Christine Elliott's Site Devoted to Rabbits Indoors & Outdoors
Neutering & Spaying
It is important to have all your bunnies "done" regardless of what gender they are.  It is more common for boys to have the snip but girls should have the op too.  Many adult girlies die of uterine cancer when they are just a few years old.  Having your doe spayed rules out this tragedy.  If this fact alone has not convinced you here are a few other reasons -

Even girlie rabbits can be very aggressive when they reach sexual maturity.  Poppy had a really bad few days when she just wouldn't let me get any where near her.  It was the only time she has really gone for me!  If your bunny is a loved family pet, an aggressive family pet will undoubtedly put the kiddies off her for life.

Female bunnies have phantom pregnancies, they think they are pregnant so they build a nest.  This involves plucking out their own fur from their bellies, one or two of these pregnancies may do no harm but several are seriously no good for your bunny.

If female bunnies become pregnant when they are too young the result can be very distressing for all.  The kittens will often be born dead and an emergency spaying op will then be needed.  This situation can be avoided.

Your vet may be surprised when you ask for your girlie to be spayed as it is currently not a very common thing to do.  If you explain the reasons and then basically insist that they do it then they will, or go to a more rabbit friendly vet for a more experienced and sympathetic shoulder.  Apparently it is really not much different than spaying a cat, and that practice is widely recommended!!

Male bunnies should also be neutered when the time comes.  Again this can stop aggressive behaviour and unwanted and smelly spraying of urine.  A neutered life is a much happier life for all bunny partners, ie.  when that time of year comes round girlies  won't be constantly bothered by amorous boys!  And we all know what that feels like!!!!