Welcome to Happenstance, Montana.
These stories borrow the characters from UPN's the Sentinel
and Chris Carter/Fox's X-Files. No money is being made. No
copyright infringement is intended.

The characters of Wolf and Darby are my own creation as
well as other characters introduced from time to time.

This is for fun---for my personal escape. I take full use of
poetic license and I simply choose to enjoy myself.
If I can entertain you, as well....then so be it.
They are non-slash, adult in nature, and are stories
with discipline and corporal punishment. Problems with this?
Read no further....FOR YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

                    These stories use Jim and Blair as main
                    characters. From time to time they will use
                    X-Files characters and Wolf and Darby as
                    peripheral characters.

                    These stories use Jim and Blair as peripheral
                    characters, and weave their tale around
                    Wolf & Darby.  This ongoing series presents
                    a complete story with every Chapter.
                    It is a story of loneliness, youth, age,
                    and redemption. It is advised that these
                    stories be read in order.

Coming Eventually!
Skinner & Mulder -
                    These stories use X-File's Walter Skinner
                    and Fox Mulder as main characters.
                    From time to time they will use
                    Sentinel characters and Wolf and Darby
                    as peripheral characters.