The Tuff Toe-Nail Story

Wondering what is up with the site name of "Tuff Toe-Nail"?  LOLOL   Well, it is actually two things...wait, make that 3 things that made me name my site Tuff Toe Nail!

One, originality. You see all these cute little names for sites and think, "Oh man! I wish I would have thought of that!"


Two?  A long time ago I went to a day-care center called Gingerbread. (I hated that place!) there was a crusty old gal who was the cook named Nunu. Don't ask me why her name was Nunu, I have no clue. I think that was a misnomer of her real name in kid language.   Anywho, she was sortof a harsh lady but I always liked her and for some odd reason she liked me.  She would let me help fix breakfast and lunch when no other kids were allowed to ever come into HER kitchen.  I always liked Nunu. **wondering whatever happened to her** She would always holler "TUFF TOENAIL" if someone got in trouble or wanted something in her kitchen or she was just...well...hollering!  Like, "Nunu? I'm hungry, can I have some cookies before snack?" she would of course say no then the kid would proceed to whine and she would holler it..."Tuff Toe-Nail!".  I can still see and hear her as if it were yesterday and it makes me smile.

Three?  Well, this is sort of a private icky joke.  See, I married into a family with weird last names and big toes with humongous toe-nails!  I mean, come on!   Who ever heard of a Woolbright?   I used to be a Betts.   LOL I get called anything from Woollite to Lightbright to Wooldrige to Wolfbite.   You name it.   Anywho, back to the toe thingie...Allan has this horribly ugly big toe I love to make fun of.  These big toes in turn have huge toenails I call "sheet-rippers".   My poor girls both inherited their daddy's 'sheet-rippers'.    Anywho, this concludes the explanation behind the "Tuff Toe-Nail".   Since I now also say that phrase when my kids are in their begging stage or someone wants something of me I do not wanna give this is my fave reply.   Plus, since it seems fate would make feet be a part of my life now with my sheets ripping from huge toe nails the name for my website was a
"'fee' accompli' "!!!!!!


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