Presidential Candidate Debate #2

[ A Politically-Correct Rough Paraphrase? ]

Presidential Candidate Debate #2, moderated by Chuck.

The debate took place in the presence of a live audience in Town Hall Meeting format.

The two participants of the debate were George and John.

Kerry lost the debate on at least four grounds:

1. At the very beginning of the debate, in his first response to the first debate question, Kerry attacked his opponent. That exhibition of malicious hostility understandably made Bush angry and impatiently defensive throughout the rest of the debate.

It was not only unnecessary but also childish and reprehensible for Kerry to do that, because this debate should have been one in which both Kerry and Bush stated what they THEMSELVES have done, are doing, and would do, pertaining to each singular issue regarding each singular question asked by an audience member and the moderator....instead of Kerry senselessly deprecating Bush at every turn. This constituted one decisive negative against Kerry.

2. Kerry, in his incessant accusatory rantings against Bush, imposed in his multipart answers to singular questions, MULTIPLE subject matter irrelevant to the SINGULAR-issue question at hand. Kerry did not stay on the subject at hand, but illogically diverted off to other subjects and issues. That constituted another decisive negative against Kerry.

3. Kerry insinuated - in response to questions pertaining to possible Supreme Court appointments and abortion - that he believed rape and incest were exceptions for committing abortion and that there is a constitutional right to commit abortion-homicide murder.

There is, in fact, NO such right.

To state a complete ridiculous and absurd premise within a debate is a serious negative point.

4. Kerry's relentless accusations against Bush were rife with inconsistencies, exaggerations, distortions, misrepresentations, presumptions, and frequently were simply outright false and deceptive slander.

Such inadequate debate content was another definitive negative against Kerry.

The Kerry-Bush handshake at the end of the debate was one of feigned friendliness from Kerry and duressed reciprocation by Bush - reminiscent of the thought that someday all of us shall stand in front of The Judgment Seat of The Impartial Christ to give an account for OURSELVES ONLY.

The debate platitudes proposed by Kerry and Bush plainly reveal that the former is obviously on the path to hell and the latter on the path to heaven.

There will soon be a Divinely-enacted-and-enforced permanent separation between what Scripture defines as good and evil. All just and fair people look forward to that day.

NO Choice!

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