<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/miyu_sushi/Hikari.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Clan Members
GunZ Website
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Welcome to the Hikari Clan's Website. Nothing really fancy about it, Just plainly Simple and Clean.

The  Clan
This is a Friendly Non-Aggressive Clan  that lives in the
Once Peaceful lowly Populated Sever2. Now Sever 2 is RePopulated.
We Don't Go Normally Looking For Clan Wars or Provoke Any.
As Much as Possible We Often Avoid them. Cw = Too Much Nerve Racking Pressure, Makes not Fun Playing Game. Please Don't Get Mad
If we Reject your  Request for Clan War. =^_^=
Hikari in Japanese literally Means Light & is also A NickName Given to Japan's Bullet Train, one of the Fastest Trains in the World. It has been Given the Name Hikari for it's Light Speed.
Light + Speed = Hikari Clan

Originaly a  Sword Based Ninja Clan, that has evolved to use SwordZ & GunZ? =0.o=? Also Every Member is Required to Have a Set of Flash. Though some may think other Wise... A Large Explosion of Blinding  Bright light Can be Usefully when Used Properly. Hense the Name Hikari. This Clan use to be very easy to get into, but due to people taking Advatage/Abussing it, We Now Have 1v1 (No Meds No Bow) and An Interview Test.
Must Pass Both.  Inorder for this Clan to Survive It Needs Loyal Members that Can get along and have fun together. =^_^=

[NaGunz / Match Sever 1]

Clan Wars
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The Truth
Friendly Links
Chat Hikari
Kawai [RebirthRO]