Mt. Mansfield Union High School

Class of 1993
Reunion 2003

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How Can We Contact You?

The Reunion Committee is currently in the process of tracking down each and every member of the Class of 1993. That's no small task--it means a lot of time and a lot of phone calls. (Don't make us call your parents. Help us out a little!) Make it easier for us to send you your invitation to the reunion...

Please fill out the following form, then click the Submit button. Your contact information will automatically be sent to the Reunion Committee members.

Email Us Your Contact Information:

First Name:
Last Name: Maiden Name:
Phone #1: () - Email #1:
Phone #2: () - Email #2:

Current Mailing Address:

Secondary Contact Information:


Important Note: Before you click the button (below), please know that this form might not work for you!

Here's Why: The person who coded this submission form is not a "real" webmaster... she only vaguely knows what she's doing. In a lazy attempt to avoid coding CGI scripts, she set up this form to work if: (1) Your web browser's default email application is Microsoft Outlook and (2) Your ISP email address uses Microsoft Outlook. (Your email software will notify you if you have any problems when you try to send this form.) The bumbling, yet well-intentioned webmaster sincerely apologizes for any suffering you undergo on this page. If you have issues, or simply lack confidence in the form altogether, please send a harshly worded email to the webmaster, Kirsten. While you're ranting, please don't forget to include your contact information in your email to her.

Thank you!