Publicaciones y congresos recientes
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Zahrt, T.C., Mora, G.C. and Maloy, S. (1994). "Inactivation of mismatch repair in Salmonella typhi allows efficient transduction of S. typhimurium DNA from bacteriophage P22".
J. Bacteriol. 176:1527-1529.

Contreras, I., Obreque, V., Tesser, B. and Mora, G.C. (1994). "Mini-Mu technology in
Salmonella typhi: isolation of stable MudJ operon fusions by cis complementation".
Biol. Res. 27:233-239.

Contreras, I., Obreque, V.H., Blanco, L.P., Toro, C.S. and Mora, G.C. (1995). "Anaerobically induced
Salmonella typhi genes are involved in entry and proliferation within human-derived cell lines". Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 26. suppl 2:100-117.

Contreras, I., Muñoz, L., Toro, C.S. and Mora, G.C. (1995). "Heterologous expression of
Escherichia coli porin genes in Salmonella typhi Ty2: regulation by medium osmolarity, temperature and oxygen availability".
FEMS Microbiol. Let. 133:105-111.

Contreras, I., Toro, C.S., Troncoso, G. and Mora, G.C. (1997). "
Salmonella typhi mutants defective in anaerobic respiration are impaired in their ability to replicate within epithelial cells".
Microbiology 143:2665-2672.

Blanco, L.P., Toro, C.S., Romero, J.M., Santiviago, C.A. and Mora, G.C. (1997). "
Salmonella typhi Ty2 OmpC porin induces bactericidal activity on U937 monocytes.
Microbiol. Immunol. 40:999-1003.

Toro CS, Mora GC, Figueroa-Bossi N (1998). "Gene transfer between related bacteria by electrotransformation: mapping
Salmonella typhi genes in Salmonella typhimurium".
J. Bacteriol. 180:4750-4752.

Santiviago, C.A., Toro, C.S., Bucarey, S.A and Mora, G.C. (2001). “A chromosomal region surrounding the ompD porin gene marks a genetic difference between
Salmonella typhi and the majority of Salmonella serovars".
Microbiology 147:1897-1907.
Congresos Internacionales
"Effect of heterologous expression of Salmonella typhimurium OmpD porin in Salmonella typhi : Entry into and proliferation within culture cells and virulence in mice".
Santiviago, C., Toro, C. & Mora, G.
Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Response Meeting, September, 1997, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., USA.

"Salmonella typhi Ty2 lacks the chromosomal region encoding the adjacent ompD and smvA genes present in the Salmonella typhimurium genome".
Santiviago, C. & Mora, G.
Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Response Meeting, September, 1999, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., USA.

"Characterization of the anaerobically induced outer membrane protein Tsx of Salmonella typhi Ty2 and its relation with Salmonella virulence".
Bucarey, S., Bittner, M. y Mora, G.
General Meeting American Society for Microbiology, May, 2001, Florida, USA.
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