Welcome to the Korea/Korean American Gateway

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Welcome to my gateway to the online world of Korea/Korean-Americana. Feel free to browse the homepage listings, or add your own to the list.

5/11/2003 - OK, so haven't touched site in MANY a year. ANd discouraged to discover that my KSA page has been blatently ripped off by many a KSA (boo to you at Cornell/Michigan/etc). But then I also realized that many a KSA link is dead. And then there are the nice ones (yay to UCLA and Michigan grad students) who do link back here. So, now that I have a JOB, have to budget time. The homepages will always be around because they just are. But I've long since stopped maintaining them. Will start the arduous project of combing through and getting new and updated links for the KSA pages. And hunting down and yelling at those who ripped me off. ;)

Come take a gander at the beta for the new page. Comments welcome.

Don't forget, there is that Submit Your URL link at the bottom of nearly every page.

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