Please Save My Earth in the story talks about seven characters, six teenage and a boy of nine years. All of them have the same secret: they have dreams of their previous live, where they were from another planet. All seven were radunate in a secret base for observation on the moon, where under the immobile light of the Earth, they have lived till the tragically, inevitable end. In a case of destiny they were radunated in this live, for relive and remake for the errors they have done in their previous life.
We find Arisu, timid girl with a vivacious neighbor Rin, for whom she was nominated baby sitter. Rin seems be happy to make Arisu cry. During the visit to the ZOO, they meet Jinpachi, Arisu's classmate, and his friend Issei they begin a conversation, because Jinpachi (attracted to Arisu) wants to explain why he and Issei, earlier that day were in that position (they were looking in each others eyes like lovers). So they tell them about the dream they have in common. In that dream Issei is a woman named Enju and is in love with Gyokuran (Jinpachi). Arisu seems be interested in this dream, but in the eyes of Rin she seems attracted to Jinpachi. Rin is gelous of Arisu in an adult way.
After a violent scene, Arisu makes Rin involuntary fall from the balcony, but the miracle happens so Rin live, but he begins to have strange comportament, but the reasons he prefers to have them for himself. He also made Arisu for her fiancee. When Arisu begins the dreams of the moon, in which se recognizes herself like Mokuren, Jinpachi decides that it has arrived the time to find all the scientist and their friends: that lives to find 4 persons. They begin with a simple thing: they put and advertisement in a newspaper. In a few months they have and answer, its Daisuke Dobaashi (Hiiragi), who already met another component of the group, Shyusuran, her Earth name is Sakura Kokosho. They all decide to have a meeting in Yokohama. Rin makes Arisu to take him too. Hiiragi and Shyusuran remember the end of the scientist on the moon: a virus that starminate all of them. In this moment Rin reveals that he in the past life was Shukaido, the doctor of the base. The deference in the years, he explains it, that this is his second incarnation, because the first time he died like a little child.
Rin finds the last component of the group: Haruhiko Kasama. In Rin's secret plans the priority is find out the codes of his companions for the entrance of the base computer. He decides to use Haruhiko, to get the pass form Arisu/Mokuren. He makes him say that he is Shion, Mokuren's love, and he introduce him like that to the others. The reality is that Rin is Shion and Haruhiko is Shukaido. He has lots of motives to vindicate himself to Shukaido, and in his form he certainly can't flirt with Arisu to make her remember her past. Haruhiko is forced by Rin to lie, because of the error that he made in the past, and in a certain moment he try to suicide.
Tamura, who had met Rin in a terrible moment, sees that Haruhiko is in trouble, and asks help form Mikuro, an ESP. Mikuro accepts the case, because the phenomen, that Tamura talked about, were everything but human. At the beginning Haruhiko thinks that Mikuro works for Rin, and he says to him to live him alone. Rin prepares the battle vs. Mikuro that ends really bad. The situation falls: will they live their new lives, or will be chased by their past lives, and their errors?


After the battle with Mikuro, Rin is in coma and relives his past as Shion. The aliens, that scientists are part of, has end a long and terrible civil war. Shion was born on the Tes, the moon of the Great Planet Mother, on one of the principals fronts. Shion's parents died and for survive, he used his ESP power to protect himself, killing man. From that moment he hates the goddess Sarjarian. He was adopted by Lazlo, who wanted to be his family, Shion for a short period was really happy with him and their pet Kyah (a kind of a cat). But his destiny wasn't that, and his adoptive father, and his friend Kyah die in an accident. He grow up like an orphan, so when they decided that he had to go on the Moon Base, he can't refuse. Only Shion and Hiiragi knew that the base had the military equipment that powerful to conquer the Earth. We will never find out what have plan the Planet Mother, because he was destroyed before.
Shion and Gyokuran were friends form school, but Shion didn't like him. Gyokuran was always friendly with him. Shion than clamed his the girl (Cocos), that Gyokuran was in love with.
Enju, was always in love with Gyokuran, but he didn't noticed that, and for a short time in his depression, he was with her. So Enju decided to go on the mission to raconteur his love. She was followed by her best friend Shyusuran.
Mokuren is a Kicie-Sarjarian , an esper with the power when sings she makes grow the plants and the powers to cure. From the first moment they have problems going along, because of Shion.
But Mokuren's story isn't that better of Shion's. Her father and mother were kicie too, but they decided to lose their power in name of their love. Mokuren's birth was the most beautiful thing that could happened to them, but she was born with the symbol of being Kicie on her forehead. Her parents died very young and she was took to Eden the place for all Kicie. Mokuren thanks to the great mother of Kicie, went to Moon Base. Mokuren loves the Earth in a very particular way.
On the Moon Base the atmosphere is really tense. Gyokuran is atracted by Mokuren, neither Mokuren isn't indifferent to Gyokuran, but Shion uses his male sensuality to attract her, and humiliate his rival again.
One day the communications with Planet Mother are broken. The scientist must accept that his planet went destroyed. Shion was surprised by Mokuren's courage when all of them were desperate, she tried to go on. Few days later Shion violent sexually Mokuren, she haven't got the typical signs of being Kicie, but the symbol on the forehead doesn't despair. She have her powers and she forgive Shion, saying to others that she and Shion were engaged. At the end Shion falls for real for her. Seriously we couldn't imagine that this was the beginning of the perfect couple. Mokuren is attract by a men who doesn't treats her like saint, but like woman she is and Shion in her finds security and love that he never had.
In the tragedy Shukaido trais his colleagues, giving the medicine only to Shion. So Shion lives nine years after Mokuren's death, in which he goes insane.


When Rin wakes up from the continuos dreaming about being Shion, he doesn't recognize his own mother, manifesting his powers and escaping. It's Arisu that explains to her about Rin's past life and about Shion. Rin's savior are an old man who reassembles to Lazlo and a doctor. While all others find their code for the computer, only Arisu have difficulty to remember the past. While they go to a trip to Kyoto, Arisu with Jinpachi and Issei, to se Tamura and Haruhiko, who tells them all about his revenge on Shion, and why Shion is acting like that. Jinpachi becomes mad at him and they live returning to the Campus. Arisu than become ill and Issei find that on her forehead there is the symbol of being blessed by Sarjarian. She is took home, and during her illness he become dreaming her past life and how difficult was. At the moment of dreaming about what Shion did to her, she is blocked, and she talk with Haruhiko about the all dreaming thing, confessing that for a moment she had hated Shion, because he used her, making love to her without love. Because he only wanted someone near him, caring about him and in that moment there was only her… Haruhiko tells her that that isn't true because Shion was madly in love with her, and if he didn't committed suicide was only because she ask it and as she wanted badly to see him again the same thing happened to Shion, for the first time he loved someone badly. Finally Arisu dreams about everything and finally she get her code.
At the end she is kiddnaped by Rin, and he tells her why he wants that codes. Rin in reality is frightened of the mechanism that Shion made when he was insane, but he remains speechless when Arisu tells him that the code is Shion's real name: SHION ZAITES. They all together go on Tokyo Tower only to find out that the computer on the base doesn't work, and he remember that Shion in his insanity had made a machine that reproduces Mokuren in 3D where she sings. The base is inoperative because the plants grew to much. Finally Mokuren's and Shon's souls are free to go and they go in the atmosphere to protect the Earth for ever, only sometime, the Kicie appears on Arisu's forehead and is the sign that Mokuren and Shion comes sometimes in Rin's and Arisu's body… Arisu and Rin get engaged, and also Sakura and Issei…

This is the story… well is more complicated than this, and is worth to read it.