On Saturday, 27th of July, 2002, Scotty and I took a walk through the woods, then had a quiet little picnic beside this gorgeous little creek. Everything was beautiful, quiet, peaceful and calm until Scotty decided to try and drown me in the creek *giggle* It was so much fun .. the way he would tell it though, is that "I" decided to try and drown HIM in the creek. But he kicked water first .. honest .. just ask him *grin* After we had finished soaking each other in the creek, we decided to pack up the picnic things and head back to the truck. We no sooner had everything packed away when Jesus decided we weren't wet enough and opened the heavens all at once to pour on us. Oh wow, we thought we were wet before! We put this blanket over us to try and stop from getting wetter .. there was logic in there somewhere .. the blanket was soaked within seconds and these photos resulted from that. Funny thing was, as soon as the truck was in sight, it stopped raining *wink* Seems like Jesus wanted to have a little fun .. it was the most special picnic I have ever went on and I think of it often. Enjoy the pics *grin*