After seeing the spoilers for Point of Origin, I decided I wanted to expand and change my Going Fourth story. I will be changing what I wrote dramatically but incorporating the basic concept of the story which aligns with the spoiler. Spoiler warning: This has very serious spoilers for the 5th Season right through to Point of Origin, so anyone not wanting to be spoiled, you have been warned. While I know the spoiler pointed at the fact that Kerry was unsure that she had found her birth mother, I decided to take a different approach. CHANCES OF THE HEART (Part 1/2) ( Kerry paused, lipstick in hand, and surveyed her reflection. She shook her head, frowning. It looked wrong. It wasn't her. She never wore make-up like this. The blusher emphasised her high cheekbones and the gold-brown eyeshadow gave a softness to her blue eyes, the same blue eyes that held a sparkle of anticipation. For a moment, she contemplated starting again, but a quick glance at her watch negated the thought. Standing up, she quickly blotted her lips, tossing the tissue into the waste basket beside the dresser. Taking a step back from the mirror, Kerry eyed herself critically. She straightened her rust coloured long sleeved top and smoothed the absent creases from her three-quarter length black skirt. A gold twist chain and matching earrings completed her ensemble. Slipping her lipstick into her slim black bag and placed it over her shoulder. Putting on her low heeled shoes, Kerry picked up her crutch from the bed and went into the lounge to double check the address she had written down. The house was quiet. Carter had been called in to work the evening shift and she was not sure whether she was glad of this or not. While she did not want him to see her apprehension about the meeting with her mother, it would have been nice to have had his reassurance. Ever since he had begun living in her basement, Kerry had become used to his presence. The initial uncertainty between them had settled down into a comfortable companionship, one that had allowed her to share the fact that she was adopted. This time, though, she had not known how to broach the subject of her discovery of her mother with Carter. Each time she thought she was able to mention it casually, something held her back. Now after all the searching, in half an hour, she would come face to face with a mother she couldn't remember. Gathering up her keys and easing into her overcoat, she finally collected her courage to make the trip downtown. The agency she had employed to trace her birth parents had assisted them in making the arrangements for their meeting. Her mother did not live in Chicago but in a small country town and had booked into a hotel. Having made arrangements to meet at a local Italian restaurant, Kerry had offered to collect her mother from the hotel. - 0 0 0 - Pulling her car up in front of the hotel, Kerry searched through the passing pedestrian traffic for her mother. Rain had begun to fall, gently at first but gradually increasing to a steady and constant shower. Noting the time, she realised that she was early, fifteen minutes early. Chewing her bottom lip for a moment, she pondered her choices. Parking her car properly, she locked it before quickly moving into the hotel foyer and across to the reception area. "Would you let Margaret O'Neill know that Kerry Weaver is waiting in the foyer?" Kerry requested the desk clerk. Before he had a chance to answer, a soft lilting Irish voice interrupted. "Kerry?" Turning slowly, she found a petite lady with soft rounded features and gentle blue eyes. Her silvery hair glowed under the foyer lights, their soft curls adding to the delicateness of her face. She was small, standing just over five feet tall, but her stature held a steely strength. Kerry couldn't find her voice as she looked at her. Her throat constricted as emotions filled her. She didn't know what to call this lady who was her mother. 'Mom' sounded right and wrong at the same time. It had been a term she had always associated with her adopted mother yet it also felt wrong to call her 'Margaret' as well. All she could do was nod. The lady came towards her, her knee-length mauve pleated skirt swishing around her slim legs. Comfortable shoes, designed for practicality, encased her small feet. Kerry didn't realise how much she was avoiding eye contact with her until Margaret caught hold of her left hand and gave it a small squeeze. The warmth that radiated through that small contact shocked Kerry. She looked up and their eyes locked and a familiar smile tugged at Margaret's lips. Kerry felt the same smile capture her own lips and lightly squeezed her mother's hand in return. "My car is outside." Kerry struggled to get the words out. She had imagined their meeting many times but the elderly fragile lady in front of her had not figured into her thoughts. "Let's go, then." Margaret's voice had a fortitude to it, one that belied her size. Kerry raised her eyebrows in surprise and moved towards the entrance. Margaret continued to hold onto her left hand as they moved. "I don't need any help." "I know you can. You were always independent. But maybe I can do with the help." Kerry looked down at Margaret, wanting to ensure that she was not denigrating her but all she found was a genuine warmth and happiness shining back at her. Margaret gripped her hand more tightly and locked arms with each other as they moved out of the hotel to Kerry's car. - 0 0 0 - The sound of the wipers sweeping the rain rhythmically from the windshield echoed through the car. Simple questions about the city had been asked and answered, questions that held no personal attachment for them. There were so many questions that Kerry wanted to ask. They were on the tip of her tongue yet she did not know how to ask. "Kerry?" "Hmm." Kerry looked across at Margaret. Something in her tone told Kerry that she was going to tell her about her past. They were at an intersection, the lights red. "The lights are green." Margaret found she couldn't broach the subject in this surrounding, when Kerry's concentration was divided between them and her driving. Kerry was disappointed. The expectancy deflated and accelerated the car. In that moment, there was a resounding crash and she felt herself being thrown sideways towards the driver's side door as her car was hit directly on the passenger side by a car coming through the red light. The impact sent her car spinning one hundred and eighty degrees. Taking a deep breath and wincing at the pain radiating from her head, she automatically brought her hand up and fingered the area. Pulling her fingers away, she absently noted the blood. Then she looked sideways at Margaret. Blood seeped from a deep laceration to her forehead extending down the right side of her head. She was unconscious. Fear shot through Kerry. This could not possibly be happening. Not now. Releasing her seatbelt, she twisted towards Margaret and touched her face gently. "Margaret?" There was no response. "Mom? Come on, Mom. You can't die now." End Part 1