Why so much Smash Bros!?!?!?

      I'm sure many of you out there know of a little game for the Gamecube called "Super Smash Bros Melee" (I apologize for any atrocious spelling errors). Actually, I'm not sure you know about it, 'cause I don't even know who you are... right, well, it's a reasonably well-known game. You know. The one where you choose some innocent-looking Nintendo character (and/or Link, Donkey Kong, Marth, Roy, Samus, and Jigglypuff) and fight other Nintendo characters. Right. Well, my brothers, who are both younger yet somehow manage to extend some sort of magical control over me, reeeeally like that game. A lot. Especially when I play with them.


      Needless to say (then why am I saying it?...), they force me to play with them a lot. And I, being the dumb, stupid, soft-hearted guy I am, submit myself to their torture. Oh, sure, Smash Bros is a great game! It's just that, after three hours at night... every night... my eyes get kind of tired... and red... and blue. Yeah, not really the most pleasant thing. But what can I do? Beat them up? Noooooo, that's way out of the question. Well, you may or may not be happy to know that last night I put my foot down. I said, "Alex and Andre, I've had enough! I'm tired of being your video-game companion/slave! I'm not playing Smash Bros with you! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"

      They, of course, cowered in fear.

      Okay, maybe I didn't say, "MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" and maybe they didn't cower in fear. Actually, I didn't say any of that stuff... All I did was, when my littlest brother came and asked me if I could play Smash Bros with him, I said "no" and he left me alone.

an·ti·cli·max ( P ) (antee-klaimaks, antai-) n.

  1. A decline viewed in disappointing contrast with a previous rise: the anticlimax of a brilliant career.
  2. Something trivial or commonplace that concludes a series of significant events: After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was anticlimax.
  3. A sudden descent in speaking or writing from the impressive or significant to the ludicrous or inconsequential, or an instance of it: “Waggish non-Yale men never seem weary of calling ‘for God, for Country and for Yale’ the outstanding single anticlimax in the English language” (Time).

    anti·cli·mactic (-kl-mktk) adj. anti·cli·macti·cal·ly adv.
