by Remma (

"Time to go Dr.Jackson. The transports are loaded and ready to leave."

"Be right with you. I'm just about done, why don't you go on ahead."

"Sir, there really is no more time. We'll be lucky to make it as it is."

"Coming." Daniel pushed the last of the notebooks into his bag and followed the young airman out of the complex to the waiting troop transport. All the other civilians on staff had already been taken to the SGC and on through the Gate to the Beta site, only Daniel and a handful of military personnel were left. If he hadn't transferred to Area 51 a few months ago he would have already been there, but there had been no way he could stay on SG-1 after..well..there was no point thinking about any of that now. In all likelihood he would be dead within the next half hour. The two men hurried over to where Colonel Brock, the officer in charge of the evacuation, was talking into his radio.

"Change of plans men. I've received a message from General Hammond and the Goa'uld have reached the mountain. He's sent the last of his people through and set the auto-destruct. There is no more Stargate."

No more Stargate. So this rollercoaster ride was finally over and they had lost this one final battle. No more Stargate. God.

"We'll be headed to...Jesus!...What the hell was that! Oh my god. The sky's full of them..where are they all coming from?"

"This many death gliders means a Mother Ship nearby. Whatever we're going to do we need to do it now, we're sitting ducks out here."

"I'm aware of that Jackson. Okay people, back inside."

"What's your plan, Colonel?"

"We'll defend the complex for as long as we can then blow it when we're overrun by Jaffa, take as many of them with us as we can."

"You've been watching 'The Alamo' again haven't you Brock?"

"Hey, you got a better idea Doc, I'm listening."

"Nothing comes to mind. Oh...wait...yes...yes...the...the...the mirror!"

"The what?"

"The..the mirror! The mirror...we can use the mirror...go through to an alternate universe."

"Isn't that supposed to have been destroyed?"

"Yea right, like the second gate was destroyed. I'm betting it's still down in storage."

" go through the mirror...then what? We can't stay anywhere we already exist and anywhere we don't has probably already fallen to the Goa'uld."

"At least we can warn as many realities as possible so that the same thing wont happen there."

"It only needs one person to do that. You go, we'll give you as much time as we can to find a safe place."


"Go. There isn't time to argue about this. Just go."

"Right. Good luck Brock." Daniel took one last look at the desperate preparations to protect the base then turned to run toward the storeroom where praying that he would find the mirror still intact. As he entered the dark room he found the object of his search, sitting on a low pedestal and covered only in a dustsheet. Daniel thanked god for the incompetence of the NID as he spotted the control device next to the un-sealed mirror. He could hear the battle being fought behind him as he searched for a reality similar to his own but minus the fast approaching Jaffa. Finally he found what he was looking for and stepped through to the sound of alarms and running feet. He could only wait and hope that the men who came through the door would be in SG uniforms.

Jack made his way to the briefing room in answer to the he urgent summons from General Hammond. He entered to see Sam, Teal'c and Dr.Fraiser already there. "The usual suspects all together again I see. What slimy evil snakehead does the Earth need saving from this time?"

"Take a seat Colonel. I've been sent a security tape from Area 51 that they want us to take a look at. It seems that we've had another visitor through the quantum mirror."

"Oh for crying out loud. Isn't that thing supposed to be sealed?"

"It was. It was un-sealed for experimentation. Seems they forgot to re-seal it afterwards."

"What is wrong with those people! Have they no concept of danger?"

"In this case their incompetence may have been fortuitous." The General put the tape in the recorder and pressed play. Jack was half expecting to see another bad hair version of Carter on the screen, but the figure seated at the table in the bare interrogation room took his breath away. He heard Sam gasp as Daniel's voice came over the monitor.

"Look, could we hurry this along please? You obviously know who I am and it's not like it's the first time you've encountered alternate realities. I really need to see General warn him...he needs to know what happened in my world...please...I only have 48hrs before I have to leave!"

"48 hrs. Sirs, he must be thinking of entropic cascade failure, but that only happens when you have two of the same person in the same reality, and as Daniel is no longer alive exactly in our reality, it shouldn't apply here. He should be safe."

"Well gee Carter, I guess he doesn't know he's supposed to be dead."


"Whatever." Gone was gone, and wherever Daniel might be, he wasn't here. Except he was. Of course, it wasn't really his Daniel. Jack knew that, and yet this man looked and sounded so much like his missing friend, that he couldn't help but respond to him, the fist around his heart loosening it's grip. "Are they bringing him here General?"

"He's already on his way Colonel. Should be arriving any time. I wanted us all to be prepared for his arrival since this is not going to be an easy meeting, for any of us." Although he spoke to them all, his eyes strayed to a clearly distracted O'Neill, his thoughts interrupted by a call from the main gate. "Heads up people..he's here."

