This is a free scenery calendar contest. Only scenery pictures are to be entered. No people in the photos.

It is free to enter. Only one photo per calendar month entry allowed  per photographer. I will have two calendar months going at a time and the contest is closed every other month. Does this make sense? LOL The contest is free to enter but you will have to purchase a calendar at the end of the year if you would like one.

Here are the months open and what is accepted each month open:

Open February : Entries accepted for January Calendar Month and February
Closed March
Open April : Entries accepted for March calendar month and April
Cloesd May
Open June: Entries accepted for May and June calendar months
Closed July
Open August: Entries accepted for July and August calendar months
Closed September
Open October: Entries accepted for September and October calendar months
Open November : Entries will be accepted this month for Nov. and Dec. so I can order calendars in Dec.

I will try and open as close to the first of every month that we are open and close by the 15th. I have the right to extend the time that we are open or shorten depending on what is happening in my life but I will be as consistant as I can.

There will be a theme to each calendar month entry. Send in pictures for that calendar month that revolve around the scenery theme.

There will be three winners every month 1st, 2nd, and 3rd- as well as honorable mentions.
Judging Criteria
1-10 Photo quality
1-10 How well it fits the theme for the month
1-15 Overall Impression of Photo

Please send pictures no bigger than 150kb. If you are one of the three winners for that calendar month, I will ask you to resend the picture in it's original size so that when it gets printed out in the calendar, it will be clear as it can be.
Bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated. Let's all be supportive of our fellow photgraphers out there. If you don't place one month.....try try again!

I hope you all enjoy this contest and it is successful! I know I love to take pictures of my son and of nature and other things. This is the contest where you get to show off your "nature and other things" photos! LOL Thanks and can't wait to see the gorgeous pictures!


Please put the following in your entry email:

Name of Photographer
What month you are entering
valid email

Please send each entry for each calendar month SEPARATELY...THANKS