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August 5, 2003 next day's entry
Hours at Work:  9:15am - 12:15pm

Pamela was out of town with a group of the people working in our lab.  Maria wasn't coming in to work today at all, and so I guess we all kinda just decided to have a light day at work.  I came in at the normal time and worked on my pong game... got some progress (not much.. but still some). 

Lindsay called early on asking for Maria, but Jean-Marie (who answered the phone) just said that she wasn't here and went on... my guess is that she was calling to say that she wasn't coming in...

Anyway, Aimi came in around 10:30, and then Suvarcha came over to talk to us about what all we needed to get done before Friday...

I left to go back to my apartment around 12:15, and then worked on pong there in my room until Bryan got up to College Park.  Then, we ate at the Dairy and drove to Baltimore.

In Baltimore, we kinda drove around for a bit and then decided to go park and go to the Aquarium.  We got tickets for the 3:15pm entrance there, and had a bit of time so we went in Barnes and Nobles for a while until it was time to head over to the entrance gate.  We looked around the museum for a while and went to see the dolphin show at 5pm.  After that we had just a few more exhibits to look at before we were done... we stopped and got something to drink there at the little food place in the aquarium and then went outside and sat by the fountain there in the harbor talking for a bit.

Then we walked over to the main harbor area and ended up going out on a paddle boat ride there in the harbor... After that, we went to the Discovery channel store for a while.  When we left the store, there was some guy setting up for a magic show in this little 'ampitheater' place just across from us, so we decided to sit down and watch his show...

After the magic show was completed, we got stopped to answer some questions to a survey and then we went to dinner... Hard Rock Cafe again.  After eating, it was getting on to being 11ish I believe so we decided to leave and come back to College Park.

We hung out in my apartment awhile... and then he went on home.  Anyway, it was a good time!  :)

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