Daniel was led into the room by a pair of openly curious SFs. He was surprised when one of them leaned in close to whisper 'welcome back Dr.J' before turning to leave. He looked around at the familiar staring faces, his gaze stopping in shock when he saw Jack. "Oh my god! You're not dead."

"Dammit..why am I always the one that's dead in these alternate reality things? That is so not right. Teal' time you're dead."

"Well, to be fair Jack, everyone was dead in the other reality I was at...and Teal'c killed them."


"So, you went there too. You do get around Dr.Jackson."

"As far as I can tell, our two realities are very similar, which means that the split must be relatively recent. Most of the important events correlate, the destruction of Tollana and Voresh has happened in both our Worlds. Um...I hate to ask...urm...ah...I couldn't help noticing that I...uh...your...Daniel wasn't here? Off-World?"



Daniel was surprised by how shaken he felt at this unexpected development, his agile mind rapidly factoring it into his plans. "How did..."

"When were..."

"Sorry...go ahead..."

"No, after you..."

"It's can..."


"Oh, did I..uh..he..die?"



"Danieljackson did not die. He was able to ascend to a higher plane of existence."

"He was? How? Why?"

"He was assisted by the being known as OmaDesala whom we encountered on Kheb. He chose ascension in preference to an agonising death."

"Oh. Good choice."

"It was radiation poisoning Daniel" Sam hesitated, trying to find the words to explain how Daniel had been lost to them. "We gated to a place called Kalona, where they were using a very powerful form of Naquada to make a bomb. You tried...all of us convince them of how dangerous it was but they wouldn't listen. There was an accident in one of the labs and you...he...was exposed to a lethal dose of radiation. Daniel? Are you okay? You're as white as a ghost. Oh Daniel...I'm sorry...I didn't mean..."

"It's okay didn' wasn''s just...that must have been it"

"What must have been it?"

"The split. Please...just bear with me on this, I'm still a little shaky on how this whole alternate universe thing works but from what I understand, aren't there supposed to be an infinite number of possible realities, a new one evolving each time a different road is taken?" Daniel looked over at Sam who confirmed his hypothesis with a brief nod. "'m guessing here...but it looks to me as if this is the point at which our two realities diverged, when your Daniel died...and not Jack."

"Dr.Jackson, are you saying that in your reality, it was Colonel O'Neill who was exposed to the radiation?"


"I ascended?"



"General Hammond, if Daniel is right, then our reality could well be in danger from whatever happened in his. We need to know what that was as soon as possible sir." All eyes turned anxiously to Daniel, as the full implications of his presence here began to sink in.

"Yes...yes...of course...sorry...that's why I'm here. So...long story short...not long after Jack died the Asguard asked us to rescue a stranded scientist of theirs, Thor was dead, they had no available went but..."

"Hey wait up...SG-2? Why not SG-1?"

"What SG-1? Jack was gone, Sam and Teal'c were temporarily re-assigned until a new C.O. could be appointed, and I had transferred to Area 51."

"Why would you do that?"

"Personal reasons."


"Jack...please...just let me went, but were captured before they were able to carry out the rescue. We can't be sure about what happened then, but it seems that Anubis has acquired a lot of new technology, not just shields and weapons, but some new way to get information from his prisoners...maybe a version of the memory device or..."

"It's a brain implant...downloads information directly into the computer mainframe."

"How could you know that?"

"Things went down a little differently here Daniel. SG-1 took that assignment and we were able to rescue Heimdall...the Asguard scientist...and Thor."

"Thor! If Anubis had him too, and used the implant, then that might explain how he was able to defeat the Asguard so fast, and of course, once they were gone, he was unstoppable. Earth had no chance against his fleet. We were defeated in less than a week." Daniel paused, still finding it almost impossible to comprehend how completely his life had changed in such a relatively short space of time. He thought ruefully that the universe could spare him much more readily than it could Jack, since in this reality, the one minus a Daniel, the future looked considerably brighter. "It doesn't look like you needed my warning after all, since you were able to save Thor and their scientist. Who was your fourth on this mission Jack?"

"There wasn't one. It was just the three of us." Jack smiled at Daniel, wanting him to know that they hadn't just moved on as if nothing had happened. He knew that Sam resented his apparent lack of emotion at the loss of their teammate, but the truth was that his feelings were so strong he was afraid to allow himself to grieve. It was only after Daniel was gone that he realised how deeply he had cared for him, that what he had been feeling for so long had in fact been love. Now it seemed to him that he was being given a second chance and the possibility that he could lose this Daniel too was terrifying. "So...Daniel...what are your plans now?"

