Adult thoughts sometimes seem irrational or silly,
Child thoughts don’t.
If we had child thoughts,
We would not base who we love on;
We would just love unconditionally and openly,
And see the simpler things in life, the beautiful, the eye-catching things,
We would stop and notice things like the design of the white clouds in the sky,
And we would run outside when there are raining clouds to play under,
We would cherish the gifts of nature we found,
And notice other lives, like the sparrows in the café patio that hop around looking for scraps of food,
And we would be happy to toss food for them,
We would bring home the stray animals from the streets and love them and keep them, ‘cause we would see that they are special,
We would help out other people who don’t have as much, and do it without complaint.

Hope would not be faded,
It would be stable,
And we would imagine what we could do to help the world and the planet,
Our money would not be wasted on fancy cars and mansions,
We would give our money just to see the joy in all the other’s grateful faces.

If we had child thoughts,
We wouldn’t listen to all those messages from society trying to tell us how and who we should be,
‘Cause it just wouldn’t be important,
We would just be,
We would be ourselves,
And if we were all like that
Then there would be no “weird” or “normal” because we would all be perfectly different.

Child thoughts are not silly,
They aren’t unrealistic either,
They are wise and very realistic,
It is about living life, and being full of life,
Child thoughts are inspiration,
It is what the world really needs.
©2005 Molly Nicole


It seems like a lot of people can’t read animals’ eyes,
And see their feelings,
Maybe that is why people can take away their life.
But if you pay attention and look closely;
You can see the love in their eyes with a kiss,
You can see the sheer happiness in their eyes when they are running and playing,
You can see fear in their eyes when they are uncertain or being hunted,
And if they are locked in a small cage you can see the frustration and sadness in their eyes,
Even if you look very closely into the tiny eyes of a mouse, you can see their feelings, you just have to pay close attention,
And when you see that,
You will see that they have their own purpose, their own life,
It may be different than ours, but there is so much purpose, and they know it,
You can especially see it when they are so playful and full of life,
Taking advantage of having a life everyday,
And even if one day their body gets an irritant,
Their spirit is still up and they want to play and forget about the trouble,
Their life matters so much to them,
They are giving thanks to God everyday just by enjoying life,
And loving all the little interesting things to look at, and smell,
And the things to eat,
They are happy to be with their animal family they live with,
And they love them.
If you pay attention to the purpose of their actions,
And read their eyes,
You will see how valuable and meaningful their life is,
And how precious and beautiful they truly are.

©2005 Molly Nicole