About Liz
Here are just some things I wanted to share about my little sister. 

Liz had tons of friends.  She could charm the pants off of anyone.  I remember going to Indiana dunes when Liz was 2 or 3 and she would find a playmate in just a matter of minutes.  I think Liz made an impression on everyone she met.  No one could resist her silly, cheerful personality.

She had no fear.  Liz and Pat had gone to Great America and she bungee jumped three times in a row!!!  I remember her telling me how cool it was.  She said she felt like a bird.  

Liz had so much talent.  She was artistic in so many ways.  She enjoyed poetry, theatre, singing, acting, sewing, design... the list is endless.  She was exceptionally good at drawing.  She painted a picture for me last Christmas and it is something I will always treasure.  She designed her own prom dress; And with some help from Cathy's mom, Liz's design came to life.  Cathy's mom told me that Liz was over the day of the prom working on the dress to get it finished.

She had an amazing singing voice and she KNEW it!
She performed in an ANNIE musical.  She was an amazing actress.  She played the part of Puck in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM.  She performed in OUR TOWN and played an evil step-sister in Cinderella.

Liz loved to read and write poetry.  I can't even begin to express her poetic abilities.  Some of her poems are being published.  Liz wrote her poems with deep feeling and passion.  When you are reading them you can really feel what she is trying to convey.

Other things she loved:  Kitties (she got that one from me), Carebears, Hello Kitty, candles, music, McDonalds, Winnie the Pooh, lobster, thick juicy steaks, roller blading w/ Tiffany @ night, going to concerts, going to plays, going to Florida for Livestock and gazing at the stars.

Last year Matthew and I were driving home just as it turned midnight on July 23 and he said let's call Liz.   She picked up the phone and said,  "Happy Birthday to me."  She told us that Darwin was going to take her to the beach so they could look at the stars.  She was so excited.

She was a typical teenager with many moods.   Sometimes doing things that she shouldn't have.  We all go through that stage though.  I noticed recently though after Liz met Darwin that she was starting to calm down a little.  She talked about getting married to Darwin.  That freaked me out because she was so young.  I knew she was talking about the future though.  I remember her as a baby and holding her.  I helped my mom a lot with taking care of Liz.  Some by choice and some not.  No matter what though I have always loved Liz and wanted to protect her.  Now I just can't believe that she's gone.  I'll never get to see her blossom into the beautiful woman she was meant to become.