~ Why Are There No Admins? ~
The Reason why we have no Administrators is so that everybodys rank will be fair. We are all equal, no one will be higher then anybody it makes it fair.  If only a few people were Admins then other people that also wanted to be Admin would not be too happy. So to be Fair we have no Admins and everybody is equal. The only "cool" thing about being Admin is that Your name Is in Red there for it Stands out more and that you can Recruit or Expell. Would it not be better to gain the respects in game rather having a Red Tag by your Name Saying Admin. If one wanted somebody to be in the Clan all they had to do was give a referal and if one was having trouble with other members it can still be resolved with out kicking the person out of the clan.
(Nobody gets kicked out of Hikari with out Warning.)

This is the Wierdest Clan System One will Ever See on Gunz.
And it has been doing good so far =^_^=V
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