Race: Inu-youkai (dog-demon)
Age: Older than InuYasha, at least.
Sex: Male
Occupation: Bad guy, hater of his half-brother, InuYasha.
Place of Origin: ???
Weapons: A lesser sword than  the Tetsusaiga; he possesses the Tenseiga. It cannot cut, it only heals. It can bring people back to life by killing the messengers from the underworld who should take that person's soul. Later, he has Kajinbu, an evil swordsmith, forge him a sword from Goshinki's fangs, the Tokijin, which is powerful and has an evil aura.
Attacks: "Poison Claws"- his claws turn green and melt anything before them with some really strong poison. He also has an energy whip (heard that term somewhere else).
Strengths: His powers. 
Weaknesses: He, like Naraku, retreats if he may lose.
Raiments: A male kimono- with red flowers at the top. This armor thing on his left shoulder. His tail curls over his right shoulder.
Height: Tall.
Transportation: He can seemingly fly himself around. Or he rides a two-headed horseydragon which Rin calls Ah-Un, I hear. Of course, that's all she can say...
General Physical Description: Bipedal form: Tall, pale, with long white hair. A crescent on his forehead and two slashes on each cheek. Slashes on his hands. He retains his tail (I think so, anyway), and throws it over his shoulder. He has thin eyes and a thinner face than InuYasha. His bangs are high. He has red over his eyes (again again- eyeshadow?) Full demon form: A huge white dog with a crescent on his forehead. All of the time: Only one arm/ only three legs: InuYasha cut off his right arm when he was in full demon form when he first used the tetsusaiga.
Personality: He does not show it much on his face. He is usually very mean, but his voice does not belie his emotions at all.
Hobbies/Activities: Trying to get the tetsusaiga, trying to hurt InuYasha.
Friends: His servant imp guy is Jaken. I guess Rin counts as a friend as well.
Crushes: Right.