"I hadn't really thought. Initially I was intending on getting the warning out to as many realities as possible, but now I'm not even sure that's necessary, unless I try to find the ones that have a Daniel but no Jack...which I have no idea how to do"

"Will you then return to your own reality DanielJackson?"

"No, that's not possible. The mirror was destroyed, and anyway...I have nothing to go back to. I never expected...I mean...I didn't think...what with the entropic cascade failure and all...but he isn't here so maybe... General Hammond do you it be possible for..." Daniel broke off as the door opened to reveal a man he remembered all too well, one he had never expected to see at the SGC. "General, what is that man doing here? Don't you know who he is? That rodent stood by...cowering in fear, while Jack sacrificed himself for a planet that wasn't even his own. And as if that wasn't enough, he blamed Jack for the accident...said that he was a terrorist...that he had deliberately sabotaged the experiment...and the Pentagon went along with that farce...apologized even...all to get their hands on some naquadria...even expected me to deliver the letter...ha! As if...and you let him come here!" Daniel was on his feet, shaking violently with the force of his anger at the sight of this man. Jonas Quinn. The man Daniel held responsible for initiating the chain of events that had destroyed his world.

"Is that why you left the SGC Daniel?"

"Of course that's why I left. After the way our own people betrayed Jack there was no way I was going to stay, and that slimy piece of pond scum is responsible!"

"Dr.Jackson, I realise that you're upset but please try to remember that things are a little different here. Mr.Quinn is now a member of this facility. He cleared our Daniel Jackson of all charges brought against him, and then risked his own life to bring us a sample of the naquadria..."

"Bought his way in, you mean!"

"No that is not what I mean. The Jonas Quinn you know may have lied to protect himself, but this man did the best that he could, in an impossible situation. Cut him a break son."

"The General's right Daniel. You're blaming the wrong man."

Daniel took several deep cleansing breaths in an effort to calm his anger, knowing it was irrational to blame Quinn for something his alternate had done. "I'm sorry General...everyone...of course I...I do understand that he has more right to be here than I have..."

"No he does not." Jack rounded the table to grasp Daniel's shoulder tightly, indifferent to Quinn's annoyed scowl at this obvious show of contempt. Truth be told, Jack had never fully approved of the Pentagon's haste in accepting the Kolonian to the Stargate Program, his own assessment of him not that different from Daniel's. He had been livid when Colonel Simmons had compared Quinn's defection to Teal'c's, angrily pointing out that Teal'c had saved their lives, losing his home and family in the process. All Quinn had done was steal some naquqdria and then run away. At one point it had even been suggested that he could replace Daniel on SG-1, but the idea had been speedily dropped when Jack had threatened to resign rather than work with the man. As if anyone could ever replace his Daniel! Jack looked at the man he still held, smiling into his beautiful blue eyes. "This is where you belong Daniel, you will always be a part of the SGC. Isn't that right General?"

"It is indeed, Colonel O'Neill. I'll need confirmation from the Pentagon, but I don't anticipate any problems should you wish to remain with us, Dr.Jackson."

"I...yes...I'd like that General..thank-you."

"So...great...that's settled then...we get to keep you."

Daniel gratefully accepted his third cup of coffee from Sam, still stunned by the reception he had been receiving. In the hour since leaving the briefing room he had been approached by dozens of SGC personnel, some, like Ferretti, stopping to talk but most just saying hello, or slapping him on the back. He recalled his last experience with an alternate reality, one where no-one had known him. In so many ways this was even more unnerving, the very familiarity both reminding him of all he had lost, and simultaneously making him feel as though he had come home. And now here he was, sitting at his desk, in his old office, with his team. "Well...this is strange."


"Oh yeah."

"Daniel, have you noticed any major differences since you've been here?"

"No, everything seems to be pretty much as I remember. Why was this office never cleared by the way?"

"General Hammond ordered that everything be left intact until someone could be found to take over from Daniel. The archaeology and linguistics departments tend to use it as a reference library."

"He still hasn't been replaced...even after all this time?"

"DanielJackson could never be replaced. Many have tried, all have fallen short. I am yet to meet any other individual who posses his unique skills, knowledge and integrity."

"Teal'c's right, Daniel. Who knew you were hiding your light under a bushel. It takes at least three people to do the job you used to do alone."

"Not me, Jack."

"Well, technically, Daniel, to all intents and purposes, it was you. Right up to the point that our two realities diverged, you and our Daniel were one...with all the same memories...experiences...even the same feelings."

"I know that Sam, but I also know that I can't just forget what happened after Kalona...and I'm pretty sure that you can't either. These last few months have been the worst of my life, worse even than when I lost Sha're, or when my parents died. We may have been the same before the split, but since then, I've had everyone and everything I cared about taken from me, until I was alone again. I'm truly grateful to General Hammond for letting me stay here, and I intend to do the best that I can to fit in, but I can't...I won't...just pretend that all that never happened."

