Things a spell can include:

start.spell                   (Starts a spell)
damage.spell                  (Spell is a damage spell)
affect.spell                  (Spell is an affect spell)
action.spell                  (Spell is an action spell)
start.damage.spell            (Starts a damage spell)
start.affect.spell            (Starts a affect spell)
start.action.spell            (Starts a action spell)
end.spell                     (Ends the page's spell)
area.affect                   (Spell targets all within area)                 (Spell targets a victim,instead of just caster)                 (Spell targets an object)                 (The target can be anywhere in the mud)                     (The spell on the next page is automatically
                               -cast after. Can chain up to 5 pages)
parameter:              (Changes the parameter of the next page)
spell.first                   (The next page is cast before this one)
not.caster                    (Spell doesn't affect caster)
no.players                    (Spell doesn't affect players)
second.victim                 (Second parameter is another victim)
second.object                 (Second parameter is another object)
reversed                      (Spell has reverse affect)
min.damage:        (Minimum damage added to spell)
max.damage:       (Maximum damage added to spell
move                          (Moves character/victim/object)
mob:             (Creates a mobile)
object:          (Creates an object)

apply:   (See below)

                                                           (See below)

bonus:             (Bonus to applied stat,1% to 100% of max)
duration:           (Spell duration in mud hours)       (OR)     message.1:         (message of spell)
message.two:       (OR)     message.2:         (message of spell)
message.three:     (OR)     message.3:         (message of spell)

Type of messages:
damage spells...      =  Damage type (eg: fireball, lightning bolt, etc).
message.two      =  Message to caster.
message.three    =  Message to everyone else in the room.

affect spells...      =  Message to caster.
message.two      =  Message to victim.
message.three    =  Message to everyone else.

action spells...      =  Message to caster (or target that moves).
message.two      =  Message to others.
message.three    =  Message to others at destination (for move spells).

Variables in messages of spells:
$n               =  caster's name (or moving victim, in move spells).
$N               =  victim's name.
$e   ($E)        =  he  or she.
$s   ($S)        =  his or her.
$m   ($M)        =  him or her.

NOTE: No varibles for objects.

str              =  Extra strengh        (up to 10)
dex              =  Extra dexterity      (up to 10)
wis              =  Extra wisdom         (up to 10)
int              =  Extra intelligence   (up to 10)
con              =  Extra constitution   (up to 10)
hit              =  Extra hitroll        (up to 50)
dam              =  Extra damroll        (up to 50)
ac               =  Extra armour class   (up to -500)
hp               =  Extra hitpoints      (up to 500)
mana             =  Extra mana           (up to 500)
move             =  Extra vitality       (up to 500)
save             =  Less save vs spells  (up to 20)

Note: "Reverse" reverses the bonuses to apply. (i.e. 5 str become -5 str)

--------    =  Immunity against evil magic.
blind            =  Blinds victim's sight.
burning          =  Sets victim on fire.
charm            =  Victim becomes your loyal servant.
contraception    =  Protection from pregnancy.
curse            =  Prevents victim from recalling.
detect.evil      =  Shows the Red aura of the evil.
detect.hidden    =  Reveals hidden charaters/etc.
detect.invis     =  Reveals the invisible.
detect.magic     =  Shows the aura of magical objects.
ethereal         =  Moves victim into the ethereal plane.      =  Gives victim a bright pink aura.
fear             =  Victim becomes scared for their lives.
fly              =  Victim hovers above the ground and can fly.
hide             =  Hides victim within the shadows of a room.
infravision      =  Can see heat sources in darkness (i.e. mobs).
invis            =  Victim becomes invisible.
jail.water       =  Traps victim in bonds of water (see "web").
passdoor         =  Ability to walk through doors.
poison           =  Victim becomes sick and loses hp each tick.
protect          =  Take half damage from evil.
rot              =  Victim's flesh rots away causing damage.
sanct            =  Take half damage from hits.
shadowsight      =  Allows vision into the other planes of existence.
sleep            =  Victims falls into a deep sleep.
sneak            =  No-one can tell when you enter or leave.
tendrils         =  Tedrils of darkness trap your victim (see "web").
true.sight       =  Allows the true sight of the obfuscated.
umbra            =  Moves victim into the umbra plane.     =  Same as "shadowsight" (can see into other planes).
web              =  Webbing coats your victim. Cannot move or flee.
