The MOMS Club (MOMS Offering Moms Support) is a support and service group for full and part-time at-home mothers; local women who care for each other and our community.  It is a non-profit organization, and International MOMS Club has over 2000+ chapters with more than 100,000+ members across the United States and Internationally.

We are the only International support group specifically designed for all at-home mothers, and we would like you to be a member, too!

The Carnation Chapter was started in 2000 and formed to bring together moms in our community in support of one another.

The MOMS Club is:
-A support group just for you, the mom!
-A group that understands your choice of at-home mothering.
-A wonderful way for you to meet other local moms and a fun way for your child to meet other children!

Please contact us for more information on joining the MOMS Club of Carnation, Washington.  If you are outside our location please contact the International MOMS Club or email:
Home Page
"MOMS Offering Moms Support"
Disclaimer:  Neither MOMS Club of Carnation nor the International MOMS Club endorses any advertiser.
MOMS Club participating in Carnation's 4th of July Parade.