SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS by Michelle Creek (missy@ipax.com.au) DISCLAIMER: The characters of ER are the property of Michael Crichton, Warner Bros. Constant Productions and Amblin Television and the actors who so marvellously portray them. Any comments and/or constructive criticism will be gratefully received at the above e-mail address. PART 9/9 - 0 0 0 - His leather soled shoes made little noise against the floor of Trauma One as David moved the stool beside Kerry. Chuny continued to quietly monitor Kerry's condition, checking blood pressure and IV lines. With the amount of morphine she had been administered, one of the possible side effects was a drop in blood pressure. Taking into account the blood loss she was still sustaining until the artery was repaired, a close eye on all vitals. Running his finger lightly over the back of Kerry's hand, absorbing their smallness and fineness that tended to be ignored when she was conscious. David struggled to comprehend the emotions flooding his being. It was a long time since he had felt the anger, fear and care for another woman of the type and intensity he was experiencing. The sight of Kerry, so still, silent and pale, her auburn hair a bright beacon accentuating the heavy blue smudges beneath her eyes and pallor of her skin. Watching the gentleness with which Dr. Morganstern was touching Dr. Weaver, Chuny realised she was witness to an intensely private moment. Noting the current unit of blood finishing, she set about changing it without disturbing Dr. Morganstern, sensitive to the effect Dr. Weaver's condition was having on him. Thinking back, David wasn't sure when his feelings for Kerry had changed but he now that at some time they had. He was well aware that the staff at the hospital were ignorant of the warm and sensitive person Kerry was with a notoriously black humour only seeing the brusque and officious attending she allowed them to see. She had learned from the best how to cover your emotions, protecting herself and not allowing them to interfere with her professional life, to the detriment of her relationship with her colleagues. Occasionally, she had let her armour drop and the staff were shocked at the difference but it never lasted for long. At the sign of her stirring, David rubbed away the tears welling up in his eyes. Squeezing her hand lightly, he let her know that he was there for her. 'As a friend' he thought. That was what they had decided a couple of years earlier when they had first gone out together on a date. It had been a mutual decision. Now he wasn't sure if it had been right. Kerry opened her eyes to halfway, the drugs making her drowsy. She ran her tongue over her dry lips. "David?" She asked quietly, acknowledging his presence with surprise. "Hi Kerry. Next time you need a break, there are easier ways than getting shot." David gave her a half smile, the truth hitting very close to the mark. It would take something like this for her to give into the pain, mainly because she had no choice. She didn't even smile at the comment, her mind clouded and she sought to coherently collect her thoughts through the fog. "What.....are .....you.....doing....here?" The words wee slowly put together. "I heard about the shooting and I came to offer my help." "You're not doing much of that sitting beside me." It was disconcerting her at the way he kept looking at her so intently. It was too much for her addled brain to handle. "True. But it does free up some of the nursing staff." he replied practically. "I'll be alright. Why don't you go and help?" "Because I've been assigned to you. No more arguments, Kerry. Just rest. They'll be taking you up for surgery within the hour." This may be wishful thinking on his part because they were beginning to backlog with the GSWs to operating theatre ratios. "Well, if you're going to stay, you may as well make yourself useful." Kerry acknowledged grudgingly. - 0 0 0 - Jeanie immediately thought the worst. With all the things that had gone wrong that evening, she jumped to the conclusion that the child has gotten caught up in the fiasco after the shooting, possibly having been shot herself. In the trauma and upheaval her small mind had been through, there just were so many possibilities of what *had* happened. Being a father, Mark had been placed in this predicament before, although under entirely different circumstances. However, the basic application was the same. He remembered the firm instructions from his search for Rachel. Do a thorough and logical search for the child, keeping your head at all times. 'Nice theory' Mark thought whimsically. He was sure that the person who came up with the idea was not a parent of a missing child. Especially, not a child who had possibly been witness to a dramatic and violent shooting scene. "Right. We have one missing five year old. We will have to do a thorough search of the ER. But it looks like it will just be us." "Us? The entire ER?" Jeanie knew how long this would probably take and, if they didn't find her, they would have to extend the search to the entire hospital. "Let's start at this end and work our way down. Check any cupboard or area big enough for a child to hide in." If Jess had been scared, Mark didn't know how she'd react. Kerry probably would but the last thing she needed was to know they had misplaced her niece. - 0 0 0 - "Dr. Greene. What is going on?" Randi asked as she watched him systematically going in and out of rooms, each time he left the lines of worry on his brow deepening. There had finally been a lull in the calls from worried relatives, media and crank calls. It had been bedlam during the first half hour of the newsflash of the shooting. "Randi." Mark acknowledged as he passed deep in thought, before turning on his heel to face here. "Have