Edith Gonzalez

Edith González is a versatile artist. She began her artistic career when she was still a child. As an actress she has interpreted many characters on television, at the cinema and on the stage. She has tried to choose different roles: good and sensitive girls as in "Bianca Vidal" and "Monte Calvario", noble and passionate heroines as in "Corazón Salvaje" or seductive adventuresses as recently in the homonymous musical. She is willing to face new characters because it is a means to improve her skill. Besides acting, she can also dance and sing, as she demonstrated in "Aventurera".

About her entrance in the world of acting she says:

"I was five years old when my mother took me to the studios of Raul Velasco's 'Siempre en Domingo'. She took me as part of the audience. While we watched the program, the producers began to look among the audience for a girl to act alongside Rafael Baledón. I was the child that was chosen. Although I remember that I was two years old and in kindergarten when I 'acted' in a piece called 'The Little Path to School'. After that I played a 'little ant', and later did 'Snow White'. The vocation was already with me".

Edith is very attached to her family, which is composed of her mother, Doña Ofelia Fuentes de González, and her brother Víctor Manuel. Her father died many years ago. About her private life she declares:

"It is difficult to meet one's other half, but I consider myself a lucky and loved woman, even if I haven't found an stable partner yet".

The actress is fond of all her telenovelas, which form a considerable part of her work, but are not all. To begin with "Los ricos también lloran", where she played rather a small part, till "Bianca Vidal", which the actress recalls with pleasure because people began to recognize her in the street. Then, of course, "Corazón Salvaje" which definitively established her as a TV star and was broadcasted all over the world. Similarly, she enjoyed very much working in "Salón México", "La Jaula de Oro" and "Aventurera". The latter has lately proved a great success not only for her career, but also for Mexican theatre in general. Actually, it became one of the most successful shows of the last few years.

She likes reading and writing. Some of her favourite authors are : Milan Kundera, Sor Juana Inés, Ocatvio Paz and Shakespeare. During her spare time she likes watching TV, going to the cinema and meeting her friends. Her "vice" is chocolate.

June's Girl 2000

March's Girl 2000

February's Girl 2000

January's Girl 2000

December's Girl 1999

November's Girl 1999

October's Girl 1999