Versatile Aussies bred to retain the wonderful traits that our line started with in the 1960's!

Extremely loyal, highly intelligent, excellent herding instinct, superior soundness all in a beautiful moderate package!
Sal, Vicki & Tina Mistretta
Victoria Mistretta - Senior Breeder Judge
Tina Mistretta - Breeder Judge
675 Rogue Air Drive, Shady Cove, OR 97539 541-878-9482
Mistretta Aussies is located in Oregon in the Great Pacific Northwest
of The United States of America.
CH Mistretta's Ballou Pirate
1970 to 1983
April 28, 2009
Puppy Page updated. Thank You for your interest in our Aussies!

We are happy to announce we are now an
ASCA Hall of Fame Excellent Kennel