you seen Dr. Weaver's niece? " Randi looked at him blankly for a moment as a phone began ringing. "The little girl who was left earlier this morning." Mark continued. "Umm.. Yeah...She's in Trauma One." Randi said absently as another phone began ringing and she had to start juggling calls once again "Let Jeanie know I've found her." Mark shook his head in admonishment, not believing that he hadn't thought to ask Randi if she had seen the girl earlier. It would've saved both Jeanie and himself a lot of time and, more importantly, worry. - 0 0 0 - Pushing open the door to Trauma One, he was surprised to find David Morganstern sitting beside Kerry with Jess sitting comfortably on his lap, her eyes drooping with tiredness which she was fighting vainly. "Dr. Morganstern?" "Mark. Glad to see you are okay." "Yes. I'm fine. We've suffered four GSWs to our own staff and five to patients. How's Kerry?" "Sleeping." "The rest'll do her good." "It's a pity she couldn't have gotten it another way." Mark noted the caring concern in David's voice and looked more closely at him. When Kerry had first started, he thought there was a relationship developing between them, however it had appeared that they were just friends. Now he wasn't too sure. Kerry kept her personal life separate from her professional life. Benton and Carter came through the door. "They're ready for her in the OR." - 0 0 0 - Carol sat beside Doug's bed in the four bed ward, his hand held firmly between her clasped hands, her elbows resting on the side of the bed. An occasional tear spilled, gently rolling down her face, following the course others had already travelled. The fear and shock of seeing Doug on the floor after being shot kept returning as her mind constantly replayed the retort from the gun as it cut him down in mid-step. A gentle squeeze on her hand brought her back to the present. She looked across at Doug and he gave a gentle smile "Hey." "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Other than like I've just run the Boston Marathon, I'm okay." Carol smiled. It was just the response she needed to hear. "Do you want anymore paid medication?" "Anymore and I'll be floating." They were both silent, rejoicing in the fact that they were both alive. Doug gently brushed away Carol's tears. "I want to go ahead with our plans for Christmas Eve." Doug informed her quietly. "Doug, you've been shot." "I'm well aware of that." He grimaced as he moved his body. "Carol, I love you very much and I've put off making a commitment to you, not wanting to repeat my father's mistakes." Carol went to interrupt him, to let him know that he was not the only one who had put off their marriage. A finger on her lips silenced her words. "No. Hear me out. Today reminded me that there is one thing I really want. I love you. I want to marry you. As soon as possible. We can have the ceremony here." Here?" "Why not? Granted, it's not exactly our ideal of the perfect setting for taking our vows but you've got to admit, it's appropriate." Carol laughed. "It's good to hear you laugh. I wasn't sure that I was going to hear it again." Doug whispered as he gently brushed her hair behind her ear. Carol leaned forward and kissed him. "Okay, if you're sure you are up to it." "This is going to be the most important day of my life and I'm going to be doing it from my bed. I'm sure all the guys will be envious." he said with a devilish grin. "Get Mark and your Mom to redirect the priest and all the guests to here tomorrow night." "All of them?" "Why not? The more the merrier." Doug sobered as he remembered that there were other victims shot in the ER, some of whom were possibly invited to their wedding. "Who else got shot?" "Jerry. He's in ICU. The bullet hit his heart. Weaver had to crack him." "How is he doing?" "He's holding his own." "Who else?" Doug knew with the amount of gun shots, there were sure to be more victims. "Lydia was hit in the shoulder. It's damaged the pectoralis major muscle. She's had surgery to repair the damage but she will require a lot of physio after it heals to regain full use. Weaver was also hit in the lateral femur artery. She's still in theatre." "But you said she operated on Jerry." "Yeah. She did. She collapsed afterward from the blood loss. There were five other GSW's, two MI's, one which we lost, and superficial lacs from flying glass to staff and patients." "What a day." Doug murmured. "Hey. He's awake." Mark commented as he entered Doug's room. "Hi Mark." "How you feeling?" "Great. Everyone should get shot once in a while." he commented with a grin. "You were meant to duck." "Hmm." Doug conceded. "How's the new Chief coping with losing two attendings in one day?" "Plus a clerk and an ER nurse. If he survives this without an MI, it will be a miracle." Mark said with a smile. "Actually, if I survive it will be a miracle as well." "Mark, the party for tomorrow....." Doug started "I'll take care of the cancellations for you." Mark quickly injected. "No, Mark. Umm, I don't know how to say this but the party was actually going to be our wedding. We decided that we didn't want all the fuss but we wanted all our friends there, so we came up with the Christmas party. We still want it to be." "Mark, what Doug is trying to say is we still want to get married but it will have to be here." Mark was taken back by their disclosure but looking at the two of them, he knew that the most important thing for them was each other and the location of their marriage was not important but rather the making of the vows to bind themselves to each other in the presence of their friends. "Have you got a guest list?" With that, they all sat down to sort out the arrangements. END PART 9/9 That's all folks........... Hope you enjoyed the ride and were happy with the end result. :) Missy (missy@ipax.com.au)