"I'm sorry Daniel, I never intended to negate all that's happened to you...and you're right, I'll never forget having to stand by, and watch one of my closest friends dying in agony...but it's been so hard. I can't even mourn him because he's not really dead...he's ascended...and I miss him...I miss him so much...and then you came...and it feels like I have my friend back. Daniel, I want my friend back..." Sam finished on a sob, pressing her hands to her mouth, as if trying to stop the flow of words. Daniel went to her at once, taking her into his arms in a comforting embrace.

"Oh Sam...please...don't. I promise...whatever happens...I could never not be your friend. I'll be the SGC...any time you need to talk..."

"You'll be on SG-1 Daniel."

"What? On SG-1? Will that even be possible...I mean...I'm not...I..."

"Like Teal'c said, no-one else can do half the stuff you do...hell...they're lucky to get any Daniel Jackson working for them. I don't expect any objections. Besides, you're the one we want."

"The Colonel's right Daniel. You belong with us."

"I concur DanielJackson. You are indeed necessary to us."

"Thank-you .I...of course I want to to be on SG-1. I've never wanted to be anywhere else."

Settled. Everything was settled. General Hammond had received approval for Daniel to join not only the SGC, but also SG-1. And even better, he was allowed to go off base tonight...on condition that he stayed with Jack. Perfect. Couldn't be better. So, why did he feel so nervous? He glanced over to the passenger seat as he pulled into his driveway, his eyes resting on a soundly sleeping Daniel. God. Almost unconsciously he reached out a hand to brush against one soft cheek. " Rise and shine Danny..we're home."

Daniel walked into the house he knew so well, still unsure of whether or not he should have come. Perhaps it would have been better for him to stay in one of the guest suites, but Jack's invitation, so painfully reminiscent of the first time he had arrived at the SGC alone and homeless, had been impossible to refuse. So now here he was. Alone. With Jack. And all he could think about was the last time he had been alone with his Jack, the man wrapped in bandages, his body ravaged by the radiation poisoning. Then, too late Daniel had admitted his feelings for his best friend. That he was in love with him, had been in love with him for a very long time. He had been shocked to the core when Jack's barely audible response told him that the love was reciprocated. And then Jack was gone, and it was too late. Looking back, he could see clearly why their relationship had become so strained, both sublimating their desires, neither willing to risk the pain of rejection. But had this Jack and Daniel been given the same chance to confess their love?

"Beer, Daniel?"



"Did you ever tell Daniel you loved him?" A loud crash from the kitchen was followed by complete silence. "I'll take that as a no." Jack's face was ashen as he came into the living room.

"How did you know?"

"When my Jack was dying, I told him I loved him. Turns out he felt the same, and I'm guessing you did too."

"You told him, Daniel..."

"He loved you. Yes."

"My God. I never knew. Why did he never say anything?"

"Why didn't you?"

"Fair point. Too scared I guess."

"Same here."

"So, what do we do now?"

"I don't know. I always told myself if I had the chance to do it all again...and now...I don't're Jack, and yet not's all"

"Confusing. Yeah."

"I feel like I'd be betraying my Jack if anything happened between us, and yet how can I not love you? You're not just like the man I fell in love with, you are the man I fell in love with. How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Sucks big time."

"Why is my life always so complicated?"

"Do you want to forget the whole thing? Just be friends?"

"No, I don't see how that would even be possible. It's out there now. We can't go bac, .we just need to find a way of going forward."

"I vote we try for a relationship."

"We need...I go really slowly here."

"Daniel,it's been five years. That's pretty damn slow."

"Not five years for us. We just met today. Jack, is it really so much to ask that we take the time to get to know each other first? We need to be completely sure of what we both want. This is too important to screw up."

"I know what I want. I want you."

"But which me? Tell me now that if your Daniel came back tomorrow, you wouldn't go to him like a shot. And where would that leave me? My Jack is dead...not ascended...dead. My world is gone. No reprieves."

"We've wasted so much time already Daniel. I don't want to waste any more on what if's. You're here, and your real, and I really, really want to touch you...hold you...make love to you. Please, we have the chance for something good...something special...don't throw it all away without even trying."

"Jack, I want us to be together...more than you could ever imagine...but I need to be sure that when you look at me, you see me. Please Jack."

"And until you are sure?"

"Until I am sure we can spend time together. I'll even go fishing with you. We need to learn how to be friends again, before we can be lovers."

"I guess I can live with that...on one condition."


"That I at least get to kiss you."

***The End***

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