(Or: We've all seen them - so let's have some fun.)

I am a the world's most dedicated couch potato. I am the King Edward of indoor televisual entertainment. Even as I write the TV is on and proclaiming it's mind numbing-message not three feet from away from my computer monitor. But there are those amongst us who embrace real life, a life that exists outside of their front doors. They encompass all religious beliefs and none, including Christianity and Atheism. And a fair percentage of them must go to live sports events. I have had an idea for a little bit of Atheist fun.

We've all seen them - those religious nutcases who stand in the front row at sports events, holding up that sign:

(For God so loved the world...blah blah blah.)

Well, I have thought of an Atheist answer to the Christian froot loops:

Atheist sports fans - get your own back!

All you have to do at a sports event is sidle up to the advertiser of unsubstansiated Christianity belief, and hold up your sign - next to his.

One good sign could help get the message of the absurdity of Christian religious belief across. Especially if it's right next to the John 3:16. Here are a couple that you may care to try:

(No man hath seen God at any time.)

(No man hath ascended up to heaven...)

Of course the possibilities are endless, be creative, be rude, be absurd - just use a bible quote, the choice is yours.

I would love to see one (or more) on the TV this year, so Atheist sports fans, are you going to the Olympics, thinking of Wimbledon, or trekking to Euro 2000? Atheists, make your sign and make it big, take your sign and display it proudly. Search out the John 3:16. Wave your sign with one hand and wave a giant inflatable sheep with the other. Wear that old rainbow wig or the obscure jesters hat and fix your sign on top. Award yourself extra points for displaying your sign right next to a John 3:16. Any sightings will get a mention on this page, and probably cheese off millions of Christians no end! Email me the photo of your brave efforts and you will be guaranteed non-existence after you die, and a great big mention on this very page. Go on, you know it makes sense.

10th January 2001

This evening I was watching the World Darts Championship. The match between Ronnie Baxter and Martin Adams was going along nicely and Baxter was catching up. The camera panned accross the crowd and someone was waving a...

...around. He he. The implication being that Ronnie Baxter was the son of God. Brilliant. Ronnie Baxter won the match and went on to the next round. Which must mean that God exists, or he is in fact the Son of God.


© 2000, 2001 Martin J Burn - The English Atheist