Did you know?

(Or: Here's some stuff that you may have missed.)

Christian addition - the maths of loonydom


It wasn't until 1816 that the Catholic Church declared Inquisitional torture was no longer a valid practice. However, it wasn't until 1917 that the Codex Juris Canonici Papal Bull finally banned ordinary church sanctioned torture.


Father John Tolkien, son of JRR Tolkien, was a paedophile priest. He sexually abused Christopher Carrie of Solihull (near Birmingham, England), who was awarded £15,000 in compensation after he sued the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham for breaching its duty of care. Carrie was abused when he was a member of the 159th English Martyrs scout group in Sparkhill, Birmingham. Tolkien was the scoutmaster.


Reverend Bill Beaver is the head of communications for the Church of England! (See here for confirmation: http://www.churchnewspaper.com/news.htm - the information may not be up for long after 19th May 2001 due to the nature of the page.)


The word 'sackbut' appears in the Christian bible four times (in lists of musical instruments). The sackbut - the forerunner of the modern trombone - was not invented until the 11th century CE.


70% of the Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament.


According to Sharia law, Muslim men can divorce their wives by just pronouncing the word "Talaq!" to them three times in front of a witness. It is now possible to send a triple "Talaq!" via a text message and achieve the same result. The same privilege is not afforded to Muslim women.


In 1993, the toddler James Bulger was brutally murdered by the ten-year-olds Robert Thompson and Jon Venables. Both the murderers were pupils at St. Mary's Church of England school, Liverpool. The unusually horrific nature of their crime was described as "unparalleled evil".


Beethoven shunned religion and scorned the clergy.


The following is from a 2003 report in Portugals largest daily newspaper, Jornal de Noticias:

Hemorrhoid suffering pilgrims are forsaking conventional medicine and trekking to the town of Murtosa, Portugal. Once there, they rub their affected region(s) against a statue of St. Gonacalo, in the hope of relief.

(The 13th-century priest depicted in the statue was meant to be able to cure acne.)


At St Andrew's Church of England primary school in Keighley, West Yorkshire, 95 % of the pupils are Muslims.


The Catholic Church considers the Shroud of Turin to be a 14th century pious fraud.


From my dictionary:

Cretin / 'kretin/ n. person with deformity and mental retardation caused by thyroid deficiency; colloq. stupid person; cretinism n.; cretinous a. [F crétin (CHRISTIAN)]A picture of the real Jebus


According to extensive Franciscan research, there is no archaeological evidence of a settlement at Nazareth prior to the second century CE.


There is no biblical support for Sunday as being the day to set aside for worship.


After Mark Twain described Joseph Smith's novel The Book of Mormon as "chloroform in print" it was marketed as a new Bible.


Each instrument of torture used in the Holy Inquisitions was blessed by a priest before it's initial use.


The movies 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Psycho', and 'Buffalo Bill' from 'Silence of the Lambs' were (very loosely) based on the real-life character of Wisconsin christian serial killer Ed Gein (1906-1984). His mother was a strict christian and raised Gein in a highly religious environment. After his arrest, the following artifacts were discovered (amongst many disturbing others) at his house:

Lampshades made from human skin

A belt made from nipples

Four noses and a heart

A table with shin-bone legs

A human head

A bowl made from the top of a human skull

Salted female genitals in a shoe box

A pair of lips on a string curtain pull

A shirt of human skin complete with (real) female breasts

Shrunken heads on his bedposts

A suit made from human skin

The faces of nine women, mounted on a wall

A coffee can tom-tom with human drum 'skins'

A head with large nails hammered through each ear

Half-eaten meals of human flesh (in his fridge)

Ed Gein - christian serial killer

Ed Gein

Ed Gein's christian gravestone

Gein's christian gravestone

... amongst his other grizzly acts, he confessed to dancing around in the moonlight outside his house whilst wearing his mother's skin.


The English publishers who printed Thomas Paine's 'The Age of Reason' were jailed for blasphemy.


In the Islamic State of Mogadishu, Somalia it is illegal to impersonate Elvis without a beard.

The Pope taunts the gathered throng with a months supply of condoms.


The entrails removed during the embalming of all the popes since Pope Sixtus the Fifth are held in terracotta jars in the church of Santi Vincenzo ed Anastasio, opposite the Trevi fountain, Rome. But the mummified husks of the popes are held underground in the grotto at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.


During the third crusade King Richard I ate curried head of Saracen.


During a new embalming procedure first tried on pope Pius the Twelfth, his head turned black and his nose fell off.


Pope Gregory VII was 4ft 1in 'tall'.


Martin Luther suffered from chronic constipation. And haemorrhoids.


'Evil's agent' is an anagram of Evangelist.


According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the world ended in "1999 in the seventh month" due to a massive comet impact.


According to the Christian Bible, Jesus is NOT the Christian God's only begotten son.

Pope Adrian IV, fly killer.


At least 13 churches world-wide claim to own Christ's foreskin.


St Agatha is the patron Saint of sterility.


Pope Adrian IV, Nicholas Breakspear - the only English Pope - choked to death when he accidentally swallowed a fly.


Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia ate pages from the Bible - he was convinced that it would cure illness. In 1913 he died from a stroke whilst attempting to eat the entire Book of Kings.


Pope Alexander VI, Al Capone, King Herod of Judea, Pope Leo X, Adolf Hitler, Pope Julius II, John Milton, Benito Mussolini, Cardinal Richelieu and the Marquis de Sade were all syphilitics.


Sri Lanka has a temple dedicated to one of Buddha's teeth.


At his trial in February 1992, the Wisconsin cannibal Christian, Jeffrey Dahmer, admitted that he had performed Do-It-Yourself lobotomies on some of his victims. He was hoping to turn them into "zombie sex slaves".


Papaphobia is a fear of the Pope.


In the Christian Bible the only book that forgets to mention God is the Book of Esther.


In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the Christian Church declared a Holy War on cats. Ending in a Europe devoid of said felines. The rat population exploded, thus ushering in the Europe-wide plague.


St Dympna is the patron Saint of mental illness.


Between 1970 and 1980, the Vatican was the third most wealthy nation in the world behind America and Japan.


Pope Leo VII, Pope John VII, Pope John XIII and Pope Paul II all died during the act of sexual intercourse.


Before instituting his genocidal purges, Pol Pot was a novice Buddhist monk.


At the age of 80, in the year 483 BC, Buddha died from an intestinal haemorrhage. He had been eating a hot curry.


Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) was reputed to have committed his first murder at the age of 12.

...and in 1503 his last words were, "Wait a minute...".Hubert successfully predicts the continuation of everything.


The US-based Morris Cerullo World Evangelism Organisation predicted that the end of civilisation and the destruction of all sinners would occur in the year 2000.


Sex with animals was banned by the Christian church at the Council of Ankara in 314 CE. Adultery had been banned from the beginning.


"Hits the angel shite" is an anagram of "The English Atheist".


Crucifixion was a commonplace method of execution in the Roman occupied territories. The emperor Nero liked to nail up his victims in the upside-down position.


During World War II, priests often sprinkled Hitler's troops with Holy water. Soldiers of the Vermacht wore belt buckles inscribed with the following: "Gott mit uns" (God is with us).


The last date for executing a witch is:

Holland - 1610

England - 1684

America - 1692

France - 1745

Germany - 1775

Poland - 1793


St Denis is the patron Saint of syphilis.

...who is not to be confused with St Fiacre, the patron saint of non-specific venereal diseases and haemorrhoids.

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